< [\]^ > is proud to bring you their very first music diskette !! Coded by the magnificent URUZ with small font ripped and modified by KR@NUS the Ever-Living from the SPECTRUM Are you a Moron??? When the computer asks you to press any key, do you sit looking for the `ANY~ key?? Then throw away your computer and get a console (Atari 2600). CONSOLES - designed for morons who can't use a keyboard!! Ha Ha Ha This is the most magnificent demo released so far on the Amiga (well, almost) except for most of the others!! This is the second version of this demo, the first was released about 2 weeks ago but it was crap and it didn't have this tremendous small font in it!! It had a mixture of two different fonts which didn't work proper! Both of the small scrolls have been totally re-written for the benefit of me! (?) And now for sumthing completely the same... | { }}}}}}}}}} Pac-Flid the most amazing game ever!! currently only available on the Amstrad Console (Ha!) %%% That was my hearts! I have so many!! This scroll was typed by two lamers from the planet Gr_vurnSHHmitz We are the lamest of them all except for those Crap heads... RSI No only joking Mahoney & Kaktus are the lamest!! Only kidding my friends, take no offence, I mentioned you because you are the best!! The lamest group in the world is ALPS followed by YNKEE!! Right, now for a story One day I died the end! Kr_nus didn't die though coz he is the ever-living!! This scroll must say hello to GG of Dako House (alias @rjan Larsson) because he is Kr_nus's Swedish pen-pal! He is our Swedish spreader of this demo! (TNX) Unfortunately though, he has no Amiga!! @rjan... if you are reading this (and you'd better be) thanx for spreading it for us, you are probably reading it on one of you friends Amiga's so tell your friend to contact us as he obviously has taste in computers!! Kr_nus (Steve) says `Good luck with the disk interface and mousey!!~ Ok, less of this... As I sit here I am surrounded by crap!! Why?? Because I live in Britain!! This country is a slime-pit and it has as much use as something with not particuarly much use at all!! It is raining outside as usual and my bedroom windows are steamed up!! (?) My bedroom windows look out onto a scenic view of peoples back gardens! How lovely (I don't think) (I never think) Kr_nus is sat next to me so I thnik (thnik?) it is about time he teyepd something interfacial... I'd kill for an RS232 Spectrum +3 to Amiga link cord! This font took bloody hours to convert to decimal, write down and type into the Amiga! Yup, I'm Kr_nus, back with a warrant for Saddam Hussein's arrest! This computer's keyboard is playing tricks on me, or the editor is! It keeps refusing to take even the shortest of messages! Perhaps it's me, coz I'm used to a different keyboard. Hej to #GREENPEACE# for being brill!!! Oh, a cup of coffee..... Yum! Tastier than a lot of less tasty substances I could mention (ie Jase!!) So throw away your Amstrad GTX-4000 and buy an Amiga and a jumbo jar of Nescafe. (What?) Sorry, I go insane with a keyboard in front of me and nothing possibly intelligent to type. I could say `Coca Cola is it~ but I'd be advertising Coke and they wouldn't pay me! So try this....... `[\]^ is proud to present their latest adventure game.... Sam Spud and the Crazy Crystal Caper! Written by me with Graphics by me and Designing by me (with minimal help from my brother) Buy it!~ Okay, so the file became corrupt and BOOM! no more Text. Oh poo! was my cry when it told me `Mrs Brady (old Jean-Michel Jarre Metro~ Then I decided to pack it in and got a score of 7835 with 90 lines on Tetris. So, there you go! Never trust a computer with your life and soul! SLURP! Ah, lovely coffee! % That was a heart! We had so much trouble with that poxy heart it was hardly worth the trouble! Still, the things we do for love (by 10CC in about 1977) Oh no! Premenitions! }||||{ (c) 1982 Atari (Arcade) Plc Yak! Same as my old 48k dead cockroach! Better than a CBM 8032 anyday! (c) 1980 CBM SLURP! MMMM! Delicious! Damn fine coffee! Got any cherry pie? We're off out tomorrow night (that's 910103, phoex!) to `Wheelwrights~, a night-club the other side of Gloucester. That's where I first met %Natalie% but why should I tell you about her? No, well then, I won't. Let's all have a shin-dig with the latest GAZZA party record! Or, even better, BOMBALURINA! Brilliant! Sing along with Timmy `Utterly Brilliant~ Mallet and those two dancer type wimin! Hello to Matt P. Bielby of Your Sinclair! I didn't buy 80 pints, honest! And, of course, hi to my man GG in Karlskoga, the most EXPLOSIVE town in Sverige! (That was a bad pun) If anyone can give me a ticket to Sweden for about $0:00 then give me a big yell and I'll try and get you in the paper or on the radio or summut. I've got contacts EVERYWHERE! (Well, I once met a local DJ) >>>>>>>KR@NUS<<<<<<< probably the most skilled person in whatever he is skilled in (not as good at Z80 programming as Chris `I % GRASS~ Smith but still...) Norton (of ESA) Drop us a line, preferably with some demos on it! GG has my address, if he has finally managed to track you down after your `trouble~! If he hasn't, write to him again! If he has, grats to him!!!! Joke time.... What's the difference between a +3 and untreated sewage??? The sewage is still floating (Hehehehe!) Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool? No! (That was pathetic) Michaelangelo was an artist that spent most of his life on his back. Was he a PISS ARTIST???? (That was REALLY pathetic) What's the difference between a Skoda and a CBM 8032??? People admit to owning Skodas! (Fab!) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-guaranteed to piss you off for life! Ooops! I'm being evicted from this keyboard by Uruz See you later! Ha Ha I am back and I admit to owning a CBM 8032 with 64k ram expansion!! Oh no, the world has gone silent and everyone is staring at me!! These things just can't be helped!! I must quickly say a quick (or slow) hello to Paul and the rest at NBS pd service for providing me with lot's of disks... I hope that you put this one in your library!! For all of you who were wondering, I am the one who wrote the NBS demo so buy it!! Well, does anyone out there know of ANY Amiga group in Gloucester?? There doesn't seem to be one!! If you do know of one then PLEASE contact me!! If you don't know of one then contact me anyway! I also want to say hello to al those at JAM (Just Amiga Monthly) you are getting a copy of this demo with my subscription to your magazine when I get $20 saved up! Also hello's to all the other freax I know and anyone really! As this is our first music disk it uses DOS to load the files in! I could have used Trackdisk but my Trackdisk routine didn't work and I didn't have time to fix it, besides, using DOS requires less disk space!! This might seem to make the demo a bit lame but it isn't!! It is good and don't let anyone tell you any diffrint!!! I know that ROM is bugged and I don't use it often but this was an exception!! At least it's better than the Unlabelled demos!! (Ha Ha) In our next demo we will have totally unused before music and a decent Trackdisk loader (not a hardware loader coz I aint got time,(`A~ - levels are too strainuous!!) Maybe I should do a disk of Chip music??? Maybe not!! I have little else to say 2 U for now so I'll hand you over to our other member Daz... Hello Lamers Christmas has finished we are all 10 Stone heavier and $50 richer school starts in 5 Days so I had better start my homework tommorrow I would far sooner program than do homework I have just finished a (Megademo) disk which I shall be sending off to PD libraries tommorrow.... Kr_nus is sat next to me looking as stupid as normal (ie. not very stupid at all - Kr_nus) Uruz is playing with my BBC Model B when I say playing I mean he is playing FROGGER (this can hardly be called a game) I thought he said he hated games..... Uruz just said that he is going to hide and we have got to find him (I thought that 17 year olds didn't play that sort of game) well I suppose everybody to their own thing Lamers play games Uruz plays Hide and Seek Kr_nus plays Tetris I play find the Woman..... Hello to my last girlfriend Melanie when I say my last girlfriend I mean my last girlfriend (after her I wouldnt have anybody else) that is until the next girl I meet...... Kr_nus and Uruz are now playing with a plug.... Weird Kids Uruz is now doing and impression of Julian Sweet it is really realistic Jase is a Lamer everybody is a lamer except for the members of Eclipse We are all good proggers in our own fields ie. Me in Amos Basic Uruz in 68000 Assembler and Kr_nus in Z80A Assembler, Speccy Basic and GAC I can prog anything even a computer Why don't we learn Machine Code in Schools like Sweden do well I am going to leave this scroll now as I have Scroll Writers Block See Ya Lamers (C)1991 Daz Ha Ha it is me again the most advanced coder on the Amiga!! URUZ the amazing one!! Oh, I aint 17 years yet, 10 days to go and I will be!! Then I can drive a car !!! It is almost time to wrap up this scroll but not until we have had a message of Keef... THIS SCROLL IS DEDICATED TO BIG J.TURNER-MEGA BRAIN (DEAD).THE SAINTBRIDGE SIXTHFORM WHO DISPISE JONS-(BIG J.T) HAIRCUT AND HIS CLARINET (HU ZIB) HE IS LIKED SO MUCH THAT EVEN ALL THE TEACHERS HAVE A CONTRACT ON HIM... JONS FANS -(FAN) MR HAYWARD ONLY WHEN HE IS HIGH ON SOMETHING VERY STRONG....THATS ENOUGH OF J.T MEGA BRAIN,(DICK HEAD), LETS TALK ABOUT GOOD OLD EX-TARQUIN WHO WILL NO LONGER BE WITH US WHEN WE RETURN TO THE DUMP IN THE NEW YEAR.TARQUIN-MARK 2 WILL BE DEDICATED TO MONEY GRABBING..I WILL MISS OLD TARQUIN BECAUSE HE MALFUNCTIONED--BIG WORD--(WENT WRONG FOR THE INTELLECTUAL PERSONS) AND SHELLED OUT LOTS OF FREE DRINKS UNTIL HE GOT SWITCHED OFF INTERNALLY BY LIGHTBULB THAT WAS THE ONLY EXITING THING THAT HAPPENED LAST TERM APART FROM CUTTING J.T ENDLESSLY..BYESE BYE... Yeah, right on Keef dunno what your on about but who cares??? Not me... this is scrolltext where the limit is your imagination (great music) and your ability to type!! This is it! This is the end We can no longer go on!! Time to end... WRAP { }}}}} | This text is a breakthrough in modern technology!! Not really, it's been done before but never by me!! Instrux for this demo are simple... Use your funstick to move the arrow above to the correct disk. When you have selected the disk you want, press FIRE and the music will load. The name of the music and it's composer are shown under the big sine scroll along with a small message. I must keep this scroll short or I will run out of space on the disk besides, I am going out in 20 minutes and I won't have time to type any more of this shit! The musics are as follows: Disk 1 - DNA-Dream by 4-Mat of Anarchy Disk 2 - Imagination by Me Disk 3 - Mercury Wind by FleshBrain of Crusaders Disk 4 - Freefall by Fleshbrain of Crusaders Disk 5 - Christmas Mix by Me (Seasonal!!) Disk 6 - Empty Spaces by Dr. Awesome of Crusaders. Right, big thanks to all you musicians, I hope you don't mind me using your music I picked these tunes because they are my favourites! I hope you all enjoy them too. Uruz is off... Ahh, but I am back again! Now it is the day after our night out and we are just getting over the effects of extensive amounts of alcohol! Daz is now going to tell you all about our night out with Tarn, Julian, Keef and some girl called Phillipa! Go for it Daz... Hello Lamers as Uruz says I shall tell you all about last night.... Tarn invited use all to her 17th birthday party which was on the 3rd January 1991. She phoned me up making sure that we could all go Yes was my reply and we all looked forward to our night on the town. I went with Gar and Steve and we met Keef outside Wheelwrights Tarn and Julian arrived in a taxi (Late as usual) We all then went to a pub but they wouldnt serve us with drink on the grounds that we didn't