-* MeLLoW *- (3) HokuSPokuS (3) -* MeLLoW *- >>> Most Populair in Holland (CHARTS) AdvertisemenT HokuSPokuS ALL Mixed Up!.. Da NewZ etc!. Coders Graphicians Musicians Swappers Traders Boards Groups ProductS SwaP Advertisement I SwaP Advertisement II SwaP Advertisement III SwaP Advertisement IV Board Advertisement InterNet Cafe! >> HokusPokuS Vote SHEET << Voters This Time AbouT HokuSPokuS Nr: 3 The Dutch Scene (updated again)! > !Big World NewZ! (a/l) < > !Big World NewZ! (l/z) < Party 5 Offical Invitation Economists Scene! TechnoDome MusicDisk Review OF the Film FUN! >> Future planz for Amiga! << <<< ThE DancE RaveR MagazinE ThE OlD DuctcH ScenE RevieW ! MeLLoW MerchandiZe ! Facts about the dutch sene & chartS .. Chip TuneZ .. > Last word about HP < > DanceGuide Dec 1995 < > DanceGuide Jan/Feb 1995 < > DanceGuide Alltime PartieZ < Unknown Territory REVIEW! AbouT All MeLLoW ProductZ Expand The Charts Lazy Bitches! >> The Dutch Scene Questionaire << mod.Hp-Hardcore By Pyxis! mod.Chip_066 By .\\az@ mod.Chip_072 By .\\az@ ? A new year a new HP ? > Last word on HokuSPokuS-3 < list of the best VOTED coders in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Coders (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (01) - Antony/Axis 23 02 (02) - dope/spaceballs 16 03 (13) - tim/Spaceballs 10 04 (11) - Rayon/MeLLoW 7 05 (07) - infant/fp 5 (17) - Celtic/MeLLoW 5 (03) - tsm/vision 5 06 (07) - kiwi/effect 4 (04) - riox/desire 4 (06) - sacha/desire 4 07 (06) - jack (crackerjack) 3 (05) - kayo/motive 3 (10) - Sure/Quartex 3 08 (18) - Price/TFA 2 09 (12) - Protec/Mirage 1 (08) - KillRaven/MST 1 list of the best VOTED graphicians in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Graphicians (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (02) - danny/spaceballs 29 02 (01) - facet/lemon. 24 03 (03) - hein/spaceballs 12 04 (06) - lowlife/axis 8 05 (11) - Huib/MeLLoW 5 06 (05) - eros/paradox - eswat 4 (04) - solid/cryptoburners 4 07 (08) - react 2 08 (07) - thd/desire 1 (06) - CHIRON (Ex-jay one)/ MONK 1 list of the best VOTED musicians in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Musicians (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (02) - 911/movement 22 02 (01) - Snao/spaceballs 19 03 (03) - fabian/desire 14 04 (05) - msw/effect 6 (04) - iso/axis 6 05 (--) - Huib/MeLLoW 5 06 (15) - KrypTon/MeLLoW 4 07 (13) - HEIN/Vivid 3 08 (09) - hawk/effect 2 (--) - Prodigy 2 09 (05) - Blow/Mirage 1 (07) - jeroen tel 1 (14) - jayce 1 (10) - zoef/desire 1 (12) - BazzMan/MeLLoW 1 (16) - TydLoos 1 list of the best VOTED swappers in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Swappers (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (01) - Nøødle/MeLLøW - DSR 19 02 (08) - radavi/effect 16 03 (06) - celtic/mellow 12 04 (02) - astro/movement 11 05 (07) - fate/Outlaws 7 06 (03) - sascha/MeLLoW 6 07 (13) - React/Monk 4 08 (13) - infant/desire 3 (--) - Rayon/MeLLoW 3 (12) - Manthan/TMG 3 (14) - Huib/MeLLoW 3 09 (10) - hawk/effect 2 10 (--) - kr'33/spaceballs 1 (09) - Magic/Nah-Kolor 1 (--) - Sane/Monk 1 (--) - fiction 1 <<<<< !No TraderS LisT ThiS TimE! >>>>> list of the best VOTED boards in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: boards (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (01) boondocks 10 02 (02) The Undiscovered - Hoodlum 7 03 (05) mystical places 6 04 (03) neon city 5 05 (09) logic systems 3 06 (04) cyclone 2 07 (--) Hit'N Run 1 (--) DownTown 1 (11) Household 1 (--) Atmosphere 1 (--) Unplugged 1 (08) De Plantage 1 (12) no vegetables - Mirage 1 list of the best VOTED Groups in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Groups (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (03) - axis 22 02 (02) - desire - FP 18 03 (01) - spaceballs 16 04 (04) - movement 11 05 (03) - MeLLoW 9 06 (10) - LEMON 7 07 (07) - effect 5 08 (06) - jetset 4 09 (--) - Monk 3 10 (--) - SmeLLoN 2 11 (--) - Reality 1 (05) - mirage 1 (09) - molen 1 (11) - TFA 1 (12) - MYTH 1 (--) - Royal 1 (08) - motive 1 (--) - intense 1 list of the best VOTED ProductionS in HoLLand +============================================+ Nr: Production (%) votes +============================================+ 01 (01) - big time/axis 22 02 (02) - menace/dsr 8 03 (03) - exile/desire 7 (--) - PictureBook/axis 7 04 (05) - numb/movement 4 (16) - i want your sperm/effect 4 05 (08) - anounce/lemon. 3 (04) - can't be/vision 3 (--) - HokuSPokuS - MeLLoW 3 (14) - Groovy/LEMON 3 (--) - Molested Music's - MeLLoW 3 06 (09) - unknown territory/axis 2 (15) - rinkadink/lemon. 2 (--) - 40k.Pfffff - MeLLoW 2 (10) - tag/jetset 2 07 (12) - To Be In - MeLLoW 1 (09) - forgotten/mirage 1 (--) - chitchat 1 ---- - ---- - lORD / aBSOLUTE! ^ US pETER lABOS 1181 BuDaPeSt dARUS 10 II/3 hUNGARY - ---- - ---- oR cALL tHE nUMBER oF tHE bEAST: +36-1-2914029 (NUP nOT rEQUiRED) [aBSOLUTE! wHQ · uS eHQ] ! ! FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST! @ OR TEKKKNO TAPES,STICKER ? SWEETS,COASTERS AND # OTHERS CRASY THINGS!! # Å!!!!!!!!!!?@@@@#$#!!%?)Å°!?? WRITE NOW!! # Å MOGUL OF RAM JAM(fhq) 16 BIS RUE J.JUGAN 35590 L'HERMITAGE -FRANCE- >>FRIENDSHIP REQUIRED<< -TASTE THE DIFFERENCE- __________ |\ _ _ ___________ _ __________________ \_ . \/| \ / Y \/. / Y \ | _____ \ ___/j | | / | \ / | // _ ___/ | \ | ___/ / _/_a | ! / | .\/ | \ / \/ | .\| \___ _\ | \x | ____/ \\ | \/ \\ | \\ | \\ l _\X | .|/ _ \\ ¦ / \\_ ¦ \\ | \\_ \\^ | !| | \_ \ °/ \_ | °/ \T l____|_____l_______/____\_______/__________/__l______/________/Md - 3 ÷ O ÷ 3 - FED UP WITH LONG DELAYS AND DISK THIEVES?? .. THEN YOU SHOULD WRITE TO ONE OF THESE RELIABLE CONTAX! .. :: :: _||_ DISK=NO RISK 100% REPLY!! _||_ \ / MAX SWAP=4 DISKS PER SENDING!! \ / \/ SEND ADDYS FOR OUR PACKSERIE!! \/ LFO/Phu+u®e 3ø3 WHQ WE ALSO SEEK NEW MEMBERS ßadGe®/Phu+u®e 3ø3 PAUL BARKER SO SEND US EXAMPLES OF YOUR WORK MARTIN AHLQVIST ÖSTRASTORGATAN 2A WRITE TO SWEDENS ULTRA-FAST CREW N.Knoopgatan 2b 633 42 ESKILSTUNA & YOU'LL GET A REPLY TOMMOROW (MAYBE) 632 26 ESKILSTUNA SWEDEN =>=>=>=>=>WE ARE DA Phu+u®e<=<=<=<=<= SWEDEN ______|-----:-____|____ \ | |/ ______/___ / | |\______ \ / | | |/ / \____________|____________/ <------------|-----gEm/aL--> fIGHT tHE wAR ... fUCK tHE nORM ... RAHIEM / US Frank Meister Gruener Weg 54c 58708 Menden Germany US - UNUSUAL SWAPPING! _________________ __ \___ \ _ \ _ \ \\ \ _ __ __\_\_\\ \ \\ \ \_/_ __ _ \\\\_\ \ _______\ __\___ \ \_\\\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \___/ \ \ \____\_\ \____\/ \_\ FOR SWAPPING CONTACT: JAVAIR / APEX JAN CHR. MEYER LEHMSIEK 1 25876 SCHWABSTEDT GERMANY DISC + LETTER = 100% ANSWER _ ______________________________ ___ \\\_ _ \_ _______ _ _/-------+ |:.\/ / | / ___/__/ | \ .::| |:::./ | / \__ ! \ ·::::| |::·/ |___\_____ /________/ ·::| +---\______!---[dV$]\_____/----------------+ | | | - -- --- -----LEGAL SWAP!----- --- -- - | | | | Devistator/NEo Watts/NEo | | 9 Leaholme Gardens 46 Northfield Street | | Whitchurch Deane | | Bristol Bolton | | BS14 OLQ BL3 5JH | | E.N.G.L.A.N.D E.N.G.L.A.N.D | | | | !Overseas preffered! !Overseas Only! | `------------------------------------------' /\__ /\__ /\___ / ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\ T / / / / / / / / w / \/ / / / / t o / / / / / / / / h / / / / / / / / e B P \_/ /\_/ /\_/_/ / M r O \/ \/ \/ . f o S Cristiano & Danilo A i t D Micoli . f h N Via G.D'Aragona 12 S t e U 66100 Chieti - Italy . h r O /\__ /\__ /\___ E s S \ ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\ . f /\/\ / / / / / / l o / \ / / / / / o n / / / / / / / / o / / / / / / / / r \__· /\_/ /\_/_/ / \/ \/ cj\/ ^ ___ ___ ______________ _______ __ ^ / | \\___/ ___/ \/ \ | \ / \ \ \_ \ | \ \____|____/____/__\ /_|_____/______/ .------------------\_/---------------. | o#o -TASTE MY (IL)LEGAL ANAL!- o#o | :------------------------------------: .CONTACT ME FOR PURE REKTALSALVA SWAP. INCLUDING LATEST 0-7d AMI/IBM WARES, .HC-PORNO MAGS/PICS,STICKERS,HPA,VHS,. :UNDERGROUND TAPES,AGA STUFF,CONDOMS.: ·I'M LOOKING FOR E-VALO GROUP TO JOIN· GUARANTEED REPLY TO EVERYONE WHO HAS .INCLUDED DISK(S) OR A X-RATED MAG :). +------------------------------------+ : BRAiNDEAD/HiRMU : | SUOTiE 7A | | SF02340 ESPOO | : F i N L A N D : ·------------------------------------· _____ ____ ______________ _____ °.\ _ \/ _ \/ / _______ /|/ __|. ..|\/\ /\__\ /_ \ |\/ / |ð.° °.| \ / / / | / | \ |_°. . |___|\/|__\ /_____/___|___|\_____|° °.