please insert disk 2 in df1:df2:df3: - please wait - loading: - \dreams\\ravenarock\\jupiter by night\\morning in sarajevo\\twilight\\magic notes\\afternoon\ decrunching packed module.... replaying: - please insert disk 1 in df0:\uptown december\\desert-polka\ - \please select module:\ - \ravenarock\ - 2.37 min \afternoon\ - 2.19 min \dreams\ - 4.06 min \magic notes\ - 2.38 min \jupiter by night\ - 2.33 min \morning in sarajevo\ - 3.13 min \twilight\ - 2.42 min \uptown december\ - 2.00 min \desert-polka\ - 2.33 min we all dream, sometimes: of things to come, things to go. of own succes and others misery. that is what it is all about is it not? and who is to blame if our dreams do not come true. you, me, him or her? and who is to blame if they do come true? if your dream depends on others misery, is it worth it then? do you even care? do you even think, do you even try to?.... and.. when your dream come true, are you satisfied then? he turned away his eyes, and looked out the window. he noticed the reflections from the evening sun in the puddles outside his window. he felt just as empty as the winter- beach in the distance, and as the wastebin beside him. he was supposed to be a writer, but right now he could not even write something to throw in it. the words were frozen inside of him, just as the icecubes in his fancy drink on the nighttable. when he could not make up a story, he just sat at the chair, looking out the window, drinking a bottle of whisky just as now. his stories always took place inside of him. he felt the cha- racters in his heart, but now they had all left him. they al- ways left him when he was sup- posed to write something, and showed up when he was not. there ought to be a way to catch the twilight of inspiration, but how? he always thought that drinking was the way to better imagination. the hangovers next day often persuaded him that it was not true. he tasted the liquid temptation, and felt the brief warmth in his chest. while he drank the drink he saw a bird flying past his window. that gave him the inspiration he needed. the freedom of the wild animal, made him think of his early childhood in the grass- lands nearby. he missed the feeling of freedom, as an adult everything became so difficult. he wanted to write himself out of the emotional imprisonment. but he was not able to use words that expressed exactly how he felt, so he poured up another glass of whisky. he hated this feeling of him not being able to express himself. he was a writer so he was expected to do it. he paused.. was he really a writer? why did he want to write? what made him keep on this work? the answer failed to appear! a sup- pressed tear broke through his eyewall, and ended up in the glass. the mixture of tear and whisky made him realize that he would better go to bed. the afternoon had turned in to eve- ning and he rose from his \pc\. it is early morning in a ruined town. people are getting up as nothing has happened, but some- thing has happened. they are trying to forget, but they can not. they are always troubled by the memories. those memories that wake them up at night or keep them awake all night. no- body ever talks about it. it is too painful. in the neighbouring town people are also getting up. they are also trying to forget, but as the others they can not. someone keeps telling them that they are different. the soldiers are going to the battlefield, because they are too proud to let the other ones win. how was your morning? the victorous prince, named vic- tor, came home from the great battle. he looked forward to see his beloved lilli marleen and the seven busboys bicycle shed! she was there. at first he could not really believe it. then he felt more excited than ever be- fore. she just sat alone by a table next to the stage. he en- tered the smoky nightclub room and got rid of his coat. she did not know him, but he knew her. he had followed her the past week. he knew about her job, ap- partment, name, habbits, every- thing. only he had never spoken a single word to her. he watched her carefully in safe distance. she was a perfect piece of art, he thought. the best nature could produce. the band played a soft tune. he let the music lead him towards her table. he was totally dragged. tonight he simply had to succeed. \is this a free seat?\, he asked and put on a clumsy smile. she nodded, and her smile was warm and ob- liging. the whole of his body was shaking as he sat down. she looked at him, scanning him with her beautiful azure eyes. \you are not from around here, are you?\, she asked. the sound of her voice mixed with the fact that he was actually sitting op- posite her, made him feel drunk with joy. \no!\, he managed to falter. he could smell her now. her perfume reminded him of the flowers in the fields on his home planet. \i am from earth\, he admitted and started to blush a bit. she looked at him even more intense, still smiling. \and what makes an earthling like you follow me throughout a whole week?\ he turned stiff. what was this? he had tried the best he could to be discreet in his investigation of her, and he was completely sure, she had not seen him at all. on this his first cosmic journey, he had ex- perienced a lot, but this planet had taken him completely by sur- prise. \do not be confused\, she said. we are much more sensitive here, than the kind of human be- ings living on the earth. \i could feel your interest from the very beginning, though i did not know you!\ he felt paralyzed. what was to say? all his plans, all the things he wanted to tell her, they all seemed so indifferent right now. normally he would have begun building up an im- pressive facade of fancy talk, so that any girl just could not avoid falling imediately in love with him, he thought. but now? this girl that was able to read his private thoughts if she in- tended to, he could not lie to her. this was really new and confusing. \listen,\, she said, ripping him out of his inner depths, \there is no need for you to pretend this or that. just act natural, i like you that way!