have ID (They served me once - Uruz) so we went to another pub... This time we could buy drink Tarn was on Vodka and Lime (That was revolting) the other girl was on lager. By the time we left Phillipa (That was her name) was absolutely {{{{{{ out of her mind..... she couldnt walk in a straight line.. Mind you she had only had about 2 pints of lager.... We then moved onto Crackers Tarn had a few more drinks and she to became {{{{{{ out of her mind she couldnt stand up I don't think that she could even remember her name Anyway all us men (excluding Julian as he isnt a man) were perfectly sober Tarn started chatting up two girls for us butwe weren't interested we were to busy laffing at Tarn mind you Keef was all for chatting them up but none of us would go with him as we hate being setup.... As the night went on Tarn became even drunker she couldn't stand up unless two of use were holding her up (me and Julian that is (I could have held her up on my own but Julian was getting Jealous) so i didnt bother) Tarn was so far gone by the end of the night that was slurrrrrrring her words... She kept coming over to us and saying heeeeeeeeeellllllllllllloooooooooo in between going to the Toilet to throw up (Ha ha ha) She kept asking for a birthday kiss off of us... We responded of course but all the time Julian was getting more and more jealous he kept staring at me she kept saying Heeeeeeeellllllllllloooooooooooo we left Crackers as about 11:25 it took two of us (me and Julian) to get Tarn across the the road.... by now the other girl was almost sober.... her mum came and picked her up and it was just me, Gar, Steve, Keith, Tarn and Julian... Tarn had to be home by twelve so Julian walked her home to get her sober.... We waited Crackers until my Dad picked us up..... On the way home we Saw Tarn and Julian walking back she had just about sobered up (I think!!)...... But it was a good night anyway.... We are all looking forward to Gar's birthday Celebration Ha Ha doesnt that make a good story...... I drunk (no not yet) perhaps a sip more lager will tip me over the limit.... Haha yes Jase is the name being lame is the game..... Haha I be the best progger in Glouc nothing compare to me for size and lame power...... Jase Jase I love my name Ha Ha yes is everybody Happy I am happy because my Gandad just bought me a ferari it was only second hand though I thought he would buy me something more expensive.... Like a Porsche I like Devpac I don't know quite what it does I think it is an enhanced Editor instead if ED on the Workbench 1.3.2 (Pre-release) disk It has some funny menu commands such as Assemble and Run I still haven't worked out what they do... Genam is lame Amiga Dos is Fabby like me Ha ha Yes... Well thankyou Jase stick to what you are best at being lame not scroll text writing.... This is Daz of [\]^ signing off see in one of my other scrolls lamers See you.. Yes, it is me again The amazing Uruz. I see Daz was just telling you all about our night out with Tarn (Ha Ha). We had the birds flocking around us Ha Ha !!! I am looking forward to my 17th birthday party next week, it should be good!!! I do not feel the effects of alcohol. (Bollox - Daz) No, it is true, I can drink as much as I like and I never get drunk! The best part of last night was seeing Tarn drunk Ha Ha She'll never live it down! Philippa just acted drunk, no one can get drunk on 2.5 pints of lager (except Jase!!) I want to assemble this demo for the last time now but unfortunately Kr_nus wants to type some scroll so here he is... Ooh, I managed to get on to this scroll,then. [\]^ } { Last night was a bloody good laff! Tarn was out of it after about 10:45, and as you know, she spent most of her time saying `Hhhhhheeeeelllllllllloo!~ She was out of it...... Bit daft really, I don't approve of juvenile alcohol consumption It leads you to follow the devil's ways! I think scrolls with bad language are another path to Satan as well And Hi-de-hi is just as good as selling your soul to Bezelebub! (Well, perhaps most of that was Bullshit!) It's 22:55 We're several thousand miles from Chicago It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses HIT IT! Font Font Boing Boing Ping Ping [\]^ [\]^ } ||||| { etc. etc. Hello to anyone, I'm in a good mood (don't know what's the matter with me!) Heeelllooo! Hehehe Daz ripped the Dragon's loading music and he's really pleased with himself... (Shame it's SoundMon V2.0) Uruz coded this demo and is dead chuffed as well Daz has done a couple of Amos things that are fab and need to bought immediatly! I ripped this font and I don't care, I used my own program to get it, etc. etc. Uruz compiled the disk, Daz did the Hardware loader (hem hem) in Amos, I gave some moral support and Steve Etheridge pissed us off to infinity (and back). Oh, what a pleasant feeling that brings to the hearts of millions.... Tata (Kr_nus was yer) Yes I am back again (Uruz) but now we have to go! Most of this scroller was typed at Daz's and now it is time for me and Kr_nus to go home. I have to get up early tomorrow and go to work ($3 an hour Ha Ha) No, I'm sorry but I have to type some more, today is 5 Jan 1991, 7 days to my birthday (17 on 12th Jan!) I decided to add some more to this scroller because it goes faster than the top one and wraps tooo quickly! If you hadn't noticed, I rarely make spelling or punctuation mistakes in my scroll! That's because I'm amazing (Ha bloody Ha). I have been asked by my ex-English teacher to write a story for a competition! I'll have to type it on PenPal and get Daz to print it for me as I have no printer (yet!) The actual reason that I am typing this is because I think my sister is going to drop a sprog today, she is 5 days over due and looking quite massive!!! It is about time she had it so that I can be an uncle twice over!! My other sister has already had one and is also expecting another in March!! What a big family we're going to have! This means more birthday