°==========\/=====================°. why not enter the funky world of violence, corruption and blackmailing? all these disadvantages available at -- mike of mystic -- -- mikko kaila -- -- kapteenintie 4 -- -- 20810 turku -- -- finland -- harder you play, more you get! n o n e e d t o b e r e l i g i o u s _:____ ______:______ ______ /\ :\ Y ______ \ \/ _\ Y \ / \/ ¡ / \ \ \/ _ _/ / \/ \ | / :\ \ \ \_ \___¡\__/\____\___¡ \__/__/\ / ------------------------j.o.\/- We are searching for oFfIcIaL SpReAdErS for Trinity (the innovative magazine!). Write if you wanna b one! Also send your -articles concerning : Nature and Scene -stories and tales. So we can print them in the innovative mag! Sane/Monk Kortetuinstraat 32 1601 CJ Enkhuizen Holland (©MoNk¡ We ArE DiFfErEnT!! Sane, Jay One, Vicious!) _ ______________________________________________ _(_)_ _¦¦¦¦¦¦¦_ | \_ |_#_| (_______) | wANT yOUR wAREZ sPREAD bY tHIS uLTIMATE ¦ _| |_ / `-' \ | (M)ail (B)oard (S)ystem [tm] . |_ |_ __\ ~U~ /__ | _ (_) (_)_/ \___/ \_| [ r3AC7! / sA7URNE ] [ nOODLE / dESIRE ] (_) (_) ¦ \ | (_) () . r3AC7IFI3D! | jOERI tAN s7EPHAN sCHIPPER (_) | |_ _¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | fAUNA 17 tIJM 20 () `---' \| V/| 1273 GV HUIZEN 1273 EC HUIZEN | | ¦ | dA nEVERLANDS! dA nEVERLANDS! | /_____________\| | | Y | | ÷ aLSO aSCII'S^rAP ÷ ÷ aLSO mODS^gFX ÷ | | ¦ | | ^lONG lE77ERS! ^fRIENDSHIP | ( V ) | | | | | ¦ ] !nO fAKED / lOWPAYED sENDINGS! [ | | ___ |_____) : aLSO sEND iN yOUR cON7RIBUTION fOR tHE dU7CH | (/___\) .._/_. cHAR7S cALLED 'hOKUS pOKUS'! nEWS^aDDS! etc. | (_._._) \_ | /_____\________/[rC7]- - - ---------------------------------' `'`'`'`'`''`'`' -|-------------------------------|- | Hey dude! Wanna have a fast | | friendship swapper.Then don`t | | hesitate to write to diz addy:| | | | (Newt/Simplex) | | | | Christian Mezofi | | John Erikssons gt.60 | | 554-72 Jonkoping | | Sweden | |-------------------------------| | 100% answer to: | Remember: | | | | | 1.Disk senders! | Estrella ch-| | 2.Fast dudes! | ips rulez!! | | 3.Known groups! | | | 4.Rave lovers! | Crunch!!! | -|-------------------------------|- _____ _____ _____/ /_____________________/ /____ / / / /_____/ / _____/______________________ / / / / / / / / / / . | / / / / / / / / JoINt/sMELLOn | \___ /\__ /__ /\__/ /\___ / KENNEMERSTRAATWEG 230 | \____/ \___/ \__/ \___/ \____/ 1851 AX HEILOO! | | _ _______________________________ _ H·O·L·L·A·N·D | | | `---------------------------------------------------[clt]---' ___ ____________ ____ ¸________________ | _\/_ _ ____ |___| |___| __ | ¸--' | | | | ___| | || | || | || | | __± | | | l | | || | || | || -^- | ·----^--^-^-----^-----'°-----'°-----'°--^--' H·E·A·D·I·N·G F·O·R T·H·E I·M·P·O·S·S·I·B·L·E ___________ ____________ ..........:¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯:........... ......:: MA¥H3M¡ç Hµ¡ß øf M3LLØW ::...... .....:::: Kennemerstraatweg 230 ::::..... ...::::::: 1851 AX He¡loo ::::::::... ...::::::::::..ooOO Holland OOoo..::::::::::.... ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ L·O·N·G L·E·T·T·E·R·S O·N·L·Y !·!·! -------------------------------------- /\ Write long letters to : \/ \|/ HAWK / EFFECT -=+=- Souvereinburg 13 R /|\ _ 3437 AL Nieuwegein (_) The Netherlands Include ONE disk with nice legal stuff!!!!! :+: :+: But only if you're in it 4 da fun... //\\ \|/ _/// \\\_ (O o) \\\ /// \-/ \\// ^ ------------------------------------- -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- . . . . . . /l_ /l_ /l_ /| /l_ /l_ / __\ / \_/ \_/ |/ _ \_/ \_ / | \/ l__/ l__/ | | / l__/ For Swapping!!! / : \_ _/ \___ \_ : __/ _/ \_ \ · / | / | / | : \ | / Splatterhead of \____ /___ /___ /__|__| \___ / TRIFLEX+ADDONIC \__/ \__/ \__/ ift l__/ \__/ Vesa Kivisilta Contact INFANT/FACET'S PUSSY/DESIRE Lepolank.3 B 22 now for some slow, but cool long 15210 Lahti letter swapping, at this address Finland INFANT / FP / DESIRE disk(s)=answer Gooierserf 230 1276 KZ Huizen Holland -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _)\ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (__ ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ \ ¢ ¬V¬) ¢ ¬V¬V¬V ¬V¬V¬V¬V¬? ) ·······| | | | | |_| | | \¯| | | |······················ ( ········| | | | | |_| | >| V |\ |····················· \ ·········| | |_| |¬| | | /_| | |_) |···················· / ··········| | | |¬| | | | ¬| | |¬ |··················· ) ;_A_A___A___A_A_A___A_A_A___; © LMB design : ) __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ | / (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \A/ ¥ ¡ For join Norwegian section Coders and Graphicians, ¦ contact now !!! are especially welcome, : but others can contact, too. · WALKER of ALCHEMY · P.O. BOX 1158 Send examples of your work . 4300 SANDNES and be sure to get fast answer NORWAY For ELITE swapping, too !!! ____ ____ _________________ _________ _____________________ /. ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬________ \/. ¬\/. ______/ ______/ // .\ .| _¬ _/ l .\ (___ ¬\. _____)_ / \/ \\ || | \ \\ \\ ¬\ / ||_______\___|_____|______\____| \________/_________/ /________| Y Y |________\ Y Y : . Y . tHE sPACEcOWbOY iS bACK! Send the News of your group, your Birthdate and Usable clip-arts (Aga) to this adres! MaGiC/Mirage SPREEUWENLAAN 6 (c)FunProduktions 1994 1742 GP SCHAGEN For The Dutch Charts Advert THE NETHERLANDS Section... My best Dutch regards for the New Year to: Dope,Sascha,Retep,Jack,Jake Protec,Tomcat,Radavi,Facet,Infant,Noodle,Msw,Rubyx,Coyote,Ikilledher Samsman,Sam,Jase,The Mule,Astro,Fletcher,SuperRadium,Revo,Blo,KR'33,Hawk Timeless,Seck-4,Killraven,Hein,Wizz,Elliot,The Fox II,Tycoon,Haywire,Danny Cloud,Wacko D,Tge,SuperNao,Nike,Kayo,Dusty,Murdock and all in Mellow.. --------------------------------------- F.A.C.E.T.S P.U.S.S.Y OF D.E.S.I.R.E P O K E V-M POIKOLA KINNIANTI.5 69950 PERHO FINLAND 100% ANSWER TO ALL THOSE WHO SEND PUSSY --------------------------------------- Want to swap modules/gfx ^ normal wares? Noodle - Facet's Pussy - Desire Tijm 20 1273 EC Huizen Holland 100 % reply to all!! + + + + + __ + + + + __ /\_\ + + + /\_\ \/_/ oo00 HySTeric/InTenSe 00oo \/_/ <-o00 LOPEZ Jean-Francis 00o-> 58, Cite du Chateau d'Eau 62970 Courcelles les lens FRANCE _ __ ___ ____/\ ___ __ _ AMIGA 500/1200 \/ Cool Stuff'n'letter are 100% answer .__ ___ ____________| \______/\_______________/\_______ _____ \\ \_ \_ \ | \\_ _ \ \_ \_ . \\ ___/ // _/ / \\_ | \\ \\ / \\_ |___/ __)_ \\ \ \ / : // | // \ / ! \ | \\ \\ __\\ \___\____/______/___| //___\____/_______/_______\ \\____ <-----------------Lo!| //-------------------------> | / |/ get all the necessary stuff and answers to all questions from... FLYNN of NUANCE P.O. Box 35 4900 SPA Belgium ___________________ _______________ \___ _______ ¬\/ ___________/ ../ | / _/\____ ¬\ | ./ | \ \ V \ | .\______|____|\____\__________/____| ...... ....... TRISTAR AND RED SECTOR INC. ........ ......... FOR ELITE,FAST ...|...... AND FRIENDLY SWAPPING ---+------ WRITE TO: | | NORBY OF TRSI (POLISH HQ) | P.O. BOX 20 56-300 MILICZ | POLAND | | COOL STUFF'N'LETTER ----+--- FOR 100% ANSWER | __ __ _ MoDuLeS / GrAPhIcS / DeMo'S / DeNtRo's / InTrO's / GiRlS __ _ \\ \\\ CaNdY / MaGaZiNe'S / DiSkS / GlOvEs / AsCiI'S / StIcKeRs / /// \\ \\\ TaToO's / PoStCaRdS / LeTtErS / PhUn / AnD MuCh MoRe / /// \\ \\\ ____ /// \\ \\\ !! ! AnYthInG Is PoSSiBlE ! !! / __ _____/ \\ \\\ - ---- ------ -- ------ ---- - / / / __ \ \\\ .--------------------------. / ____/ ___/ \\ ! MSW / EFFECT / DBPP / GZ : __/ _____/ __ __/\__ `--.---------------------.-' __/________/ \ /\ / _ ___ _ _ __ | P.O.BOX 399 | _ _ /_\/_\ ___ _ _ /\_\ | 3430 AJ NIEUWEGEIN | \\\\.... . . . . .\/. __ _ _ _ \/_/ | THE NETHERLANDS | \\\\ . . . . . . . . `---------------------' ¯ ¯ . . . PhAsT GrEeTiNgS To A SmaLl SeLecTioN Of My ConTacTs : - == --- = - == --- = - == --- = - == --- = - . Dire,Purple Haze,Flynn,Enorm,Plugster,Splatterhead,Bill Spencer . Obelix,Psynomix,Sting,Chris,Ravana,Rotox _.________ ____ ______ ____ __ ____ __________ ____ __ ____ _____________|_ _ | /\ _¬\ /\ ¬\ /\ _¬\ /\ ¬\ /\ _¬\ ¦ ¦ _____\_\\ \ _\_\_ \_\_\\ \_________\_\_ \_\_\\ \ o : ¦ /\ _ __ \ \ /\ _ _ \ _ \_ \ _ __ ¬\ _ \ \ \ | . : .\ \\ _ \ \_\_\\ \___\\ _ \\ ___\\ \_\ \____ \ ¦ : . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _¬\ \ : . . : \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ : . ¦ \ \_ _\ \_ ___ \_ ___ \_ _\ \_ ___ \_ _\ \_ ___ \ . : : ° \/___/\ \__/\ \__/\ \__/\ \__/\ \__/\ \__/\ \ : ¦ \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \___\ \ \___\tbM¦ _|____________\/___/__\/___/__\/___/__\/___/__\/___/__\/___/__\/___/___|__ _ : CoNtAcT OuR SwApPeRs FoR: : ElItE sWaP: thanks to tbM of LED !!! SwAp: BACKFIRE EXOLON AdAm GoRsKi FoR nIcE cHaTs, CaLl now: MaCiEj TuRcZyNiN PuLtUsKa 46/3 +48-71-60211674 WiOsEnNa 25/6 53116 WrOcLaW (AsK fOr AdAm) 57300 KlOdZkO POLAND If line was busy, call later POLAND oNlY FoReIgNeRs !! ....but do call....... disk = answer MeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOw e M L Rayon/MeLLoW OudeVaart 38 e L ------------ 1749 CH WarmenHuizen L o The NetherlandS L W o mEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoW For friendly swapping Contact me for some Abnormal & RAVE tape trading swapping... EARTHSHAKER/ABNORMAL J.v.Campenstr.14 Duke of Abyss 1271 LP Huizen Fr. Bender Str. 9 The Netherlands 85402 Kranzberg Germany - Ik is groot en jij bent klein! - Being ABNORMAL is a way of life.. Hardcore will never die __/\__ /\____._____.____\.==./____.____/\ /\_____|_____| ____|__|_____|_____/\ \____ V _ V ____/\____ V ____/ | | | ___|__. | | _| __|. | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____A_____A_____| |__|__A_____| --==================|__|======kaøz!=-- C·H·A·O·S OF D·E·S·I·R·E Dirk Wiemer Thueringerstr.150 14770 Brandenburg Germany << FOREIGN CONTAX WANTED! >> --====================/\============-- mÅ¿£tRåð3r /\ \/ gRåpH!ç¿ån /\_____/ )/\ /\/\______ \ ___/ \/(__\/ \__ __/ / / \\ \_/ \\(./ ) \ \__ / \ / /\\/ _____/ \/\_/\(______\/ --=============(_/=====\)===========-- __;\____;\____;\___ \_ \_ _ \_ | | : | | | : | | ¦ | |__| ¦ | | l__l___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¦ | | | | | | : | | | ¦ ¦ l___ l__| ¦ : \: : For passionate swapping: Ðeçoy \ Pa§§ioN DaNNi HaNSeN eKKoDaLeN ¹7 ÐK-6ooo KoLDiNG ÐeNMA®K _ _ _____________________. . ____________ _______________ . / ______ \/ / / /_ \ _ \ _ \:. \ \ / / / / / / /_/ / / / /. . _\ \ _ / / / /_ \ / / __/:.. . / / / / / /_/ / / / / / / /::.. /___/_/_/_/___/_/_/_/_/__[rC7]::.. fOR aBNORMAL,cRAZY aND rAP sWAPPING wI7H lONG l377ERS wRI7E.. [·r3AC7! oF sA7URNE·] jOERI 7AN fAUNA 17 1273 GV HUIZEN dA nE7HERLANDS! !nO lOW-pAYED sENDINGS! SpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSp p\/\/\/[Le Chat ds son berceau,] a a/\/\/ [entend-t-il la sirene ?] You're looking for a fast,friendly, s s\/\| ______ ....swapper, then you should write m m/\/| /\_____\ me,because I'm very cool and that's S S\/ | / / ____/ ______ not me who told it...;-) p p/ | / / /__\ / __ /\ a a | _\/___ / / /\/ / / ____ Badum, badum,..... s s | /\___\/ / / ____/ / /\___\ There's a lot of empty m m * \/_____/ / /\___\/ / / __ \ _____ space here and I don't S S /_/ / / / /\/ / / ___/\ know how fill it..... p p \_\/ / / __ / / /___\/ _ _ a a / / / / / /___ /\ /\\_/\\ s s Alhazred/Spasm \/_/\/_/ _\__/ / / / / \_/ \I'm also looking m m /_____/ / / / \__/ /4 sum video-dmos S S Aymeric Hiltenbrand \_____\/ / / // / / so.... p p 12, Rue Du Berry / / // / / a a 59700, Marcq-en-Baroeul \/_/ \/_/ s s FRANCE m m S S Disk=Answer Asciis by Oxstone Le Bel p p a SpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSpasmSs MeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOw e M L Rayon/MeLLoW OudeVaart 38 e L ------------ 1749 CH WarmenHuizen L o The NetherlandS L W o mEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoW ___________ ____ ______ ___________ \___ ___>|____|\_ **| \___ ___> | ##| ____ | *| | ##| |* #| /* \ |* |___ |* #| |** | / ** \|** | \|** | |____| \______/|________/|____| ... ...... .. For swapping: ..... . .... .. EXOLON/TILT ... ... MACIEJ TURCZYNIN .. .. WIOSENNA 25/6 . . 57-300 KLODZKO .. .. POLAND ... . .... . Remember: ..... . - 100 % reply! ...... .. - short letter rulez! ....... ... - hard core tekkno rulez! ........ ___ _______________:_ _______________ _/ Y _/ _ _/ :___/ ____ _ \ .----\_ \_ | \_ | \_ __/\_ | |-----. . --¦ | Y | | | | | | | | | D. : ---. | : | | | ! | ! | ! | | | ! | | `-----| | | | | | | |-----' ¦ : l___| l___ l___ l___ l___| | __ : ¦ l___| \___| \___| \___| l___|/_ \ ! ! _/ / . `----- ---- --------WE-THINK-,-YOU-STINK---------- \_/- -----' .---------------------. .---------------------. | WACKO D. / MO[l]EN, | | DA VINCI / MO[l]EN, | | P.O.BOX 399 | | P.O.BOX 7143 | | 3430 AJ NIEUWEGEIN | | 3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN | | THE NETHERLANDS | | THE NETHERLANDS | `---------------------' `---------------------' FACET'S PUSSY ___ /\___________\_/____/\_____ / _ \ _ / ____ _ \ _ / \ \\ \ V /_ \/ > V _> V /_ < ___/>______>_/\_/\_\______> V V a flower grows in hell ! . DESIRE DHQ Findelstraat 5 5042 VC Tilburg The Netherlands For some fast'n'elite swap, write to : Alhazred/Spasm ! Aymeric Hiltenbrand 12, R. Du Berry 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul FRANCE Disk=Answer ! What to put here ??? -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- . . . . . . /l_ /l_ /l_ /| /l_ /l_ / __\ / \_/ \_/ |/ _ \_/ \_ / | \/ l__/ l__/ | | / l__/ / : \_ _/ \___ \_ : __/ _/ \_ \ · / | / | / | : \ | / \____ /___ /___ /__|__| \___ / \__/ \__/ \__/ ift l__/ \__/ Contact INFANT/FACET'S PUSSY/DESIRE now for some slow, but cool long letter swapping, at this address INFANT / FP / DESIRE Gooierserf 230 1276 KZ Huizen Holland -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- _____ _____ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /\ __\ ____ /\ \ _____ ^ We need more ^ \ \ \ \ / __ \ \\ !\\ /___ /\ ^ ELITE contacts! ^ \ \ \__\/ / // /\ \\! \\/ / / / ^ ^ \ \____\/_// / \ \____\/ / / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \/____/__/ / \/____/__/ /_ \____\/ \____\/__\ _____ \ \\__\\ / /\ MALAKAI/EXCESS DIGITIZER/??? \ \\ \\ // / / / \ \____\ //_/ / / Kjell aage Myhre Frode Johansen _\/____//____/ / Arntstuvegen 20 Movegen 25 /__ /\ \____\/_ 7650 verdal 7650 verdal // / / /\ __ \ NORWAY NORWAY //__ / / \ \ \__ \ /____/ / \ \ __\ \ -100%Reply to all -4 Cool swap time \____\/_ \ \_____\ -4 ELITE swapping /\ ___ \ \/_____/ -I'm searching 4 group to join.. \ \ \ \ -YOUR NAME IS ANSWER \ \ \ \ \ \_____\ (Greetings go to all our contax) \/_____/ j__/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k µ\_ .\\_ __)\_ __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/å $ / | \/ ._|_/_. \/ \/ | _/ ._|_ ø t/ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \z / : \: \: \ \¦ \: \ \ _____/_____/_____/___/:____/___ / \/t·3·$·t·3·ð ø·n å·n·¿·m·å·£·$\/ «««::«««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»::»»» __/\__ CHAOS·OF·DESIRE __/\__ \ oo / Dirk Wiemer \ oo / /_~~_\ Thueringer Str. 150 /_~~_\ \/ 14770 Brandenburg/Germany \/ «««::«««««««««««««»»»/\»»»»»»»»»::»»» ..gRåph!ç¿ån /\ ånð \/ må¿£tRåð3r.. . /\_____/ )/\ /\/\______ . . \ ___/ \/(__\/ \__ __/ . _. /\_/ / \\ \_/ \\(./ ) \__/\ ._ ·\/···\__ / \ / /\\/ _____/····\/· ·········\/\_/\(______\/············· ··············(_/·····\)············· ·føre¿gn·gµ¥$··nø·£øw-£3v3£·$wåpp3r!· ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ / \ / \ / \ |_|_|_| / \ | | /_________\_________________| | | Contact me for _____ | | ELITE swap.... |_|_|_| | | |_|_|_| | | MALAKAI/EXCESS | | | | Kjell AA.Myhre -100%Reply | | Arntstuv. 20 -4 ELITE Swap | | 7650 Verdal -4 Speed swap | | NORWAY (Greetings to all my | | | | contacts) | |___|______|______________________| _______ _____ _______ ____ _ ____ /\ ___\\__ \||||[ wR!+e mE fOr ] |\ \___ \/|\_) /\|||[ fR!eNd-bOat- _] ||/\_____\||/____/\|[ sWaPp!nG... ] ||\/_____/||\____\/|[_ |\ \ / ] |/ .. .\__/ . \[ __|_\_--o-- ] ( s2 +he nex+ bes+ /[---\____/-------] | +h!ng af+er aard(|[ -_-_- - - - -] | be!env|a.. (met .)[_-_ ScanDal/ s2] | stukjes aardbei)/|[ - Holleweg 68] (. __ . __ . __ .(||[ 1851 KJ Heiloo] |\(::)_(::)_(::)_/||[_The Netherlands| `--\/---\/---\/----------------------' __/\ ___/\ ___/\_ _/\ __/\____/\___k \_ .\\_ __)\_ __)\__)\ .__ \ ____/a / | \/ ._|_/_. \/ \/ | _/ ._|_ o / | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \z / : \: \: \ \! \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _____/_____/_____/___/_____/_____/ \/ ------------------------------------- to swap modules, graphics and demos.. ------------------------------------- Loony/Desire 58 Nethercote Rd Tackley OXON - OX5 3AT England ------------------------------------- ..cool, foreign group members only!.. ------------------------------------- ________________________ / _/ /__ /___ _/ / _/ _____/ / \ / / / / \ / \_ / / / / \_ / \____ \_____ /_ / \______/ \______/ \_____/ fOR hAPPY eLITE mAILTRADING fATE/oUTLAWS tHORBECKESTR. 