$VER: ExoticRipper 1.99 by Turbo/INFECT ( released in Aars `92 ) CON:0/10/640/246/ExoticRipper © 1992 TURBO of INFECT/CLOSE EXOTIC RIPPER HELP PAGE AND GLOBAL INFOS: (s)(e)....................Set range for module hunting (s)(e)....................Clear memory (s)(e)(value).............Find hex or ASCII (not implemented yet) or ....................Display this help page ...........................Informations for modulenumbers an so on (number)(s)(e)............Look for (selected) modules in memory (s)(e)....................Memory dump ...........................Continue module hunting

...........................Play module (not implemented yet) (s).......................Read file into memory (s)(e)(adr)(d)............Read sectors from disk ...........................Type file to window (s)(e)....................Write memory to file or save module ...........................Exit this ripper! Ripped with Exotic Ripper made by Turbo/Infect. WELCOME TO EXOTIC RIPPER V1.blabla this is an preview of 2.0 made by TURBO of INFECT IN THE GOIL YEAR 1992 This proggy was released at the great party in Aars!! * THIS IS THE BEST RIPPER IN UNIVERSE * Enter H or ? for menu ! Exotic Ripper located at: $%lx. Search range set: $%08lx - $%08lx. EXOTIC Unknown command! Try Help! a little bit wrong... Reading Sectors from DF%ld: to $%08lx - $%08lx ... %s module (%02lx) found at $%08lx - $%08lx. Lenght: $%08lx Name: %s Continue search up to $%08lx. Current address: $%08lx Actual search address: $%08lx Hunting aborted... Searching for modules in range $%08lx - $%08lx. Searchmode %s activated. So. That's all for today in your memory... PRESS LEFT MOUSEBUTTON TO CONTINUE... GLOBAL INFORMATIONS ABOUT EXOTIC RIPPER This tool was written to make the ripping very easy. Ok. That's only a preview of 2.0. There is only the Find-option disabled and no replayers are implemented (It's like a low memory version...). Also TFMX-Sample- find and Songendcheck are not supported (I try to include all these features in 2.0) If you like this ripper or if you found any bugs and so on, write to: René (Turbo) Trolldenier Astonstr. 43 O-3037 Magdeburg GERMANY Also unknown modules with or without description and replayers are welcome. Important: If you have any Jason Page modules or modules made with EMS, send them to me. If you send modules, I'll try to include the modulekind if possible, and you will get the latest version of Exotic. Sorry, but no docs available (no time.. ;-)). Last minute messy: CRUELTY does'nt more exists. All members have joined INFECT. Retain this name!!! BPSoundMon DeltaMusic2.0 Digital Mugician David Whittaker FutureComposer1.3 FutureComposer1.4 Hippel JamCracker MED or OktaMED MarkII(new) MultiSearch NoisePacker1.0-2.02 NoisePacker3.0 Promizer1.0c ProPacker2.1 ProRunner1.0 Psygnosis(special) PumaTracker0.99 SonicArranger(pc) SoundFx1.3 SidMon1.0 SidMon II SoundTracker2.6 Star/Pro/Noise/Soundtracker TFMX Professional Following modules where found in memory: Modulenumber: %02lx.......... Searchmode: %s Now saving actual module... Saving memory from $%08lx to $%08lx. Len: $%08lx. Reading file to memory: $%08lx to $%08lx. Len: $%08lx. End of file Please select file