and Christmas pressies to but so less money for me! (Shame) Oh no, I've just remebered, back to skool on Monday (Today is Saturday), and I get no free-periods the whole day, I have Technology all morning and Physics all afternoon! It's about time I finished the homework, I've had three weeks to do it but I've been working on this demo instead!!! Programming is more fun than doing homework!!! What homework have I got??? I have to finish my exploded diagram of a Comp. Pro 5000 joystick!! I have to answer questions about Thermal Properties for Physics and I have reams of Maths to do!!! I hate it all!!! Keef has decided to leave the 6th form and I don't really blame him, if someone came and offered me a good enough job then I'd leave too, I just can't be bothered to spend the next two years at school! What makes it worse is the fact that it is an all boys school and full of gay lamers (except 6th form!!) There are only 5 girls who go there! Tarn is one of those and she only comes in Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons to do Technology!! the others are Joanne, Alice, Rosie and Lisa!!! What joy! Still, such is life I spose. Talking of girls, are there any female programmers out there, I'm sure there must be but I've just never come across any! If there are then I'd love to hear from you, most Amiga owners I know are male and LAME, all they use their wonderful machine for is Games, games are fine but you should use your Amiga for more productive things as well!! Anyway, if there are any female coders or artists or musicians out there then PLEASE contact me, I'm thinking of starting a game soon and I will need a graphician and musician. I can't start the game just yet though because I need more practice at coding in Assembly language, I had to teach myself how to program and it aint easy!!! The only programming we learnt at school was on a Link 480Z, in SPASAG GRAPHAG!! `WHAT?~ I said SPASAG GRAPHAG it is a language written specifically for our school and was simpler to use than BASIC!! It was a crap language so I modified for my own uses and did some programming that even our teacher didn't understand!!! That shows you how much of programming I learnt at school!! None at all. Everything I learnt, I taught myself! One day I will be a good coder, but for now I must be satisfied with being an average coder. This demo is not the most original! (I realise when I finished, how much the screen layout resembles Sounds of Gnome by Mahoney and Kaktus, it is coincidence honest!!) but it is my best effort to date, shame that I finished my Trackdisk loader after the demo was finished so I can't be bothered to change it. If anyone wants to send me some good music then I will compile a disk for you with a music demo all of your very own. As I said before, it would be nice to hear of some females on the scene instead of Males all the time. (I am 100% Hetero!!!) If you want to send me any money then go ahead, but bear in mind that it will all be forwarded to #GreenPeace# or # Friends of the Earth # This scroll is looking a bit longer now but still not long enough!! I'll tell you about some good books to read whilst files are Crunching or assembling or whatever. I have just finished the Earth's Children series by Jean M. Auel! They are all good, I have only read the first three and I am waiting for my sister to finish the fourth so that I can read that as well! I am reading a book called Scions of Shannara at the mo but I can't tell you how good it is coz I'm only on chapter 4!! Well, there you are!! I am getting bored with typing scroller even though I enjoy it! I have typed tooo much in my life and it is bginning to take it's toll coz I'm running out of bullcrap to tapp! Don't forget to write to me, even if you don't have a computer and you are just reading this at a friends house who is showing off his new Amiga 500 to you!! I can imagine the scene... Garfeldi has just had his new A500 for Christmas off his sweet Daddykins. When he opens the parcel and see's what it is he says `Oh thankyou very, very, very much Daddykins, look at this lovely machine and all these games, I'll take it upstairs and try it straight away...~ He sets it up and plugs it into his CTV and switches on. Then he reads the manual and a look of utter disbelief comes over his face!! He quickly runs downstairs to find his Dad... ~Oy, Daddykins you stupid piece of Fuck, where the bloody hell do you think my 8 meg expansion, 7 gig Quantum Harddrive, 8 external floppies, colour laser printer, 1024X1024 Multi sync colour monitor, Flicker fixer, accelerator card, stereo hi-fi, and novelty furry mouse house are???????~ he shouted. ` Wank yourself Garfeldi you spoilt shag, I'm skint after buying that frigging computer If you want all that stuff then you'll have to buy it yourself!!~ garfeldi didn't appreciate these comments so he kicked his Dad in the bollox and robbed a bank, then he bought lot's of equipment for his baby Amiga and lived happily ever after except for the fact that everyone hated him coz he was a spoilt bastard!!! The moral of this story is... Don't be a sppoilt bastard!!! Oh shit, I've just pulled the audio leads out the back of my Amiga, they are five metres long and go to the back of my midi hi-fi!!! The amplifier is connected to a pair of 150 watt per channel Goodman Mezzo's that can out-power anything in the neighbourhood!! I obtained all this kit myself though, second hand and it is all in good nick except the amplifier which sometimes crackles at me so I just tap the front several times and it is cured!! What I'm I going on about??? I need something good to type but I can't think of anything This scroll is looking very long now and my Devpac editor is going to run out of buffer space rather soon!!! I'll have to change the prefs for it!! This source code is about 120K long withour graphics or any music, just 120K of ascii text!!! It assembles into about 160K and crunches to