13 6971 dA BRUMMEN hOLLAND hI: mOVEMENT-aLPHA fLIGHT-sANITY x tRADE-eNERGY-rAZOR 1911-iRIS sCOOPEX-kEFRENS-pOLKA bROTHERS pARASITE-sPACEBALLS-dAMONES 100% aNSWER(nO jOKE) ___/\_____________/\_____________ \_/ \______ ¬\_/ \_/~ ______/ |: |~ \__ _|: |_____ ¬| |! |: | ¬|. |~ ¬| :| l____;____| !|____|! _____; `----' `----' Contact For Hot Swap (AGA) DAFFY/IRIS BREGNEVANGET 7 3050 HUMLEBAK DENMARK Fast Greetz:Sanity Applause Rebels Jewels Abbys Platin Noice RamJam StaticBytes Analog FlyingCows TRSI Talent PolkaBrothers Spaceballs Corpse Balance Razor1911 + Others _____ _____ __ _/ /_/ / /__/ / / / / / / /___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / .:(______(_______(______/:. o SuPPoRt oUr GhEttOpAcK o ExiT/OvErLoRdS KwArTeLsTrAaT.3 8446 HT HeErEnVeEn hOLLAND o ALLsO fOr SwAPPing.....o MeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOw e M L Rayon/MeLLoW OudeVaart 38 e L ------------ 1749 CH WarmenHuizen L o The NetherlandS L W o mEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoW _/\_ ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. \OO/ ·. / \ [rANDy / SUbjE©t] ·. ¯\/¯ Robert Ekberg · . Ymersg. 2 _/\_ ·. 941 51 Pitea \OO/ ·. Sweden! / \ ·. ¯\/¯ ·. . ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() () ()() () \\\ () () __ _/\ /@@ \ () () /_/\ \ \_\ / /_ () () \_\/ 4 friendly \___ \ () () swapping write 2:/ \ \_ () () WATERHEAD/ / _ /\__/ () () OZONE FREE \ \ \ () () P.O.BOX 1 \ \ \_ () () 60-965 Poznan 5 /__/\ / () () PoLaNd /_/\ \_/ () () \_\/ () () 1oo% Reply to ALL!! () ()() () ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ______________________________________ _____ _____ _____ \____ \ / / /__ __// \___ \_ ___/ /__ // _ //__ / / ____/ / / / / / / _ _/ __/_ _/_ // / /_/_ / /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/ /_____/ / / //____// / / =[LFO]======================/__/========/____/======/____/=== gEt a nEw fRiEnD aT tHiS pHuTuRe 3ø3 sTaTiOn bAsE oF pHuTuRe 3ø3 pOsTfAcH 1102 24585 nOrToRf gErMaNy aNsWeR iS gUaRaNtEeD tO eVeRyOnE! .---------------------------------. _____ | | _____ _/ \_ | WAVE - RIDERS | _/ \____\_ | _/ | | \_ | _/ ___/ | | |---------------------------------| | | | _/_| | | | Contact Soldier of WR | | | | | l_____| | for friendly swapping: | | | `--l__ | | Soldier | `--' | Budapest | Watts/nEo | Damjanich st.22. | 46 Northfield St | H--1188 | Deane Bolton | HUNGARY | BL3 5JH | | England | | `---------------------------------' OvErSeAs OnLy. .___. ._____ ._______ ___|_ |___| npt/ | ___/_./ _/ |\_ | __/ .--|\_____ | | |/ _ \.--. | |________|________|___|____| | | | | Cenobite/Sardonyx | | Sven Thormodsson | | Kobbarnas Vag 17 | | 41664 Gothenburg | | SWEDEN | |--------------------------------| | 1oo% answers to every scener | `--------------------------------' Little elves and big dragons, tick tick does the clock all the seconds. obidoe does it make sense don't know, everywhere ants ??????????????????????????? I am Sascha !!!!! and ready to swap modules Sascha / Talent Groenveldsdijk 34 a 1744 GE Groenveld The Netherlands Greetings to : me, and eh me, and you too ... | s2 +He__ ________ | | NeX+ /_/\ / ______/\ iF yOu cAn | | beS+ \_\// /\_____\/eXpLaIn tO Me | | +hInG /_____ /\ hOw tHe HeLl | | Af+eR _\____/ / /i'M sUpPoSeD tO | | AaRd- / /\__/ / / uSe tHaT wEirD | | BeI- / ______/ /sTuFf cAlLed SoAp | | eN- / /\_____\/oR yOu KnOw hOw tO | | VlA/_____ /\ bAke eGgs, wRiTe mE!| | .._\____/ / /................. ___| | ./ ______/ /. . . . . . . . . /__/\ | / /\_____\/__. . ScanDal/ s2 \__\/ |/ /_/_/ /\ /_/\. . Holleweg 68 /\_| /_______/ //_/\/ 1851KJ Heiloo /__/\ \_______\/ \_\/ The Netherlands\__\/ ___ ___ _____ +--/ _ \/ _ \/\/\deus-/ / _ \/\/\---+ : / / _/ _ / \ /\/ / _ / \ : : \/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_) : : \_) \/ \/ \/ \/ : .--+-----------------------------------+--. | If You NeeD a REALLY COOl contact | | 4 SwaP: | | ---tons of mods... | | ---tons of demos... | | ---tons of cool mags... | | ---and why not?cool pics... | | ThEn WritE 2: | | VEGA/RaM JaM | | Giuseppe Galluzzo | | Via Dei Frassini 6 | | I-92019 SCIACCA (AG) | | I T A L Y | | DiSk(s)=100% ANSWER! | | TaStE ThE DiFFeReNcE | +-----------------------------------+ ::: __ ::: :: /¯¯¬\__ __ __(__)__ :: : / (__/ ¬\/ ¬\/ /___/ ¬\ : \ ( ¬\ ) \ ) \ \_ ¬\ ) \ \ / / / / / / ~¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¬ Try me for hot mailtrade: Coolio/ Grasshopper Dev. Marktkade 110 : 9581 AW Musselkanaal : :: Holland :: ::: ::: _________________ ____ ______ / ___________ \/ Y / \ \ | \ | / /¯¯¯¯T \ | \ _/ / | \ | \_ _ \ \ | / | / | \ \_________/____| / | \ STV\_____/¯¯¯| / ¯¯¯¯¯¯ dO yA lIKE tHE cRAZY wAY oF sWAPPIN' . tHEN yOU`rE rEADING tHE rIGHT aDVERT. jUST wRITE tO: cHUCKY / sARDONYX mARC lÖFFLER aM hERRENGARTEN 12 78176 bLUMBERG gERMANY _____________________________ \___ \ / / /_ __/\__ \_ __/ / ___/ / / / / / / _/ _/_ /_//__/__/___/_/___/_/ /____/ =[LFO]===============/_/======= _____ _____ _____ Write to /__ // _ //__ / LFO for True_/_ // / /_/_ / Ultra-Fast/ / //____// / / Swapping /____/======/____/=== LFO/PHUTURE 303 WHQ 135 STOURTON AVE HANWORTH MIDDX TW13 6LD ENGLAND !100% to disk senders! Also for supporting our kewl musicmag `SubCulture' Remember Chernobyl? We Do! Get our nuclear results NOW! [Find our addys somewhere else] (react/MoNk ^ Noodle/Desire) ........................... : : ..............................:............ : : : : : : __________ : ______ : : : / _____/_ _:___| /_:___ _________:_ : _/ | |_____| | / | _______| :hMC/hDL\_____________| | |___________| \ : : \___________| : |_______\ : : sUPPoRt cULt! : : : : : : : : tHE nEW cOOPeRATiON mAG bY : : : : :...........:.............: : > aBSOLUTE! ^ dREAM dEALERs < : :.........................................: Fester/Absolute! (mAiN ed) nAPOLEOn/dREAMdEALERs lORD/aBSOLUTE! 1073 Budapest Bp.56 1181 Budapest Erzsebet krt.19 13153 Tarascom Cedex Darus 10 II/3 Hungary France Hungary +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ | _________ _____ _____________ ____________________ | |/ _____/ \/ / \/ / \ . \/ / | \ _____/ | |\______ \ / / \ \ / / / \ __]_ | |\_______/|__/__/\ / _____/__\ \____/__/\_/\__\_____\ | |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\/\/=-!KTL!-=\_/-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | | | | For friendly elite swapping contact: | | | | Kestrel / Syndrome | | | | Jan Christoph Meyer | | Lehmsiek 1 | | 25876 Schwabstedt | | Germany | | (known groups preferred) | | | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ ________ ________ ______________________\ /_______________________\ / _ ___ \______ \_ ___ _/ \_ /_______ \_ ___ _/ \_ /_ _ // /_______/ _/ \_____ __/ / / _/ \_____ __//---. //_______\______|______\_______\__________/____|______\_______\·cDr·: - -----------------------------------------------------------------' PAYDAY/RAM JAM, BADSTRANDSV.6, S-136 49 HANINGE, SWEDEN! -------------------------------------------------------- - FOR SOME OLD FASHION SWAPPING AT A HIGH QUALITY LEVEL! - -------------------------------------------------------------- GREETINGS: FREEZERS,C-LOUS,ANATHEMA,TRSI,REBELS,STELLAR,DESIRE FLYING COWS,GODS,MYSTIC,EREMATION,ESSENCE,SCOOPEX,BALANCE,NEO! SATURNE,GIANTS,MANIACS,DEVIOUS DESIGN,OUTLAWS,MAD ELKS,DELIGHT ROYAL,TENSION,KINGDOM,MOTION,INHUMANS,MYTH,ALPHA FLIGHT,& REST -------------------------------------------------------------- RAM JAM - TASTE THE DIFFERENCE WhY? We tell you why! React / -mOnk- Joeri Tan fAUnA 17 1273 gV hUIzEn Holland nOodle / Desire! Stephan Schipper TiJm 20 1273 Ec hUIzEn Holland [No Cheating!] 100% rePLy! That's WhY! _______/\____ ___ _/\_____ ///___ ______/Y \/ ___/ _/_/\/ / \ |___;::: \ \ \_ \_/ / | \:: .. \ \_____/__/ \__/____ / ::: ::::\/____/__/\_/____/ /|__/:::: :::::::[ManthaN/TMG]:|/___/::: Noordendijk 777 3319 GL Dordrecht Holland *Snes*Pc*Sega*Amiga*Vhs*Gameboy* FoR SoMe niCe modULe swAppINg tRy tHiS aDdY ZadDO/rBS EriK SUnDBerG Strandbergsv.12 611 37 NykopinG SweDEn or... MorroW / RzR 1911 CallE NaaS Bryngelstorpsv.23 611 63 Nykoping Sweden MeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOw e M L Rayon/MeLLoW OudeVaart 38 e L ------------ 1749 CH WarmenHuizen L o The NetherlandS L W o mEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoWmEllOwMeLLoW ______ ________ .-----------------------------|__ \-\___ \--------------------------. | (\) /¯¯ / / ( / (/) | | \____\ /\________/ | | /____/ | | _____ __. _.