! - EXCEL U.K PRESENTS DEMOS 24 - ! ญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญญ F1 SILENTS ` DANISH QUALITY ' ( VERY impressive stuff !!! ) F2 SILENTS ` SNURKEL II ' ( And what a revenge it is !! ) F3 ANIMATE ` THE BEAST ' ( 3 parts to this one !! ) F4 GIANTS ` 1st VECTORS ' ( More of them vectors again !! ) F5 EXODUS ` LITLE VECS ' ( And More coool vectors !! ) F6 EXODUS ` FAST-INTRO ' ( Nice vector scroll !! ) F7 EXCEL`S ` SINE INTRO ' ( Our totally cool (sine) intro V 3.0 !) DEL for THIS MENU HELP for Contact address Compact by FITZY. Finished on the 28.11.89 !! WELCOME TO OUR THREE NEW MEMBERS !! ~ SENTINEL ~ WITCHFINDER ~ DEMON ~