ACCESSION CCC DEKADENCE DEPTH FOCUS DESIGN HOAXERS INSANE LOONIES MOUMZ NATURE NUKLEUS PANDA DESIGN PLANET JAZZ POWERLINE SCOOPEX THE GANG TULOU TRAKTOR UP ROUGH Y-CREW WE SLICE YOU NICE! z-crew presented the b-side a 64kb ocs-intro released at gerp 2014 code: super-hans music: optic super-hans graphics: lunix adellan so a few days ago we decided to see if we could understand the concept of making rubber-vectors. we managed to make a 180 x 180 pixels one but realised that all the clever guys have worked on their in several weeks if not months, so we decided to go for design instead. we hope you liked it now here is a crash course in -=+ finnish +=- perkele sanity is for pussies -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ think happy thoughts make happy tunes make fluffy code make jolly pixels and enjoy yourself because you live for your own pleasure -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ the end (warp)