___ ____:_ _ | :/ __/_________ _________________/ |_______| __|__| |______ ______| / \ / ___| / _____/ _______ |____ | \__ \_ / ___|/ __/:_ \ / / __| / ) / __| / / . | ( / \ __| \___ / `\_____/\________\____ \________\ \_______|_______/___\______________/ /_____\÷e÷ \___| Sysop: JaKE/PRESTiGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - !ASK FOR THA NUMBER! - . .------------------------------------. . .|»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«|:+ . .:|«.--------------------------------.»|: . . :|»| The Flame Arrows EhQ! |«|.: ::|«| NODE 1: _+31-3486-5242_ |»|: . :.:|»| NODE 2: _+31-3486-2847_ |«|.:+. . :___:«:_____ _____ __. .__. .__ _____:»:___.:. :.:| Y Y Y | .| |. | Y Y |:. . . +:| : | : | : | |::| |::| | : | _ |:: . . ::| l__| l__| l | |+:| |:.| | | | | |:. . :.:l___ | |::| _ | |__| |_:| | | | | |:: . . ::| | | |::| | | | | | | | | | | |:+ ::| | | |+:| | | l | l | | l | | |.: . . +:| | | |::| | | | | | | | |:. :.. .:l_____l__l::l__l__l_____l_____l__l_____l__l__l.:. . . .~~~|»:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:«|:~~~ . +.|»| |«|:. . :.|«| A3OOO/030/28MhZ/882/50MhZ 21K6 |»|.:. . .|»| OFFICIAL ASM-ONE LEECH POINT! |«|:.+. .:|«| AMiGA AND eLiTe CONFeReNCeS! |»|.:. :|»| oNLy 100% eLiTe! |«|:. . .:|«`--------------------------------'»|.:. .|»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«|: . `------------------------------------' ________ |~ _/__dIAl!-+31-(0)51-2041293_ |. |/~ _ \_ _______ .__/ __ || |___ | |/_____ \/ .| ________ /\_\ ___________ || | \| _/ | \\_ || \/_/__ : |__________/__\ _____/___| : ___ \\ | :|::: \_____/ _________________________|~ \ \ | |O-: : /~ /___)__ .__/|| \_ | |:::: / /____/~ .|/ .|__ `' ___/ | |_:::___28k8___ / / ~ \|_ || || | | ____|_ | ::y \____________/___|_____| |____| | :: Am|gA-wArEz::cOnfErEncE - hArdwArE cOnfErEncE - stOrAgE cOnfErEncE : ^-frEE dOwnlOAd rUnnIng A1200 68030/28 - /x4.x - hydrA - tEstnEt - 28k8 - 420mb hd nEwUsEr: 3mb frEE - frIEndly..sysøp - AmIgA ønly - 0-2 dAy wArEz [· mYTH wORLD hEADQUARTERS · mYTH /X )-sIGN wORLD hEADQUARTERS ·] ___ . /\ /\ ____| \_____________________ _______________ ________ _:_// \/ \/~ || \_ _______ .__/__)/~ /~ \|. _/__:_ |/ \__ `' ___/_____ \/ .||~ .| /____/ | \| |___| _/ \/ \\| |_/ | \\_ ||| || / ~ \ _ \\ | \_ \_____|| \____|\ _____/___||____|___ \\___| \________/ -|-----|______/-----\_____/----Stz!---------\_______/--|______/------|- | _________________ _____ __________________/\___________ .| | \_______ \ _/ /~ \/~ /~ ____ /~ _____/ || _|______|. __/ \ |___/ | \ /____/ __/_\ //______ \____| : || \______) |~ \_ _ \\_ / ~ \_ \/\_ / \\_ . . | | |__________/ |_____/_______/__________/__________/ -:--------|_____|--------\______|---------------------------------------:- __________________________________________________________________________ : ····»»»»··»»»»»» +31-10-4779507 < 3 nODEZ rINGDOWN > ««««««··««««····: : ····»»»»··»»»»»» +31-10-4774218 < 1 nODE 28k8 oNLY > ««««««··««««····: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ««· NUP:aSK · NUP:aSK · NUP:aSK · NUP:aSK · NUP:aSK · NUP:aSK ·»» ]»>---------------<«[·nOw·eNTEr·tHe·bERMUDa·HoLl/\Nd!·]»>--------------<« .... ::::........ ............ ............ :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: [sYSOp: tRIANGLe] :::: :::::::: ::::.:::::::: ::::.:::::::: [cOSYs: RiNg,RiNg] :::: :::::::: :::: ........ ::::........ [cOSYs: -=LM=-] ::::.::::::::.::::.::::::::.:::: ::::::::. [rUNNINg /X4.xx] :::::::: [HYDRA HERE..!!] .... .... ................. :::: ........ .........:::: ............ :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::: ::::::::.:::: :::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: ::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::::.::::.::::::::.:::::::::.::::.:::::::: ::::. ::::::::dLT :::::::: [·fASt·tRADINg·pOSt·][·cONFERENCEs·aMIGa·sNEs·aNd·mUCh·mORe·] [·nODe1·+31-(0)36-5341347·uSr·28k8·][·nODe2·+31-(0)36-5347943·zYx·19k2·] OnE Of The Fastest Boards Of The CenteR Off HollAnd 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! ]»>----------------<«[·nOw·wHAt·aRe·yOu·wAITINg·fOr?·]»>---------------<«[ WhERe *PhUN!* Is ThE MoTTO! ____/|_________/\__ * N O N U P! * __ \ _ ___ _ ____ __/ .----\/- - - - - - \/ |/ _|_ \/ _)_ AMiGA & cONSOLE | A4OOO-O4O/1OMb + 1G¡G HD / / \__ / \/ \ | 57k6+ SeRIAL LoCKS /___ \ _|__\_ / - - - -----. . PHAST AM¡GA!,mOduLeS, .\ |\/ \ / GRAB YaR BAbe | | AsCii ReQ's,X-RaTeD - -+ \| \/ AND CaLL NOW! | . ___/\ :-- . __/\ ______________ \_ //\_______/\_______/\____/\_/\________/\_______ \_ \/ _____ ______ \ \/ \ ______ _______ _ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _______ \ / /\ \/ /\ \/ \ \ \/\/\ \__ \/ / _/ /\\ \/ / _)_| \) ) _)_/ \ \ \ /o \/ \ \/ \ \_) \ \/o \ \ \/ \ \/ \ / \/ \ / / \/ \ \_) \ \! ____/ _/___/\ __/ __/ !____/ ___/ ___/\ /\_ /__\ \_ /\ __/ : / . \/ \ / \/ \/. \ / \ / \/ \ / \/ \ / .\ / .\/ . \/ \/ \/ \/ LtG! __\/ | \/ `--- -- - - - - - - - - -- -\/----' ·C·O·N·N·E·C·T· ·A·T· (&T) [ dELiGHt HQ ] [ dELiGHt HQ ] [ InFEcT EhQ ] NoDe 1= +31(O)2294-4442 (33k6) USR V.34 [ InFEcT EhQ ] [ MYSTiC hQ ] NoDe 2= +31(O)2294-1442 (33k6) USR V.FC [ MYSTiC hQ ] NoDe 3= +31(0)22PRIVATE (33k6) USR V.34 _______ _________________ | \ |. | |. | | \\ |___ ___|| || _ ___| || | || |. || | || |MEGANET || || || |. |. | || |DAN |. \ . |. || | || |NLA |____\______|___________|___| || | _____________________________|. |___ | |. |. | || ___ || |___ _____ ___| |. |. |. |. | || |KtN |___ | || || | __| || | | . |. |. |: | || | |_______|___|_______|___| _|. |_ The MLW - DiST-SitE ! \ / +31 (0) 72 403-514 \ // SySMo : HaMMeR/MlW \ / Co-SySMo's: KtN /MlW V RaYOn /MlW . 2400 - 33k6 D H S T ______ __ ________ ____________ ___ ___ | /___ _____ ______ _______ _______ __ . . || . . . . _:_ __ _ _\ _ ___ \ __ _ \_ _\| _ _:__ _ __\ __ __\ _ :____. _/ _/_ | / / / _/\_ \_\_ \_ \ | |\_ \_\_ \_ | // / \ /s | / |\ \\ \ // / / / / \ | | // / / / / |___\\ \ \/l | ¯¯ | \ \\ \// /\/ / / |\ | |// /\/ / / | /\\ \ \\z | |_/ _// ¯¯ / ¯¯ / || | ¯¯ / ¯¯ / : / |\¯¯ \ \\! | /______/______/____||____|______/______/______/__| \___\¯¯ \ |______\ / \ /_______\ --|/- -- -\/- --(<«· B · O · O · N · D · O · C · K · S ·»>)-- -\/-- ----\/- [·tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!··lSD!··oRIGIN! aMIGA eUROPEAN Hq!·] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!·] [·pARADOX dIST.sITE!·] [·tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] [·aRT-cORE! eUROPEAN hQ!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] -[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- . .. . +. . . . . . . . . +. . . . . .. . .. . .+ . .. . . . . . . .. .+. . ... .. . .. ..+ . . .. .+ . . + .+ . .+. .. . . . .+ . . +.. . +. . . +. . . . . +. . .. + ..+._____+ . _______ +.._______ ..+ _____ .+ _________ +.. ___+.___ ../ \.|| \.// \+ ./ \ ./ \.. / \/ \ // :. \\|| ____ \\/ _____/ // .. \\/ .____/ // .\\\ /// || \\| :. / \\ \/// :| \\\ \ // |MP| \\\ // l \\\ _|| \\ \\__ \\\ \\______. \\/ : \\ \\ // \\ \\\ // . \\ ll \\\ . . / \\_________/|____: \\_______/______| // /\____\__/____// + . .+ . + . |_____// +. .. . +. ||_____/_________// + . . +. .+ +... . . . +.. + . + . . +. . . + . .+ . . +. . . . . . . +. . + . . .. . .+ . . +. . + aMiGA oNLY. . .+ . . . . + . . . . + . . + ... . .+ .. . . . . .+ . . . . . . .. . . . . . + . . .. . . .+ . .. . + .. +.. .+.. .. +. .+. . . .+. . +. ... . . .+. .+ +. ... . + .+ . aRE yOU rEADY fOR yOUR oRGASM?! . +. . . ... .. ... . . . . +. + . . +. . .+ . . . . +. . . . ... +.. . ..+.. . tHEN cALL: +31-22-721764 .. . +. .... . . ... + . . . . + .. . . + ... . . x________________ ____ ____ ________. .--------------------------. _\_ _ \ _ /_ \ / \ / _ \ / \_____ | _| |_ |:Y |__Y |_/ | Y | Y | Y | | Y:| THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE |:| |:|____ | | | | | | | | | | |:| |:| |:| | | | | | | | | | | | |:| S T O O P I D W H Q ! |:| |:| | | | | | | | ! | | | |:| |:| |:| | | | | | | | __/| | | |:|1.6 gB O-1 dAy aMIGa oNLy!|:| |:| ! | | ! | ! | |::| | ! |:|rUNNINg /X v4.9r oN A fASt|:| |:| | | | | |::| | |:|a2ooo/68o3o/68882/9/25mHz!|:| |:| | | | | |::| | |:|rUNNINg tESTNEt (@046002!)