about 45K!!! That's about 75 per-cent gain! Good huh... It crunches so well because it is a lot of scroll-text which crunches right down! The graphic data isn't tooo much, the logo above (drawn by me) is 8 colour 320x100 raw data, I wanted to make it 16 colour but it uses dual playield mode! The anim of my name is 8 frames, 26x36, 8 colours and the channel analysers are 26x23, 8 colours! The hardware sprites take up next to no memory at all! I'm glad to say that this demo runs on all Amigas, not just 1 meg ones, though pratically all Amiga owners have 1 meg or more now anyway Daz the lucky bastard has two megs, I have just 1 meg (A501) whcih I bought at the same time as my computer 18 months ago. The extra memory cost me $160!!!! What a rip off huh... Well, this is it. I cannot be bothered to type any more, at least now you have some idea of what I'm like! I'm a nice guy really (honest) and I hate devil worshippers!! if there are any devil worshippers out there reading this then FUCK YOU!!! Time to go... [\]^ [\]^ [\]^ 1991 Time for me!! WRAP WELCOME ALL THIS IS THE GREETINGS THE HELLO'S ARE CATAGORISED RIGHT BUTTON TOGGLES PRIORITY AMIGA COMPUTING GREEN JONH 'AJ' KENNEDY JOLYON RALPH JAM JEFF WALKER SAMI NILLSON JOE DAVE THE GOOD SAFFRON TREVASKIS YOUR SINCLAIR MATT BIELBY DUNC MACDONALD JOHN NORTH PHIL SOUTH MACCA MAD MORT DRUCKER SAM VIVIANO PAUL COKER JNR. HARRY NORTH ANTONIO PROHIAS SERGIO ARAGONES AL JAFFEE SIXTH FORM MEMBERS PERCY KEITH STU DALE JASE ANDRE TARN JO JON T. (ZIBBY B.) CHRIS T. FAT POCKET ALICE JAMES SMITH BARRY EVANS NIK JAMES ALI BAILEY BARNABY MANSFIELD PETER YARRANTON JOHN REDFERN STEPHEN MARKWELL RICHARD BULPIN LEON ROBERTS THE GOON TEACHERS MR. RUNDLE NICK BALDWIN MR. LAMBERT MR. BARTER MR. WILTSHIRE MR. WILSON MR. HAYWARD MR. YOUNG MRS. DAWSON MR. ELLISON JOHN H SMITH (HM) MR. ASTON MR. HAIRDRYER(!) MR. PIBWORTH MUSIC TANGERINE DREAM 808 STATE PAUL SIMON JEAN-MICHEL JARRE VANGELIS MIKE OLDFIELD BETTY BOO MC HAMMER MC TUNES MC ZIBBY B. DEPECHE MODE FLESHBRAIN DE LA SOUL CODERS DELTA MAHONEY URUZ DAZ KR@NUS ATOM KREATOR GG NORTON (ESA) VANDAL TOM LANDSPURG PSYCHO JOLYON RALPH FRANCOIS LIONET EL CUBO DAN SILVA ZZKJ JEZ SAN GROUPS MAHONEY AND KAKTUS RED SECTOR CRUSADERS ANARCHY UNDERWARE PRODUCTIONS IPEC ELITE DEF JAM SILENTS MIRACLE BUD BRAIN CAVE DRAGONS PUSSY D-MOB REBELS SCOOPEX ANTHROX SAE HORIZONS DEATHSTAR MIRAGE UK INNER CITY MECHANICAL MINDS DAKO HOUSE RAF ESA SUBWAY MISC { NBS Public Domain { SEVERN SOUND BOB MACKENZIE ALL MUMS AND DADS ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL STEP-PARENTS ALL GRANDPARENTS ALL OTHER RELATIVES ALL FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS % TARN % FOR PUTTING UP WITH US URUZ'S PERSONALS DAZ KR@NUS AGNUS DENISE PAULA ODD/EVEN CIA 68000 SAM EMMA TARN DONNA JOANNE ALICE LORRAINE MY FAMILY ME MOGWAI COSMO DALE BANNY KEITH JULIAN JASE PLUS ALL THOSE BELOW DAZ'S PERSONALS ME URUZ KR@NUS TARN KEITH JULIAN DONNA SAM JOANNE + SARAH PARKE MELANIE BECCY JONATHAN BURBAGE EMILY ANDY TRACY NEIL + ADAM JASE DALE ANDRE LYNN PAULA KR@NUS'S PERSONALS EVERYONE ELSE WHOS MENTIONED BEFORE AND THESE... THE SEVERN SOUND MOB EMF RICHARD DE PELLEY THE HAPPY MONDAYS UNCLE CLIVE SINCLAIR ATLANTIC 252 TARN (AGAIN?) JON DAVIES GG OF DAKO HOUSE NORTON OF ESA EIGHT O EIGHT STATE MC TUNES XTRA GREETS TARN DONNA SAM ALL GOOD LOOKING FEMALES THE END SORRY IF WE MISSED YOU NOW FOR A LIST OF WHO WE LOVE TARN (URUZ + DAZ) NATALIE (KR@NUS) ALICE (JASE) CARLA (KEEF) SARAH (DAZ) JOANNE P (DAZ) DONNA (DAZ + URUZ) THE GOON (NO ONE) NICOLA (URUZ) TARN (URUZ + DAZ) JO (JASE) BECCY (DAZ) TRACY (DAZ) NICOLA (URUZ) KATE (KEEF) ANY PRETTY GIRLS (DAZ + URUZ) THE AMIGA (DAZ + URUZ) UNCLE CLIVE (KR@NUS) MARIA WHITTACKER (DAZ + URUZ) SAM (DAZ + URUZ) MR RUNDLE (HIS WIFE) ROSIE (POCKETT (FAT)) LYNN (DAZ) CHRIS THOMAS (JON TURNER) MRS DAWSON (URUZ) EMMA (URUZ) TARN (DAZ + URUZ) BETTY BOO (KR@NUS) NICOLA (URUZ) ANTI-GREETS THE KINGS SQUARE SINGER ALL NON 6TH FORMERS AT SAINTBRIDGE YNKEE UNLABELLED ALL CRAPS ORIC 1 OWNERS 8032 OWNERS (ME!!) THE HARDWARE WE USED AMIGA 500 CBM A501 GOODMANS CTV RF302C DISKDRIVE A808 RODENT SPECTRUM +3 NEC A225ME NEC K335ME ROTEL RP855 GOODMANS MEZZO JVC HA D600 MASTERSOUND KETTLE THE SOFTWARE WE USED DEVPAC 2.14 DPAINT III IFFCONVERTER NOISETRACKER 1.0 + 1.2 PUSSYRIPPER MASTERSOUND SAMPLER DISKMON DISKMASTER POWERPACKER AMIGADOS OTHER DEMOS (INSPIRATION) ARTIST II ECLIPSE FONT RIPPER Now for the Demo credits First Part Logo - Andre Music - Uruz Code - Uruz This Part Graphix - Uruz Music - Varius Code - Uruz Small font - Kr_nus End Part Object - Uruz Music - Dr. Awesome Code - Uruz IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT US TO ASK US OUT (NICE GIRLS ONLY PLEASE) THEN WRITE TO US OR FONE US ON GARETH JAYNE 47 KING EDWARDS AVENUE GLOUCESTER GL1 5DF TEL (O452) 417842 DARREN ETHERIDGE 9 ARMSCROFT PLACE GLOUCESTER GL2 OSW TEL (0452) 26138 STEVE ANDERSON 108 STANLEY ROAD GLOUCESTER GL1 5DH TEL (0452) 302579 PLEASE PLEASE WRITE AS ME (DAZ) AND URUZ ARE DESPERATE FOR WOMEN the end DNA DREAM BY 4-MAT OF ANARCHY THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITES IMAGINATION BY URUZ OF ECLIPSE OK SO IT'S NOT AS GOOD AS STUFF BY FLESHBRAIN OR DR. AWESOME BUT I'M A CODER NOT A MUSICIAN MERCURY WIND BY FLESHBRAIN OF CRUSADERS ANOTHER OF MY FAVOURITES FREEFALL BY FLESHBRAIN OF CRUSADERS YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE AMIGA COMPOSER FEEL FREE TO SEND ME MUSIC I ESPECIALLY LIKED YOUR GROUPS BACTERIA DISK CHRISTMAS MIX BY URUZ OF ECLIPSE NOTE TO 4-MAT OF ANARCHY THIS WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO BE YOUR PHANTASMAGORIA MUSIC BUT I COULDN'T FIT IT ON THE DISK EMPTY SPACES BY DR. AWESOME I THOUGHT THIS WAS BRILLIANT AND VERY CLEVER YOUR MUSIC IS ALSO SOME OF MY FAVOURITE ON AMIGA HELLO NERDS AM I PLEASED TO SEE YOU OR HAVE I GOT A CANOE IN MY POCKET!! WELCOME TO THE VERY FIRST DEMO FROM THAT GENIUS OF PROGRAMMING $ GAZZA OH NO, NOT