\ he blushed even more: \you do?\. her eyes confirmed the question with great beauty. she took his hand. \come on\, she whispered, \i have got something to show you at my place...\ they left the nightclub together and walked on.... he was far from home, and soon to experi- ence jupiter by night. wheres the switch to that fuck- ing sunshine. it bothers me like hell. someone is knocking inside of my head. twice a minute. ooouuhhh, i must be in cyberland right now. oxygen finds no use here, only zeros and ones. dont try to bother me and dont you ever smile. yeah, forget your face and emotions, you gotta stay cool, remember? whats that sound in my ear? oh it is the noise inferno from an army of technoplaying machines. feel the false joy, can you? anything you like right now? no, because my electronic girlfriend fulfill all my desires. i see, i hear, i dont think, i hate, i love... presence in my mind is none, but you are not supposed to care. the arabian knights await you... i am afraid, afraid of myself, afraid of you and me, afraid of the human being. when i am confronted with the twilight between good and evil, the twilight of love and hate. the kingdom of indifference, the mightiest force today. the soldiers of indifference march in silence in front of their empty tv screens. their weapons are not visible, but i fear them most of all. dont let the claws of the twilight tear me apart! written by \mogwai\! it is here again, the time we have all been waiting for! it is the 24th of december and hansi snow has not finished his x-mas shopping... he hates christmas, hates the hour-long queues in the shopping malls, hates spending his money on everybody but himself and last but not least he detests the x-mas turkey that his old mother always serves on christmas day. \what do you get from all this trouble?\ he asks himself. a few presents, half of which you can find no use for whatsoever. anyway, he went to the mall, spent the rest of this months paycheck on presents for his family, and went home - to his small apartment - obviously fed up with happy people. he had a scotch and turned on the tv, - santa claus pops on the screen... hansi turns off the tv and goes to bed. he falls asleep almost immediately. in the middle of the night, when santa is walking around in the living room, he wakes up... .. to be continued! they were dancing in the sand. the princess of sahara and the unknown intruder. it was a dance of lust and indifferen- ce. the wind played with her hair and she frowned as he smiled and swallowed the flying sand. an oasis of love touched her mind as a fata morgana. the music stopped and they threw up together - in silence. no module loaded! this is unison turning his thoughts into digital datas: as you might have noticed, i am the responsible one for everything that is to hear at this moment... in the following kilobytes i am going to tell you a bit about the making of this musicdisc, our purposes and some personal greetings and so on..... well, the first time i ever thought of releasing a musicdisc was back in 1990. from those happy days till today, i have planned the release of a musicdisc approximately 6 times under the following groups (in historical order): bounty dynax bastards kaos design rebels upfront.... and in most of the cases it was lazy coders or graphicians (i am not trying to insult anybody anyway!) that delayed and trashed the projects. but at last my dream more or less has come true through what you now are looking at! there has been quite a few musicdisc releases since the party 3 and most of them are much more sophisticated than virtual harmony.. but i regard this production as something a bit different. with the short stories and poems, we have tried to manifest the emotions, the music brings forth, in words so that the experience for you will be greater (big talk, huh?). we excluded things like volume control, credit parts, scroll menus and all that kind of stuff, because we consider it unnecessary. you could call this a back to basics production, and we certainly hope you like it this way!?! as mentioned elsewhere, i chose the modules, so that there would be something for everyones taste. still the majority of the tunes are of rather relaxed kind... well let us jump on to some few personal greetings: first of all a warm thanks to fazion and flow for great friendship and for the hard work you have put into v.h. a big hello to weird dream/rebels: will that new chart of yours be out soon? rookie/serenity: long time since we have chatted, please send some new productions of yours! toastmaster/teds farm: hej ronnie, i simply love those little anims.. daniel snedker: nyd musikken og se at faa dig en a1200!! conan and xariun/rebels: hope you can restore the image of the group! and last (but not least) a big dyt to the rest of the impact members in denmark..... contact me for any reasonable reason: unison of impact-dk hedevej 85 6051 almind denmark....... well, there is not much more to say. enjoy the music and stories and have a nice life! (unison disappearing into nowhere) fazion on-line: let my cpu-power bless the following members of \impact dk\: blizzart: welcome to the crew and .... oeeh, spis en is ?! the priest - yo dude! how is life in sk0rping city ? i hope you can code some nice routines for your next project! guevara - why do you not buy a decent modem ?! remember: \no-lem\ rules forever! jsl - \kan du spise en hest uden at knase ???