|:| `-^------^--^------^------^---^--^---^------^-^--------------------------^-' nODE #1: +31-47-463321 / nODE #2: +31-47-465342 / nODE #3: +31-47-pRIVATe! : __________ ______________ : --O----------------/ ______/_/____\_____ \------------------------O-- : /\______ _\ _\ \ _\ S%SOP: : | AMiGA ONLY! \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ SiNTAX/WxT7OTL | : \ \___________\_____\____\ \\ : --O-----------------\/___________/_____/____/\____\--------------------O : WORLD OF TWiST \/____/ OUTLAWS : : EHQ ___________ ____ ______________________ BHQ : --O-------------/_ ______//____\/_ \ \ _\-------------O-- : /\\ \_____\ _\\ \_____\______ \\ : | \ \\ \ \ \\\ \____/\ \ \\ | : \ \___________\_____\\ \ \ \__________/ : --O--------------\/___________/_____/\_____\---\/_________/-----[aBn]--O-- : \/_____/ : 7W7 USR Dual Standard 28.8K V.FC / V.34 7W7 +32-3825-2274 -+--------------> T h E <---------------+- _____ _________ __________ | | / \| \ AMIGA BBS | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | | | | < | |_____| | | | SySoP: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ThE OnE and | ! | | | | OnLy PrOf \_________/|_____|_____|__________/ B-RoM 24 HoUrS BBS 28k8 +31-(0)5130-51141 21k6 BBS 24 HoUrS --------------------------------------------------------------- 0-2 days GOLDIE OLDIES / BRAND NEW WAREZ 0-2 days ______ ______ \ _|_________________________ \ _|_____ / \__ \ _____________ \/ \__ \ SySøP: / |/ / __/__/ |/ \_ |/ / _/ / / : | \_ | / / / FleTcHEr \ / / : _| / | / / / \ ___/_____/| ::_____ /\________/___/____/ \) | :: | (/ \) ________|_____|_____________/|___ \ ________ / _ _ / | \ AreA's: / |__|_ \/___/ |__/ | \ Running on: _/ | \_: | _/ | \ __ \_ - AmigA \ | /: | \ | \/ | / Amiga 3000/25MhZ - PC (SOON) \ _________/:: | \ ____| |____ / 240 MB Online - Snes \) | :::| \) (/ 10 MB RAM (32bit) - AsCiI ::: |-rS! 3½ HD drive :: And a MOUSE : PRESTIGE HQ SENTINEL WHQ & DESIRE & APPLAUSE WHQ ----->> 14.4 + 31-(0)4780-12733 (NODE #1) <<----- ----->> 21.6 + 31-(0)4780-14014 (NODE #2+#3) <<----- Every Thursday! >>>> !!!!! INTERNET CAFE !!!!! <<<< 17 - 21 hrs IN >> MYSTERY << Lijnbaansgracht 92 AmsterdaM Tussen Rozengracht en Marnixbad Voor e-mail access open tues-fri 11-17 hrs Tel. 020 - 6202970 email sala@euronet.nl OOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOO O O o CoDerS: GraPhicianS: MusiCianS: o O ================ ================ ================ O o 1.>............. 1.>............. 1.>............. o O 2.>............. 2.>............. 2.>............. O o 3.>............. 3.>............. 3.>............. o O O o SwaPperS: TraDerS: BoArds: o O ================ ================ ================ O o 1.>............. 1.>............. 1.>............. o O 2.>............. 2.>............. 2.>............. O o 3.>............. 3.>............. 3.>............. o O O o GrOupS: ProducTionS: OOoooooooooooooooOOOooOO O ================ ================ O O o 1.>............. 1.>............. o -* RaYoN/MeLLoW *- o O 2.>............. 2.>............. O OudeVaart 38 O o 3.>............. 3.>............. o 1749CH WarmenHuizen O O O >> HoLLanD << o OOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOO O OOoooooooooooooooooooooO list of voters of the HokuSPokuS ChartZ!! +============================================+ Nr Name Group +============================================+ 01 SCR2BY Hum2rs 02 Mike Mystic 03 Vodka Saturne 04 Sane Monk 05 Rayon MeLLoW 06 The Loop Artwork 07 FLEP Joepie & U.P 08 AquaFresh Ex-MeLLoW 09 Action Energy 10 Hysteric RAMJAM 11 Volkan Sanli LEGACY 12 Mr.King TRSI 13 CeltiC MLW/SLN/AXS 14 Sorzby Znzth3mz 15 Tohe ZENON 16 Skinner ElTech NWY 17 Axel D ILLUSION 18 QIX ORBITAL P4 list of voters of the HokuSPokuS ChartZ!! +============================================+ Nr Name Group +============================================+ 19 LowLife Axis 20 BASE PHUTURE 3O3 21 Claustro 22 CHIRON (Ex-Jayone) MONK 23 Mysteria Technology 24 MSW Effect 25 Stimpson 26 Lord Absolute 27 Prime Stellar 28 Rahiem US 29 Terminator Myth 30 VEGA RAMJAM 31 Argon MeLLoW 32 Krypton MeLLoW 33 Huib MeLLoW 34 GlueFoot MeLLoW 35 Macrodex MeLLoW 36 Sascha Talent & MeLLoW list of voters of the HokuSPokuS ChartZ!! +============================================+ Nr Name Group +============================================+ 37 Noodle MeLLoW & Desire 38 Infant LONELY BOY! 39 Coolio GrassHopper DEV 40 WAH GODS 41 Gangsta ScoopeX 42 LEPRECHAUN DISORDER 43 ESQUIRE 44 React MONK A little less voters this time. HP-4 will have more!.. HokusPokus Credits: Code StufF : RayoN - MeLLoW Dance Magazine: Casseopaya. Editors : RayoN - MeLLoW Sane - MonK Music By : AquaFresh Chipz By : PyxiS & .\\aZe Chart Layout: HUIB - MeLLoW -* HOKUS-POKUS *- HP - Logo : Hein VoTes StufF : Celtic - MLW / SMLN Noodle - MeLLoW To contact RAYON/MLW about: chart/ add's/votes/or a Friendly chat/etc. Write to: -* HOKUS-POKUS *- RAYON - MeLLoW Whq OudeVaart 38 1749 CH WarmenHuizen The Netherlands Da Release Of HP-3!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After lots of days hard work , finally HP-3 was finished. First i want to thank al people who react on HP-2. As you maybe aready have read in this ver -sion of HokuSPokuS, the next versions will be different from the other HP's. Read some more elsewere in this mag!.. Some ThankS tO: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First of all i want to thank all the voters of HokuSPokuS , without them there wouldn't be a CHART in the HP!.. I want to thank all the people who sended logo's,layouts etc.. Tanx dudes I want to thank > HEIN < for this mega cool tille picture. This picture was ment for a desire product. But no-one didn't used it, so i've put it in te HP as title picture. I want to thank AquaFresh for the nice main music... And Pyxis & .\\aze for the Chip-TuneZ. Thank you : Nøødle,Celtic,Sascha for collecting the votesheets!.... :) Thanks HUIB for this nice Panel design And thanks to me for drawing it af! :) Sane Of Monk Thanks for the help!!.... Well that were the 'Thanks' for this version of HP... Some Personal GreeTZ: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some GreetZ flow out to: The guyz of S2 , Claustro, Grunf & Haralampie.... SøB (Tja ik was je ook dit keer niet vergeten!..), IkilledHer (Hey waar blijft mijn LW5.0 voor de pc?), PaX , ziBI(<-- greetz from huib!.... :) again!.. yepp again!), Tear, Mid0!.., Crazy wh!itE (Hmm.... Still Dead?.), HammeR (NicO!!.....), TsM (Your still in da chartz man!), Infanterie (Is des -ire nou levend of waT??),SanE Of MonK Chiron (Exjayone!.....:)), Celticje!.. Murauboeh!... :) ......., ReacT , ... Mr Wormz, Mr LWmmin', TEkken ruleZ..! ExhordeR Of AnimatorS (I'm waitinG for yar MaiL), Voyager (simms simms simms) NøøDlE (No-Odel),BDM(Hey LUL, HeY PIk, wat een HøøøøfD heb jij ZEg!! alweer). PixIE of PolkA (Tanx for the Picture), Binkie of the GlobetrotterS.......... Gijsbert..,...,Chromag Polka (:)), .., Lowlife, Anthony (Lets code indirect!) ISO , HollyWood , The Guyz of KIP BRIG PYXIS (de man)!,Maud'dib (Undiscoverd) All the guyZ from BiosynthetiC! (Lets play some virtual fighting! again!!). DevilStar(still wanna paint zumtin for da HokuSPokuS ??), AquaFresh (still go to Party-5 denmark?),Casseopaya (volg- ende HP weer?....).. Mr.Amiga :) .. WIZZ , JunkFoot, Lallababba! (KODAK).. And all guyz in MeLLoW & the Former Desire... and all i forgot!.... .:RaYoN:. THE DUTCH SCENE FILE BY: - Ramon B5 / Facets's Pussy / Desire - Rayon MeLLoW (Update 11-Nov'95) ------------------------------------------------------------- HOLLAND 1995 ------------ ACTIVE: dead! Wellknown members: Zully. Productions: Megademo. APPLAUSE: dead! Wellknown members: Revo, magic. Production: Speed. AXIS: Most praised dutch group Wellknown members: Antony,Lowlife,Iso,Hollywood Productions: Unknown Territories, Big Time Sensuality CATASTROPHY: DEAD! Productions: NANODEMO. CRYPTOBURNERS: Only two here in Holland: SOLID & CLOUD. CRYPTON: little dutch crew. Wellknown members: Wolverine. CRYSTAL: Modemsection of the famous crackers. DEAD! Wellknown Members: Outlander. DESIRE: DEAD!!!!!!!! Wellknown members: Guy Frost, Coyote, Ramon B5, Sacha, Zorlac, Fabian. Productions: Menace, Nicole, Explorer, Evolution, Biebel Story. ENZYM: DEAD! Wellknown members: HOT. EOC 1999: DEAD! EFFECT: ALIVE! Wellknown members: Take, Scan, MSW, Radavi. Production: Nix Miz Mee, I want your sperm. FACET'S PUSSY: The dutch division of DESIRE. DEAD! Wellknown members: Sacha, Noodle, Ramon B5, Infant, Zoef. Production: Exile. FOCUS DESIGN: DEAD! Wellknonw members: Tycoon, Porkqpine. FREESTYLE: DEAD! Wellknown members: Steroid. Production: Perfect 5. HUH?: new group in holland. productions: Borntro. STOOPID: New group in holland Mostknown members: Purno,ZAck Productions: ascii design Boards: The Altar of Sacrifice ICE PICKERS: DEAD! JETSET: A dutch legend Wellknown Members: Senze. Productions: Overload I & II. JUSTICE: DEAD! Wellknown