GAZZA!! ACTUALLY, IT WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY >ECLIPSE< OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE - 8-12-90 COMPUTER SHOPPER SHOW WE WERE THERE! THIS DEMO WAS CODED BY THE MASTER OF AMIGA (BASIC) URUZ DUE TO AN ORIGINAL IDEA BY KR#NUS WHO OBTAINED THE TICKETS TO THE SHOW! THE OTHER MEMBER AND GENERAL BRILLIANT CODER DAZ THE GRAFICAL REPRESENTATION ALSO BY URUZ! THIS IS THE FUNKIEST DEMO RELEASED FROM GLOUCESTER IN FACT, THIS IS THE ONLY DEMO RELEASED FROM GLOUCESTER, IN FACT, THIS IS THE ONLY THING EVER TO COME FROM GLOUCESTER EXCEPT FOR LOTS OF COW % !!! GLOUCESTER IS GENERALLY %%%% EXCEPT FOR A FEW THINGS LIKE SEVERN SOUND RADIO AND THE CATHEDRAL (AND US OFCOZ) !! THIS NEW GROUP HAS THREE MEMBERS: ME (URUZ) THIS KID SITTING NEXT TO ME (KR#NUS) AND ANOTHER AMIGA FREAK (DAZ) WHO IS SITTING IN HIS NICE WARM HOUSE, ABOUT 4.832 KILOMETRES AWAY (APPROXIMATELY) WE ARE THE ONLY FREAKS IN GLOUCESTER, MOST PEOPLE IN GLOUCESTER PLAY GAMES AND DO SOD ALL ELSE, BUT WE ARE CONSTRUCTIVE! DAMN FINE COFFEE! DAMN DAMN FINE COFFEE!! C O F F E E COFFEE YUMMY GREAT LUMPS OF COFFEE BIG, JUICY LUMPS OF COFFEE (WITH NO SUGAR!) ENOUGH... WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? (CRAP QUESTION MARK!) WE ARE THE CLEVEREST A-LEVELERS IN GLOUCESTER (EXCEPT JOHN REDFERN, BUT HE DOESN'T COUNT!) WE GO TO THE ULTIMATE SCHOOL (%) IN GLOUCESTER (%%) WE GO TO SAINTBRIDGE WHAT MORE CAN I SAY? (%) HUM, TIME TO MOW THE LAWN * AND AGAIN * * TWO MOWERS (%) THANX TO DUNCAN MACDONALD ARRRRGGGGHHHHH IT'S COMING FOR ME HELP ME HELP MEEEEEEE NO, GOD PLEASE $ GAZZA HAS COME FOR ME I CAN'T STAND IT NO MORE NO, NO, NO! GO AWAY YOU IDLE YOUTH (%) HE'S TAKING OVER MY BRAIN I AM TURNING INTO HIM I MUST SING COME ON UP AND GET ON DOWN EVERYBODY DO THEIR THING YOU'VE ALL GOT TO TAKE A % WHEN YOU HEAR THOSE GEORDIES SING OH NO, I'M SINGING A CRAP SONG GET OUT OF MY BRAIN $ GOOD, HE HAS GONE SO NOW IT IS TIME FOR SOME TOPICAL BULLSHIT FROM KR#NUS HIT IT OH BLOODY HELL DO I HAVE TO????? (%) OH WELL, I MAY AS WELL MAKE THE MOST OF MY SLOW, INACCURATE TYPING (HURRY UP, TWIN PEAKS IN 20 MINUTES! - URUZ) OKAY, DON'T % YOURSELF HERE I AM PUNCHING KEYS ON URUZ'S SAMMY (OOOOHHHH) WITH VERY LITTLE TO SAY OTHER THAN...... THE STRANGE 8X8 FONT IS MINE (SORT OF) IT WAS PART RIPPED FROM A PROGRAM ON THE +3 (OH GOD DON'T REMIND ME) AND PART MADE BY ME ME! - URUZ) YEAH YEAH OKAY! NEVER MIND, I'M SWEDISH YOU KNOW!!!!! (BULLSHIT - URUZ) UH HURDIE GURDIE HURDIE GURDIE D#DEN D#DEN HOHOHOHO SEEE, I AM! OKAY, SO MY PENFRIEND IS IS (HI GG BY THE WAY) (HOPE YOU CAN SPREAD THIS WELL AND GOOD LUCK WITH THE MAC) RIGHT! ENOUGH IDLE CHIT-CHAT AND THE SUCH, IT HAS TO BE SAID THAT JON IS A KNOB AND DON'T FORGET IT!!!! PISS OFF BARNFIELD, YOU SHAG YOUR MOTHER (YUCK - URUZ) THANX (YOU'RE WELCOME - URUZ) WHAT A WANKER BARNFIELD IS EH HE CALLS CHRIS SMITH A KNOB! PAH! CHRIS CAN PROGRAM, BARNFIELD! (UNLIKE YOU AND YOUR % ST) FAST! CHECK OUT THE ST USER GROUP HE GOES TO YOU MAY FIND THE RESULTS DISTURBING (HA HA HA!) KR#NUS IS OFF AND I AM BACK THIS SCROLL MUST SOON BE ENDED SO THAT WE CAN GO AND WATCH TWIN PEAKS, WE WILL CONTINUE IT TOMORROW NO DOUBT! I WANT TO SAY A MASSIVE THANKYOU VERY KINDLY TO JOL RALPH FOR WITHOUT HIM, THIS DEMO COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE! FOR ALL OF YOU WHO WERE AT THE COMMODORE CHRISTMAS SHOW ON THE SATURDAY, WE WERE THERE - YOU WOULD RECOGNISE US BECAUSE I HAD ON A NICE RED SKIING JACKET AND WAS CARRYING A % CANVAS RUCKSACK, KR#NUS WAS WEARING A WAX JACKET AND HAD A % NYLON RUCKSACK AND DAZ WAS WEARING A GREEN SKIING JACKET AND WAS CARRYING A % INVISIBLE RUCKSACK! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WERE IN THE AMOS CONFERENCE, I WAS THE ONE WHO SHOUTED CYAN REALLY LOUD AND THEN FELT STUPID ALSO, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WERE AT THE ICPUG CONFERENCE, WE WERE THE ONES WHO CAME IN LATE (BET YOU THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO MAKE TROUBLE) AND THEN SAT THERE LOOKING INTELLIGENT YES JOLYON RALPH, WE SAW YOU IN THERE TOO, YOU DIDN'T LOOK HOW I IMAGINED YOU WOULD FROM YOUR AC ARTICLES GREEN OF AMIGA COMPUTING I SAW YOU, YOUR BEARD SUITS YOU (NO IT DOESN'T - KR#NUS) AND AUNTIE AJ, YOU LOOKED UHM SHORTER THAN I THOUGHT! HOW MANY OF YOU AT THE SHOW WERE HARASSED BY A SMALL WOMAN FROM SILICA SHOP? SHE MUST HAVE BEEN ATTRACTED TO OUR AMAZING GOOD LOOKS! MESSAGE TO HYDLIDE OF ASPHYXIA, WERE YOU THE KID WITH THE CURLY HAIR, PLUGGING NOISETRACKER 1.2 AT A CERTAIN PD STAND? WE BOUGHT A COPY (%) BUT I PREFER 1.0 IF THAT WASN'T YOU THEN WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY DO YOU ALWAYS USE ROMEO KNIGHT'S INSTRUMENTS? BUY A SAMPLER AND MAKE YOUR OWN! OH WELL, TIME TO END FOR NOW, TWIN PEAKS HAS JUST STARTED! OK, I'M BACK AGAIN, IT IS NOW THE NEXT DAY AND I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM SCHOOL! HOW WONDERFUL (%) THE CRAFT AND DESIGN TEACHER HAD A DEMONSTARATION IN OF A 25000 POUND IBM GRAPHICS COMPUTER! APART FROM THE 1024 X 1024 HI-RES DISPLAY, I DIDN'T SEE THAT MACHINE DO ANYTHING THAT MY BABY AMIGA CAN'T DO, AND IF YOU COMPARE IT TO AN EXPANDED 3000 WITH ECS, GRAPHICS CARD AND HARD DRIVE, THEN THERE IS NO COMPARISON AND THE AMIGA SYSTEM WOULD COST HALF THE PRICE, BESIDES, OUR SCHOOL CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY OUT 25 GRAND ON A POXY IBM, IT SHOULD BUY IN AMIGAS AND GIVE ITSELF A GOOD NAME. IT IS UP TO ME TO CONVINCE THEM ALL WHAT A MISTAKE IT WOULD BE TO BUY THE IBM % WELL, IT IS NOW 20 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, A WEEK TOMORROW IS THE 6TH FORM CHRISTMAS NIGHT CLUB THING, WHAT FUN! THE TIME IS 23 TO 5 SO MY RADIO HAS JUST TOLD ME! I'M LISTENING TO ROGER TOVELL ON SEVERN SOUND, GLOUCESTERS BEST, RADIO GLOUCESTERSHIRE IS CRAP! I MUST SOON STOP THIS TEXT TAPPING, IT HURTS MY EYES, I HAVE NO MONITOR, I ONLY HAVE A TV WHICH FLICKERS WITH RED LINES GIVING ME A SEVERE HEAD ACHE! LIFE FEELS GOOD