again it is time for a sceneparty in rovaniemi, the northern city of finland... $ so... mindprobe aka empee is proud to invite you to abduction 95! $ party will feature: approx. 1500 w of audio space for 800 attendants electricity for everyone! $ of course there will also be compos, like pc/amiga democompos with prices starting from 1000fim going up to 5000fim! $ party will be organized between the 9th and 11th of june 1995 at korkalovaara high school, rovaniemi. $ the entrance fee will be 80fim but if you notify us in advance on your coming, the price will drop down to 60 fim $ read more from abduction95.txt... hope to see you there ! $ some words about this intro: nil coding: crescent fine gfx: cross spooky music: crescent $ abduction is sponsored by: turva toimistopalvelu pallari oy $ lapin office system oy zoo lo disk telecom finland oy thank you! $ contact us snail: (mainframe) ilkka jauho urputie 17 96190 rovaniemi finland +358 (9)60 393902 $ (crescent) harri salokorpi 98400 isokyla kemijarvi finland +358 (9)692 880252 $ or call our bbs: putrefaction of perfection +358 (9)60 366233 $ lmb to exit looping... #