members: Shadow Fox, Ramon B5, VV. [L]EGEND: A lot of the members left for MYTH, It looks like it's not DEAD! wellknown members: PINHEAD,Taz Devil,TDB Boards: Ruins of wisdom (ROW) MYTH: Wellknown members: THC,Crew-one,Eurosoft Productions: Mostly BBS-DoorS!. Boards: Mystical Places LEMON: Dead! Wellknown Members: Facet, SuperNao, Dope, KR'33. Productions: Announcement, Rink a Dink, Groovy. MAGICLORDS: DEAD! Wellknown members: Astro(Mr. Doom), Nao. MELLOW: the producers of the dutch chart => HOKUS POKUS. Wellknown Members: Rayon, Krypton, Argon, Celtic, HuiB, Macrodex, Gluefoot, Sascha, BazzMan, Hammer, Noodle. ProductionS: HokuSPokus, To-be-in, FaceS, ChainReaction, Lot's Of Intro's, Makers Of MolestedMusic, Cracked Some games! MIRAGE: The ChitChat GuyZ! Wellknown Members: Sasja, Blo, Jack, jake, tomcat Productions: ChitChat, Toxic Waste, Forgotten. Did great PRIME parties! Boards: No Vegtables MO[L]EN: Seems to be dead! (?) Wellknown members: Wako-d Production: Molenaar. MONK: New Group In scene!!!!!!!!! Wellknown members: Sane, Jay-one, Vicious. ProductionS: Trinity DiskMag. MOTIVE: Seems to be dead! Wellknown Members: Jay One, Tim, Kayo, The Wizz Productions: Dogmatic. MOVEMENT: The dutch section Wellknown members: 911, Astro. NEW GOLD DREAM: DEAD! Productions: Golden Tunes. ILLEGAL: DEAD? Wellknown members: Onix. OUTLAWS: seems DEAD? Wellknown members: Fate. OVERLORDS: small music group. Wellknown members: Exit, G!Z Boards: Thunderdome PARADOX: demo section of the crackin' crew. DEAD in NL! Wellknown members: Eswat, Jayce, I Killedher. PRESTIGE: Holland devision Wellknown members: Jake, Fletcher, The Freak, Deathnight Productions: Cracking and trading crew! Boards: Neon City, Cyclone PURPLE TURTLE: little modem crew Wellknown members: HI-TECH,Pyromaniac. Boards: NO boards left? RAF: Biggest group ever in Holland. Wellknown Members: Wolfman, Antibody, Mr. Amiga, Junkfood, Zack REALITY: Organizer of the SIH party's and producers of H.I.M! Wellknown Members: Wizz, Elliott, The Fox II, Tycoon, Whale,Boulderbrain, Buzzy, ThE RaVeR, D-pac. Productions: (H)ouse (I)nfo (M)agzine (H.I.M) Future productions:The NEW HIM magazine, A secret project!? Boards: Southern Tribe and The Last Resort ROYAL: The Amiga-Guide People!!!!!! Wellknown Members: Maud'dib, MegaFortress, ???? Productions: CrackerPack, ? SATURNE: just one member? REACT. SILICON LTD: DEAD? Wellknown members: Noodle(Chucky). SPACEBALLS: formed from the old lemon. Wellknown members: Facet, Hein, Danny, KR'33, SuperNao, Dope, lord helmet Productions: Kleine Jongen,9 Fingers,State of the art SILENTS: Dutch division DEAD! Wellknown members: 911, Name, Multi, Sacha. TAIPAN: DEAD! Productions: Rap is Crap. TFA: One of the older groups. Wellknown members: RubyX, Target, TUS, MR.Partyman Productions: AsmOne Boards: TotalConfusion, Stallion THE MAGIC GUILD: little dutch crew. THE LORDS: DEAD ! Wellknown Members: Ramon B5, Rio%, Famorisimax, Bush, Stash, Black Hell. vProductions: Best of The Best (pack series). THE RAVEN: DEAD ? Wellknown members: Acid P. TRSI NL: One of the older groups Wellknown members: Sal-One,Sectorcharger Productions: Trainers, Virus work shop? Boards: Boondocks and Logic System TRIUMPH: DEAD! VERMIN: Is back from the dead. Wellknown members: Peter, Tobin, Sniper. Production: MegaDemo. VICIOUS: DEAD! Wellknown members: Cloud (Vulcan). Production: their diskmagazine. VISION: The original is DEAD! Wellknown members: TSM, Hein, Facet, Crackerjack, Blo. Productions: Megademo IV, Can't Be, Nude TV. Quartex NL: trading crew! Wellknown members: bam bam boards: Down Town aBSOLUTE! --------- - ABSOLUTE! WiLL HOLD a PARTY iN BUDAPEST/HUNGARY between 3-5 of NOVEMBER! THE BIGEST HUNGARiAN PARTY EVER! $30.000 PRIZES!!! - 243 joined with his bbs Southern Comfort (2nodes RD) as a trader/sysop in Australia. - Lord left US and he is only an Absolute! member again. - Number of the beast bbs was offline for 1 month, due to the fact a Circle of Power (COP) virus wanted to stay alive on Lord's computer and he couldn't correct the damages by the time he went on for holiday. Bad news: ALL old USERS' ACCOUNT lost! But if you leave a message to Lord (after you logged on as a new user) your credits will be set back - Fester bought a modem and started trading. - Lord and Fester are the main organizers. - Scorpik (musician) joined. - Cult (the new mag) will be out in association between aBSOLUTE! and dREAMdEALERS! (mained: Fester/Abs!, coed: Napoleon/Drd, Lord/Abs!) wATCH oUT fOR iT! We NEED your support... send articles to the doods above! - Palace BBS is not an aBS! HQ anymore! It's only an Over The Top HQ! - Skowron left to join Funzine. Abyss ----- - Moon (Gfx) joined Kinky as double-member - Sting (Swap) joined from Bonzai Bros. - Qwerty sold his Amiga and left the scene Advocado -------- - Kinky renamed to Advocado. - Advocado is pure AGA! - The following were kicked; Svos, Blade, Woober, Beholder, Madman, Rockeronic. - All members who still owned an A500 were kicked. - Dutch division was kicked. - Belgian division was kicked. - Turkish division was kicked. - Polish division was kicked. Agoa ---- - Iceman (Music) left for Dylem Alcatraz -------- - Brainbug (Music) left for Talent Ambrosia -------- - Spiderwork, Mr.Salinas, The Crow, Kallestrup and Jolly got kicked, Jaxx left to become independant - Raze and Drac are now the new organizers - Cyboman joined from Balance as a musican and graphician - Raivo joined from Black Jack as a coder - Tricktrax joined from Tribe as a musician Anathema -------- - Steve Jones renamed to Penny - Musicdisk 'Channel 4' was released Animators --------- - They are working on `Roll Or Die II` - Exhorder and Horny joined from Anthrox - Jack Danielz (SysOp) joined with his bbs `State of Adversia` Anthrox ------- - Exhorder and Horny left for Animators Appendix ------- - CIE (Music) left for Phuture 303 Applause -------- - Snoop (Swap) sold his Amiga and left the scene Artcore ------- -They are dead! Artwork ------- - Azure joined as double-member from Bizarre Arts - Trasher joined from Sanity as Triple-Member Balance ------- - Cyboman (Music, Gfx) left for Ambrosia - Atheist. Grid, Vicious, Pantera and Excel joined from Sunshine Prods. - Fizban (Code) left the scene - Confidence joined from Duplo - Roland (Sysop) left them - Deelite (Music) joined from Razro1911 as double-member - 2 coders joined from Focus Design in Denmark - Upstream is dead! Banana Dezign ------------- - Blue Deville (Gfx), Alpha (Music) and Saracen left for Talent Basement -------- - A new group formed by TbM, Phase and Reverend D - Phase left for Insane but got kicked a week later Beatless -------- - Their coder left for Balance - Note and Iz left for Giants - Braindead left for Insane - Iz, Not, leprechaun, McPudel and Fugazi left for Giants - They are dead ! Bizarre Arts ------------ - The `Disable` bbs got kicked - Azure (Code) joined Artwork as double-member - Sid and Dano got kicked - Rave left the scene! - Deetz (Code) joined Black Jack ---------- - Black Jack is dead ! - Raivo (Code) left for Ambrosia - Best members formed a new group named `Innocence` - Addbox will now be released under the Innocence-Label Bomb ---- - Made (Gfx) joined from Scoopex - Trasher joined as triple member Bonzai Bros. ------------ - Sting (Swap) left for Abyss - Ghandy (Swap) and Toaster (Code) left for Gods - Gonzo, Maxx and Powl left for Illusion - MDB left the scene - The Hooligan (musician) left to be a FANATIC-member only - Risc (swapper) is a new WHQ - Hardy (coder) left the scene - The remaining members will continue as a Video group only! Boom Design ----------- - Hunter is back after 1 year break from the scene! Casyopea -------- - Bartesek left for Mystic Citron. ------- - Electron joined Sardonyx as double-member Complex ------- - Eloy left in France for Scoopex Crimson Jihad ------------- - They are a newly formed hungarian group.Their main aim: fight against the PC. Anybody, who is real Amiga fan, is allowed to join. Damage ------ - MGL left for Mad Elks - Action joined from Mad Elks Defiance -------- - Plugster left with his mag `BuZz` to be independant Delon ----- - They are back again. Their new dentro called Atmosfear is out now. They are a group based on fun only and they consist of very famous hungarian sceners from different groups (of course the members has other handles) Depth ----- - Icebreaker (Swap) joined in Finland as SFHQ - Picasso (Gfx) renamed to Folcka - Snowman (Raytrace) joined