$VER: ExoticRipper 2.20 by Turbo/Infect & updated by Marley 03-Feb-94 BPSoundMon DeltaMusic2.0 Digital Mugician Hippel7V FutureComposer1.3 FutureComposer1.4 Hippel JamCracker MED/OktaMED MarkII MultiSearch NoisePacker1.0-2.02 NoisePacker3.0 Promizer1.0c ProPacker2.1 ProRunner1.0 QuadraComposer PumaTracker SonicArranger(pc) SoundFx1.3 SidMon1.0 SidMon II SoundTracker2.6 Star/Pro/Noisetracker TFMX Professional Digital Sound Studio1.15 The Musical Enlightment Maniacs Of Noise KRIS/4mat Tracker Oktalyzer1.56 Hippel-COSO Fred UNIC-Tracker MusicAssembler Prorunner2.0 David Whittaker Synthesis V4.0/InStereo! Martin Walker Actionamics Sound Tool Morten Grouleff IceTracker1.0/1.1 SoundFx2.0 Old SoundTracker DeltaMusic1.0 ProPacker1.0 TronicTracker The Player 4.xx Jason Page Type 1 (exp.) Dummy Mode MaxTrax Player AproSys Major Tom Player V2 The Player 5.0A (lite) The Player 5.0A GameMusicCreator VectorDean Digital Illusions Eureka Packer BP. DM2. DMU. HIP7. FC13. FC14. HIP. JAM. MED. MKII. NP2. NP3. PROM. PP21. PRU. EMOD. PUMA. SONIC. SFX. SID1. SID2. ST26. MOD. mdat. DSS. TME. MON. KRIS. OK. HIPC. FRED. UNIC. MA. PRU2. DW. DWOLD. SYN. MW. AST. MG. ICE. SFX20. MOD15. DM1. PP10. TRON. P40A. P40B. P41A. JPDAT. DUMM. MXTX. APS. MTP2. P50A. GMC. RDAT. RSMP. DI. EU. NoName s:Exotic.config Playerstore/ GLOBAL INFORMATION ON EXOTIC RIPPER This is one of the common updates of Exotic, recently. If you like this ripper or if you find the bugs and for hints etc. write to: René (Turbo) Trolldenier Astonstr.43 D-39116 Magdeburg E-mail: marley@csmd.cs.tu-magdeburg.de Exotic Ripper is modware: you are not allowed to use it unless you will send at least one (1) module of a strange format (no ProTracker etc.-crap) to one of the authors. Any other use is illegal & will roughly be prosecuted. The force is with us! Also unknown modules with or without description and replayers are welcome. If you send modules, I'll try to include the format and you will get the latest version of Exotic energized. Thanks to all the alpha, beta, gamma and delta testers *<:-) For more info rtfm. Don't forget to read the actual .txt-file! A [start] [end]......................(Re)Set searchrange N ......................Clear memory ?/HELP...............................Display this help page I....................................Global information/module-format-list H [mode] [start] [end]...............Hunt for (selected) modules in mem M [start] [end]......................Memory dump C....................................Continue module hunting R [start]............................Read file into (selected) memory D [start] [unit].Read sectors from disk T [mode] [start] [end]...............Test rip mode(useless no-break function) W [start] [end]......................Write memory to file or save module WD...................................Write plain songdata (P40A etc.soon) S [len]......................Play memory (useful for TFMX) max.130k X....................................Exit this ripper SMPL ......TFMX-sample deepsearch (e.g.for FASTRAM) SMP ...........................Scan range for samples of actual module BOOT (or GAME) [unit]................Install Exotic Copy (or GAME) Boot DA...................................DeAllocate memory of detected module ************* PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEW CONFIGURATION FILE ************ Exotic Ripper located at: $%lx. Search range set: $%08lx - $%08lx. ExoticRipper 2.20 by Turbo & Marley/Infect. EXOTIC » Unknown command! Try Help! does not compute... %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %s ················ Reading Sectors from DF%ld: to $%08lx - $%08lx ... Installing Exotic Copy Boot to DF%ld: Possible %s module (%02lx) found at $%08lx - $%08lx. Size: %-6ld Name: %s Possible %s sampledata%s found at $%08lx - $%08lx. Size: %-6ld No sampledata found Continue search up to $%08lx. Current address: $%08lx %08lx Hunting aborted... Searching for modules in range $%08lx - $%08lx. Searchmode %s activated. Actual Address: $ That's all for today in your memory... PRESS LEFT MOUSEBUTTON TO CONTINUE... If U have no replayer (jumps may be precalculated)-here the jumpaddresses: Init: mod+$%08lx, End: mod+$%08lx, Play: mod+$%08lx Here is no jump to end the music. Use standard end to switch off sound! To reach the subsongs setup D0/D1 with 2-??? in init-routine. This module is NOT pc-relative!!! U MUST reload it to the same address!!! TFMX song found at $%08lx - $%08lx. Songsize: %-6ld TFMX song found at $%08lx. Sorry, can't recognize songend. Searching Sampledata. This can take a while... No Sampledatas found. Returning to normal search... Possible samples at $%08lx. Try the SMPL-command, if addr. is crap... Possible Player5.0A module(s) in memory, continueing... Use 'h 35'-command for deep check if no P50A-module(s) will be found HIPPEL-COSO song found at $%08lx - $%08lx. Songdatasize: %-6ld. If no SampleDatas were found or the song- and sampledatas are one after the other you can be sure, it's an song+sampledatas, but I'm not able to calc the full size yet I'll try to find an Replayer in selected memory to get the sampleaddress Song located at :$%08lx. Possible sampledata at:$%08lx Sorry, nothing more found, maybe try it in another memory range. Address MUST be CHIP-memory! Forget it, Sucker! IMPORTANT! Only the songdata will be saved! If you wish to save the sampledatas, use W [start] [end]. Sorry, I can't calculate the modulesize this time :-e Playing memory from $%08lx. Size:$%08lx... No free memory at your specified address! LMB - Load nevertheless, RMB - Cancel operation No Memory Configuration File Error A total amount of %2d modules was detected. There %s separate sampledata, to check use 'smp %02x'-command could be are Scanning $%08lx - $%08lx for %s sampledata... Module is now deprotected Module cannot be deprotected Following modules can be detected in memory: Nr. Searchmode Nr. Searchmode %02lx %s Filename: Now saving actual module... Saving memory from $%08lx to $%08lx. Size: %-7ld Reading file to memory: $%08lx to $%08lx. Size: %-7ld Give me a file: CON:0/0/640/256/ExoticRipper2.20 by Turbo of Infect, Update: Marley of Infect/CLOSE INFECT! SHORT DOCS: PRESS RMB TO CONTINUE BOOTING.. PRESS LMB, TO SAVE MEMORY FROM $00008000 - $0007FFFF AFTER BEEP CHANGE DISKS AND PRESS RMB OR LMB TO ABORT... AFTER 2ND BEEP INSERT BOOT DISK AND PRESS RMB TO BOOT UP SYSTEM..oO -!! THIS IS NO VIRUS !DOS !INFECT!