THOUGH! WHAT AM I LOOKING AT ON THIS SCREEN? WELL, JUST BELOW THIS TEXT ON MY DEVPAC 2.14 TEXT EDITOR, I SEE THE POINTER TO THE SINTABLE FOLLOWED BY THE SINTABLE ITSELF THAT IS USED FOR THIS SCROLLY! INTERESTING HUH? NO, OK IT'S NOT SO I'LL STOP! NOW FOLLOWING ARE THE DETAILS OF OUR WORLD TOUR! WE VISITED SWEDEN, FRANCE, PORTUGAL, GERMANY, SPAIN, CHINA, DENMARK, AND ITALY WHEN WE ARRIVED AT SWEDEN, ME KR#NUS AND DAZ WERE FEELING A BIT RANDY SO WE WENT UP TO ONE OF THE NICE SWEDISH POLICEMEN AND SAID VAR FINNS EN ORGIE? HE GAVE US A FUNNY LOOK AND WALKED OFF! DUNNO WHY THOUGH! SO DAZ WENT UP TO A WOMAN AND SAID VAR AR 'RED LIGHT' OMRADET SHE SLAPPED HIM IN THE FACE! WHAT A SILLY COW! NEXT WE WENT TO FRANCE, WE WERE STILL RANDY SO KR#NUS SAID TO A PASSING WOMAN JE T'EN PRIE, PREND MA BITE. HER REPLY WAS FOUS LE CAMP! WHAT AN INSULT NEXT COUNTRY ON THE LIST WAS PORTUGAL SO OFF WE WENT BY NOW, WE WERE SOOOO RANDY, WE WERE DESPERATE I WNADERED UP TO A WOMAN AND SAID SOU MASOQUISTA; PREUS DUM SADICO. ZERO RESPONSE, AHHHHH, I WAS SPEAKING TO A SHOP DUMMY! SHIT! %! HAD TO GET OUTTA PORTUGAL QUICKLY COS IT WAS CRAP, NEXT WE WENT TO GERMANY, BOUND TO GET SOME HERE... THIS TIME I WAS IN LUCK, A SWEET LADY CAME UP TO ME AND SAID ZEIG' MIR WAS DU MAGST. I REPLIED ICH VERSTEHE KEIN WORT VON WAS DU SAGST. LASS UNS NUR BUMSEN. SHE SEEMED HAPPY WITH THIS SO OFF WE WENT FOR A HARD NIGHT. THIS STILL LEFT DAZ AND KR#NUS SO I ASKED THE LADY IF SHE HAD ANY FRIENDS, SHE SAID YES SO WE ALL WENT OFF. WHEN WE GOT TO HER HOUSE (SHE WAS RICH!) SHE SAID ICH SCHJAGE GERN. SO I HAPPILY OBLIGED! AFTER OUR 8 HOURS OF PURE, UNDISTURBED SEX, I SAID BIST DU GEKOMMEN? BIST DU BEFRIEDIGT? SHE SAID DANKE, DAS WAR HERRLICH. FOLLOWED BY ICH LIEBE DICH. I JUST SAID ICH LIEBE DICH NICHT, ABER DU BIST GROSSARTIG! AND THE REST, AS THEY SAY, IS HISTORY! OK, OK, OK SO THE WORLD TOUR BIT WAS BULLSHIT, THANKS TO THE SEX MANIACS DIARY FOR THE PHRASES THOUGH! NOW VERDWIJN WHILST I GO AND EAT MY TEA.... WELL, THIS IS IT... THIS SCROLLY IS COMING TO IT'S END, I HAVE THE GREETINGS LIST TO TAPP AND THE SMALL SCROLL THIS TAPPING IS GOING TO MY HEAD I AM GOING INSANE OK, SO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS HOT RELEASE?? NOT BAD FOR A FIRSTY HUH? (%) WHADDYA MEAN CRAP?? LET'S PAUSE A SEC... % FELT GOOD DIDN'T IT! I THINK SO HE THINKS SO! I HOPE YOU THNIK (THNIK?) SO! RIGHT, MUST SEND A FEW PERSONAL GREETS... BEEEEEEEEEEEG HELLO TO ALL THOSE WHO KNOW ME IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME THEN WHY NOT? CONTACT ME FOR BERTRAM'S SAKE! BEEEEEEEEG THANKS TO ANDRE FOR THE STARTUP LOGO, THANX ALOT, IT'S GREAT! AMAZINGLY BIG THANX TO FLESHBRAIN OF THE CRUSADERS AND 4-MAT OF ANARCHY... YOUR MUSIC IS BRILLIANT (AND I MEAN BRILLIANT!) SO PLEASE TAKE IT AS A COMPLIMENT THAT IT IS ON OUR DISK. IF YOU WANT TO SEND ME SOME MORE OF YOUR MUSIC, THEN FEEL FREE, I COULD DDO WITH SOME CONTACTS, THERE ARE NEXT TO NONE IN GLOUCESTER !!! WHILST I AM HERE (I MUST GO TO BED SOON, MATHS TEST TOMMOROW (ARGGGHHH)) I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGISE FOR THE SONG DODEN! IT WAS KR#NUS'S IDEA, NOT MINE, I JUST COMPOSED IT! IN FACT, I DECIDED TO BIN IT, TOO SHORT YET TOO LONG! WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A PIECE CALLED THE MUSIC MAKER ON THIS DISK BUT I RAN OUT OF ROOM THE MUSIC MAKER WAS 350 K LONG AND WAS TURNED DOWN BY THREE MAJOR RECORD COMPANIES! WE SENT IT TO POLYDOR, CHRYSALIS AND RYTHM KING, WE GOT A REPLY FROM CHRYSALIS AND POLYDOR BUT % ALL FROM RHYTHM KING! IF YOU WANT A COPY OF THIS BRILLIANT PIECE OF MUSIC THEN CONTACT ME AT GARETH JAYNE 47 KING EDWARDS AVENUE GLOUCESTER GL1 5DF ENGLAND TEL (0452) 417842 IF YOU MISSED THAT THEN RESET AND LOOK AT MEMORY WITH A MEM-SEARCHER (PUSSY RIPPER IS A GOOD ONE COZ IT CAN PLAY MUSIC AT THE SAME TIME!) BIG THANKZ TO TANGERINE DREAM, THE BEST GROUP ON THE PLANET, FOR KEEPING ME SANE WHILST I PROGRAMMED LATE INTO THE NIGHT! SOON IT IS TIME FOR ME TO BED I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP BUT THIS DEMO MUST BE FINISHED BY TOMMOROW NIGHT SO THAT IT IS READY FOR THE SHOW ON SATURDAY! % I HAVE TO ASSEMBLE THIS AND THEN COMPILE THE DISK, UNFORTUNATELY, THE VERTICAL SCROLL ISN'T FINISHED YET BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T FINISHED THE GREETS LIST! SUCH IS LIFE! IF THIS SCROLL CONFUSES YOU THEN I WILL TELL YOU WHY... IT WAS TYPED OVER THE PERIOD OF FOUR DAYS AND I HAVEN'T MENTIONED VERY WELL, WHEN IT STARTS AND STOPS! AFTER THE SCROLL SAID I AM GOING INSANE I FINISHED LAST NIGHT AND WHEN IT SAYS OK, SO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS HOT RELEASE?? THAT IS WHEN I RESTARTED TODAY!! SIMPLE YA SEE %%% VERY SIMPLE, A BIT LIKE ME REALLY! THIS IS IT, TIME TO POWER DOWN (SAVE THIS FIRST) AND THEN GO TO BED, I WILL CONTINUE TYPING TOMMORROW IF I HAVE TIME (I WILL MAKE TIME!) GOODNIGHT AND GOD BLESS YOU! DATE TODAY IS 7-12-90, AT DAZ'S ABODE, SO IT IS TIME FOR HIM TO TYPE, THIS IS HIS COMPUTER, NOT MINE! HIT IT: I HATE COMMODORE COMPUTERS BECAUSE THEY ATRE ALWAYS GOING WRONG ON ME TODAY MY DF1: BROUGHT UP CHECKSUM ERRORS ON EVERY TRACK OF A PERFECTLY GOOD DISK AND THEN MY POWER SUPPLY PLUG IN THE BACK OF THE COMPUTER MUST HAVE A FEW DRY JOINTS ON IT AS IT IS FOREVER RESETING ITSELF. WELL I OWN THIS COMMODORE 8032 THING IT IS REALLY % THERE IS A KNOB AT SCHOOL WHO WANTS TO BUY IT OFF ME ALONG WITH THE 17 MEGATONNE DISK DRIVES AND THE REALLY HUGE PRINTER WELL THIS KID IS A COMPLETE KNOB HIS FAVORITE SAYING IS 'HU ZIB' ANYBODY WHO WANTS TO BUY A COMMODORE 8032 MUST BE BRAIN DEAD AND THAT FITS THE DESCRIPTION OF JONATHON TURNER EXACTLY. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT JON TURNER THEN LOOK OUT FOR THE JONATHON TURNER MEGADEMO CODED BY MYSELF AND URUZ WITH GRAPHICS BY KR#NUS....... WELL ARE THERE ANY NICE GIRLS OUT THERE AGED BETWEEN 15 AND 18 WHO ARE INTRESTED IN COMPUTERS THEN DONT HESISTATE TO WRITE TO US AT THE ADDRESSES AT THE END OF THE SCROLL......... URUZ WAZ MADLY IN LOVE WITH A GIRL CALLED NICOLA UNFORTUNATELY TODAY HE FOUND OUT THAT SHE ALREADY HAD A BOYFRIEND, HE IS VERY UPSET. $$$$$$$ GAZZA IS A PRAT $$$$$ *** *********** * OH A FLEET OF LAWN MOWING THINGS. TARN WHY ARE YOU SO IN LOVE WITH JULIAN HE DOESNT EVEN WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU HE TOLD ME SO TODAY....... I CODE IN AMOS BASIC IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY GOT A COPY OF IT THEN GET ONE!!!!!! AS WELL AS ASSEMBLER ON THE BBC MICRO AND I KNOW SOME 68000 MACHINE CODE (SOME THAT IS) JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE JASE OH NO NOT THAT NAME AGAIN JASE IS A TOTAL LAMER HE THINKS THAT USING PENPAL IS PROGRAMMING. LETS GET BACK ONTO THE SUBJECT OF NICOLA AND GARETH THEN AGAIN LETS TALK ABOUT TARQUIN OUR COFFEE MACHINE IT IS %%%%% EVEN THE COFFEE TASTES LIKE %% BUT WE ALL NEED THE CAFFINE CONTENT OF IT TO COPE WITH TALKING TO KEEF ABOUT SCHOOLWORK... I HATE MAFS I ALSO HATE MR RUNDLE. (I LOVE HIM! - URUZ) THANX GARETH I'LL KICK U UP AFTER FINISHING TYPING THIS SCROLL TEXT TARN JUST SMILES AT MR RUNDLE AND HE GIVES HER AN A+++++++++ AND HE GIVES ME AN F--------------. KEEF LOVES TARN (NO I LOVE TARN, NO TARN LOVES JULIAN) JASE LOVES JOANNE.... OH BY THE WAY HELLO TO JOANNE AND SARAH PARKE (SORRY I HAVEN'T PHONED FOR ALONG TIME BUT I COULDNT BE BOVERED) TARN YOU'VE GOT A LOVELY SMILE GARETH JUST SAID HES GONE MAD IT MUST BE BECAUSE OF NICOLA (HA HA HA HA HA HA) HELLO TO MELANIE..... GARETH IS MAKING FUNNY GROANING NOISE JUST THINKING ABOUT NICOLA... HELLO TO ME LOOK OUT FOR MY NEXT DEMO CODED IN AMOS IT WILL BE GOOD ITS JUST A MATTER OF FINDING TIME TO CODE IT WITH ALL MY A LEVEL STUDIES IN FACT I JUST COPY KEEF'S WORK BECAUSE HE IS SO CLEVER. I HAD A MATHS TEST TODAY IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE LIKE ALL MATHS IS IF YOU ARE THINKING OF DOING A-LEVELS THEN DONT TAKE MATHS UNLESS YOUR NAME IS KEEF!!!!!! GAR IS DRAWING A PICTURE OF JULIAN ON MY BLACKBOARD, IT IS TERRIBLE. I SHALL NOW TELL YOU ALL A STORY THERE WAS A GIRL CALLED TARN SHE IS REALLY PRETTY KEEF FANCIED HER LIKE MAD SO HE PHONED HER UP AND ASKED HER OUT SHE SAID NO!!!!!!! THEN ONE DAY A BOY CALLED JULIAN SWEET CAME ALONG SHE FANCIED HIM LIKE MAD BUT SHE DIDNT WANT ANYBODY TO KNOW... BUT I GUESSED I THINK THAT IT WAS THE WAY THAT SHE LOOKED AT HIM THAT GAVE HER AWAY. SO I ASKED HER SHE SAID SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM SO THAT I MADE SURE HE NEW.... FINALLY HE RANG HER UP AND ASKED HER OUT SHE AGREED IMMEDIATELY... JULIAN IS NOT A REAL STUD HE IS MORE INTERESED IN HIS GIROSCOPE THAN WOMEN..... TODAY I ASKED HIM WHAT HE THOUGHT OF TARN HE TOLD ME THAT HE WASNT GOING OUT WITH HER THIS CAME AS A SHOCK TO ME. IT MEANS THAT TARN IS GOING TO BE VERY UPSET WHEN SHE FINDS OUT. JASE YOUR NOT RICH, YOUR GRANDAD IS THOUGH. KEEF I COULD SET YOU UP WITH ALICE SCHWARZENEGGER IF YOU WANT (NO PERHAPS NOT), STU HOWS YOUR 18 YEAR OLD BIT OF STUFF.... JASE HOWS JO (YOU ARE REALLY IN LOVE WITH HER ARNT YOU)...... WELL MY FINGERS ARE GETTING SORE NOW I HOPE THAT YOU ARE ALL BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS BECAUSE THIS SCROLL TEXT IS SO LONG.... ENJOY THE REST OF THIS DEMO SEE YOU IN ANOTHER SCROLL (C)1990 DAZ WELL, WELL, THIS IS ALMOST THE END OF THIS SCROLL, TIME TO WRAP IT UP AND SAY GOODBYE (%) SEE YOU ALL IN MY NEXT PRODUCTION - URUZ BYE WHADDYA WANT THEN LAMER, IT'S TIME TO GO, FINNITO, THE END, SOD OFF! WRAP OH WELL, ALRIGHT THEN, WE'LL TYPE SOME MORE STUFF FOR YOU COZ WE'VE GOT SOD ALL ELSE TO DO! LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT NICOLA-JAYNE... SHE'S REALLY PRETTY, WITH BLONDE HAIR, QUITE SHORT, WITH A SQUEEKY VOICE , BUT REEEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY GOOD LOOKING! REALLY REALLY GOOD LOOKING.. , OH GOD (I AGREE - DAZ) PANT PANT SHE'S REALLY GOOOOD LOOOKING!!! SLOBBER $ * *$*$*$*$* MOWING THE GAZZA OK THEN, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MR. RUNDLE... HE'S A COMPLETE KNOB AND HE IS FIBREGLASS WELL IT IS NOW 10-12-90 MONDAY NO WE DIDN'T MAKE IT TO THE SHOW BECAUSE OF POXY SNOW! STILL I DON'T CARE! RIGHT, AS I AM SAT HERE WITH DAZ, HE CAN TYPE SOME SCROLLTEXT, HE CAN SAY WHAT HE LIKES NOW COZ KR#NUS AINT HERE (HA HA) MY COMPUTER IS ABSOLUTELY WRECKED THAT IS WHY I AM AROUND AT URUZ'S HOUSE AT THE MOMENT WE ARE RUNNING MY POWER SUPPLY ON HIS COMPUTER BUT IT SEEMS TO RUNNING ALRIGHT SO I DONT KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY COMPUTER SO I SHALL BIN THE CRAP I DONT NEED A COMPUTER I NEED A WOMAN (AND ME - URUZ) DONT EVEN CONSIDER KRONUS I THINK KRONUS HAS HAD HIS NAME IN HERE TOO MUCH AS IT IS SEEING AS URUZ CODED THIS DEMO NOT HIM..... BY THE WAY STEVE YOUR NAME APPEARS MORE THAN MY NAME IN THE JB MEGADEMO YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TOWARDS IT GARETH DREW THE PICTURE I CODED IT YOU DID NOTHING I JUST FONED TARN UP (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA) JULIAN BOUGHT HER SOME FLOWERS (HOW SWEET (PUN)) HE IS TAKING HER OUT TOMMOROW NIGHT (WE DONT KNOW WHERE (NICOLA -URUZ) THANKS URUZ WE KNOW YOU ARE STILL THINKING ABOUT HER..... GARETH IS TAKING A FIT OVER A PICTURE OF NICOLA FROM THE LOCAL PAPER....... STEVE YOU LAMER JASE YOU LAMER GARETH YOU LAMER (NO PERHAPS NOT) DAZ YOU COMPLETE LAMER (YES TRUE) (NO - URUZ) I HATE MR RUNDLE! WELL THIS IS THE END OF THIS MASSIVE SCROLLER TIME TO WRAP IT ALL UP GOOD BYE TO ALL OF YOU >ECLIPSE< (C) DAZ, URUZ AND KR#NUS 1962 RESET df0:mod.dna-dream df0:mod.imagination df0:mod.mercury-wind df0:mod.freefall df0:mod.xmasmix df0:mod.emptyspace Huh Huh Huh Hello h dfg $ & *1 !@@% )(&$j 7097 j What is this? Not ascii hacking I trust??!!?? Message left in memory by Uruz of Eclipse Such a difficult piece of code was needed to leave this message! That last statement was complete bullshit! To contact me try.... ... ... ... ... ... Gareth Jayne 47 King Edwards Avenue Gloucester GL1 5DF ENGLAND