\ - maa hundene g0 naar de ser din kommende aga-demo.... \ izi - i really like your trace for the bottom of this screen! - og nu maa den \imagine 3.0\ altsaa snart komme! quayle - cool modules lately - but how about a slow pianotune for a change ?! rumours said that you are preparing for a musicdisk of your own.... the mogwai - well, there will only be one \mogwai\, the others are a bunch of fake lamers! see you at school, peter! manchild - god bless your spare 8520-chip when my old one \melted\ (just because of that fake parallel cable --- many \aaaarrghsss\ to \jsl\!!!) flow - nice competition picture you did! i like your gfx for this musicdisk too, even you say that some of it sux! zip - does all effects have to be 100 pct. \realtime-calculated\ when most cool effects uses huge tables of pre-calculated data ??? i hope you like my lightsourcing on your cube! check denne paastand ud: \man b0r vride processoren, istedet for hunden\ - weird, but true! - \and as the raisin in the sausage-end\ (he he) - guess who............. - unison (gamle swinger-basse) - finally somebody released a musicdisk with your creations - satisfied now ?? ok! this is for all of you still listening.... sorry for the delay of this release, caused by \flows\ lack of time since the party 3! what a pity we could make it there, but we hope it does not bother any of you seriously..... finally i hope ya all like the design, lyrics, short stories, gfx and last but not least the music! by the way, contact the coder of this musicdisk for any reason, by adressing your snail-mail to: fazion/impact dk, raskvej 45, 8763 rask m0lle, denmark over and out...... dreams...... this song was composed in late october 1992 and is the oldest one. playtime: 4.06 mins. sample sources: roland jx-1 and rips from here and there! length: 183 kb ravenarock........ something for everyones taste is the idea behind this production, and therefore it was a necessity to include a techno song to satisfy those of you who are hooked on this style. it was composed in may 93 in bitter frustration of the european union.... playtime: 2.37 mins. (before looping).... sample source: mainly ripped samples (my bad conscious is black as the night) lenght: 200 kb jupiter by night...... composed in june 1993. playtime: 2.33 mins. samples from roland jx-1 and the cd stretchbreaks. length: 217 kb. morning in sarajevo.... the most somewhat political song present in this production. i made it to give my description of the situation in this bloody civil war. a conflict of sadness, hatred, bitterness with no obvious solution.... this tune ended up as no. 7 in the music competition at the party 3 by the way... i am forever grateful for zip coming to my rescue as the disc with the only copy of this song went corrupt! playtime: 3.13 mins. sample sources: roland jx-1 the drums are from a cd. exact length: 275 kb. twilight..... an atmospheric classical piece of music composed at christmas 1993. playtime: 2.42 mins. sample source: korg o5r/w-soundmodule. length: 228 kb. using filter.... magic notes..... this tune was meant to compete at the party 2, but it was not ready for deadline.... anyway, you are going to spend 2.38 mins. of your life if you want to listen it to the end. samples from various sources (hmm). length: 245 kb. ....and do not miss the poem..... afternoon.... nice-and-easy-tune, composed in spring 93. playtime: 2.19 mins. sample source: emu-proteus1. length: 194 kb. uptown december..... a pop tune with no further complications! composed after having bought the last christmas present! playtime: approximately 2 mins. before looping. sample source: korg o5r/w soundmodule. length: 230 kb. desert polka..... the last-minute-bonus-track-squese-it-in-tune. not too many comments on this one, just listen, smile and enjoy. it was by the way composed during our meeting in febuary 1994. playtime: 2.33 mins. sample source: korg o5r/w soundmodule lenght: 229 kb. scrolltext info: f1 - this info! f2 - \unison\ scroll f3 - \fazion\ scroll f4 - module-info f5 - about \impact\ groups! f6 - \guevara\s mad scroll f7 - \mogwai\s greetings! lets tell you something about the \problems\, concerning our groupname. originally we chose it, because we thought that \impact inc.\ from france were dead and buried. this meant that we easily could call ourselves \impact\ without anybody running around claiming that we had stolen their name. but \the party 3\ showed that we were totally wrong. we saw no less than 3 other groups calling themselves \impact\! \impact\ sweden who was an amigagroup, \impact\ germany - a pc-group, and another group, which we presumed were from belgium or france. even though, and in the true \impact\-friendship-spirit, no major war broke out. instead we got to know the swedish dudes, and agreed to add the \dk\, without sending any fuckings, \fuck-offs\ ect. ect.! ..... yezz! guevara of impact grabs the keypad and sends the following greetz: 2:230/714.0, holland (sorry! i forgot ya nodenumber, and i am sitting duck here at my schools fuck... pc, cause our ... fazion breaking in! i deleted some text here!! ... coder needz thiz lame text once!), essence, per 2:230/714.(hmmmm), budbrain, jester, kim erik! (ha), impact sweden! and of course: blizzart (dirty talk on) yo melon! still pissed about our fantastic \nolem\ ??? asslickings to my danish teacher and to all in spain my humble greetz! (tieneis mas morro que un camion de negros silvando \only you\) flame me at 2:230/714.9 or in hoa-oh-no to jens hollaender! i rule 4 ever! the mogwai at the keyboard: greetz must go to the following: a u s w a h l ... suppose you guys are acceptable after all! - croton or 2:230/714.0 whichever you prefer, thanx for widening my horizon by setting me up as a point! - all the pukefaces from hoaohno ... jesus(!) you cunts are funny! - tom and jerry, get back to the screen and take advantage of your artistic talents ... thanx for your incessant desire to throw cool parties! - all the ones i forgot ... sorry! maybe some other time, fellas! although it might seem unnecessary, here is a greet to impact dk ... you guys truly are the best! i am available for any reason on voice +45 7587 1634 or through fido: 2:230/714.15 ... later!