in Denmark - The Coolest (Code, Music) joined in Norway - The Paranoid (Music, Trade) joined - Fly (Gfx), Suare (Gfx) and Doc (Swap) joined - Kaze (Gfx, Swap) rejoined as SwedenHQ - LA (Music) and Droopy (Code) joined - Droopy (Code) renamed to Pennywise - Iro joined in Germany as swapper from Riot Dreamdealers ------------ - Fletch is back on the Amiga again Dual 4 Mat ---------- - Rebellion left for Maniacs Duplo ----- - Confidence left for Balance - Spot left Giants - They are dead! Dylem ----- - Sear (Gfx) and Bacalao (Music) of ex-Spasm formed this new group! - Iceman (Music) joined from Agoa Eltech ------ - D-Code (Gfx, Swap) joined - Geir did not join Eltech - Kurgan, Mr.Anonym, Sheela and Tipper got kicked - The Sugar Cubes are dead - Skinner is an Eltech member only - Mr.Anonym was kicked due to his inactivity - Aquafresh joined from Mellow as musician Energy ------ - Action left for Mad Elks Epsilon Design -------------- - Crusader joined as triple-member! - Twister joined with his board Flashback - The board Terminal Silence joined - Splat joined is handle to Desoto Essence ------- - Excess joined as raytracer from Rebels - Infant got kicked. Factor ------ - Plugster joined with his mag 'Buzz' Fanatic ------- - Splatterhead/Scoopex (swapper) joined as a doublemember Funzine ------- - Skowron joined from Absolute! as a graphician Flying Cows Inc. ---------------- - All foreign members got kicked ! - Danny Kane rejoined as swapper and new FinHQ - Grand joined as a graphician Freezers -------- - Reverend D, TbM and Phase left to form Basement - Delery/ex-Silents joined as a coder in Sweden - Marillion rejoined - Dsx-Design/TRSI joined as a musician Funzine ------ - Skowron joined from Absolute! Giants ------ - D-Coy is back in the scene! - Spot joined from Duplo - Fender joined from Yodel - Avenger (Swap) got kicked ! - Iz, Note, Leprechaun, McPudel and Fugazi joined from Beatless - Penta (Gfx) joined - Copy (Code) joined Gods ---- - Ghandy and Toaster joined from Bonzai Bros. Grasshopper developments ------------------------ - Reflex joins Grasshopper Developments from Cybertek - Grasshopper developments about to release music demo. - 'GHD[ Pack ]' from Grasshopper Developments almost finished. Packing will be made by CrazyWild of GHD. - A new version of 'DIZZY', the archive utility by Maverick of GHD, is being made. Many HUGE improvements have been made over previous releases. Due for release SOON! - Coolio joins Grasshopper Developments from Joy Division, as gfx artist and mailtrader. Illusion -------- - Astaroth left and joined Mad Elks in Poland - Gonzo, Maxx and Powl joined from Bonzai Bros. Innocence --------- - A new group formed by former Black Jack-members - Addbox will now be released under the Innocence-Label Insane ------ - Braindead joined from Beatless - Phase joined from Basement but got kicked a week later Iris ---- - Adonis left for Mad Elks - Peace left the scene Jewels ------ - Steffen joined from Parasite as swapper & modemtrader Kinky ----- - Most members are double-members ! - Moon/Abyss (Gfx) joined as double-member - Cro/Cydonia, Realitor/Eltech joined as double-member - Devistator/Neo (Swap) joined as double-member - They renamed to Advocado Ladybird Design --------------- - Maiy (ex.Picco/Swap) joined Lemon. ------ - SuperNao and Face-T rebuild Lemon. - A fake Lemon. intro was released. Supernao and Face-t have nothing to do with it. Mad Elks -------- - They are reborn ! - The organiser is Iron/Ex-TRSI (Swap) - Alice (Swap) joined - Sonic (Music) joined in Germany - Bethoven (Music) joined from Freezers as double-member - Action (Swap) joined from Energy - Action left to join Damage - Omega (Gfx) joined from Rektum - Adonis (Swap, Editor) joined as Mad Elks DanishHQ - MGL (Music) joined from Damage - Iron left the scene but later he refused and joined again! - Iron dropped most of his mail contacts! - Alice left the scene - Bethoven left Mad Elks to be only a member of Freezers - MGL left Mad Elks to be only a member of Damage - General Lee was never a member of Mad Elks! Majic12 ------- - They are looking for an editor to continue Top Secret English. - 243 (SysOp) joined in Australia as OZ HQ - Zozo completely stopped swapping Maniacs ------- - Rebellion joined as graphician from Dual 4 Mat - Kaoz! renamed to Jive - Saurian quit the scene Mellow ------ - Sascha (Swap) joined as double-member from Talent - Noodle (Desire) joined as double-member! Melon Design ------------ - Vegard and Benjamin joined from Scoopex Mirage ------ - Sascha (Swap) left for Talent - Magic left to be independant. He joined the Upstream staff in June and quitted his work for Chit Chat - Danny joined from Spaceballs as a double-member Muffbusters ----------- - Musci and Gyu opened their bbs called `In The Kitchen` (Mb WhQ) Mystic ------ - Bartesek joined from Casyopea as musician - The Knight joined from Obsession Neo --- - Speed Devil joined as Ascii Artist in Norway. - Macroman (Sysop on Neo ScanHq, Traders Paradise) is from now on, organizer of the Swedish modem section in Neo. - Dreamer was kicked out, due to lazyness. - Tbb and his board Twisted Society was kicked out. - Charlie was kicked out, due to lazyness. - Wingnut and his board Holiday Inn was kicked out. - Low spirit was kicked out, due to lazyness. - Mosquito and his board Assembly Hall, closed down! - Unheard quits the scene. - Virtuall Intelligence change name to ARMSVETT. - JLP is kicked due to lazyness. - Glow is kicked due to lazyness. - Mojo is kicked due to lazyness. - Spangly is now the Co-Whq of Neo. - Ninj joined in UK as Swapper from Strobe. Neoplasia --------- - JCS won the S.I.H. II graphic competition! - Vizerion (Gfx) left the scene - Beavis (Swap) left for Phuture 303 - Butthead (Gfx) rejoined Neoplasia - Marc (Music) joined from Sector 7 as double-member - HJE (Music) joined Nova ---- - Bluesilence re-joined as musician - Bluesilence left them for Syndrome Obsession --------- - The Knight left for Mystic Ozone Free ---------- - Seq joined from TRSI as graphician Pagan ----- - Stone left the scene! Parasite -------- - Thyrm (Swap) left for Neo - Steffen left for Jewels Passion ------- - Zarch and Xman joined from Triflex+Addonic - Pearl stopped mail-swapping ! Phuture 303 ----------- - Beavis (Swap) joined from Neoplasia and is the new GermanHQ - Beavis joined RNO as a doublemember. - Beavis renamed to Angeldust!!. - Parsec/ex-Alcatraz (Code) joined in Sweden - Damien (Swap), Axehandle (Code) joined - B.A.S.E. (Swap), Cyclone (Swap) and Clever (Swap) joined in Germany - CIE (Music) joined from Appendix - CIE joined RNO & BONZAI BROS. as a triple! member. - CIE left BONZAI BROS. and is now only in P303 & RNO. - Zapotek got kicked - Clever joined in Germany from TFD as a swapper. - Rage (re)joined PHUTURE 303 U.K. as a sysop. - Subculture # 6 and NOSTALGIA # 2 will be released very very soon!!! Prestige -------- - Coolorado is NOT the guilty person behind the Eleni viruses. It is just a lie spread by Zerox/Gods Pygmy Projects -------------- - Jester joined from Sanity Ram Jam ------- - Messerschmitt is back on the scene. he is urge looking for a group to join. And he is looking for more new contacts as well. He wounded a jewish with a knife (but by chance ONLY! - the jewish provoked him) .. the investigation is over now.. Fortunately Messer was not sent to prison! Razor 1911 ---------- - Colorbird left for Scoopex - Deelite (Music) joined Balance as double-member Rebels ------ - Rumours say that Chromag left the scene ! - Melvin renamed to Weezer and left the scene - Exciter and Nighthawk left the scene ! - Rebels are not Dead ! - Excess joined Essence - Zaddo is the WHQ now! Rektum ------ - Omega (Gfx) left for Mad Elks Riot ---- - Darkman (Music) and 711 joined - Seven Eleven joined from Tribe Saints ------ - Enzyme (Swap, Music) left for Neo Sanity ------ - Jester left for Pygmy Projects - Chaos quitted the scene - Trasher joined Artwork as Double-Member - Trasher joined Bomb and triple-member Sardonyx -------- - Malakai (Swap) joined as the new organiser of Sardonyx Norway - Tyneo (Gfx) and Kan (Swap) joined - Blade, Dazz, The Wizz, Mundgor, Ola Thörn and Bacon got kicked - GNO renamed to Fishwave and stopped swapping; he`s now only an editor for their new mag called `Seenpoint` - `Antarctic Station` (SysOp Maxwell/Supreme) is the Sardonyy GHQ - XTC (Music, Gfx), O`real (Swap), Ralph (Trade, Gfx), Jerry (Trade, Music), Junkhead (Music), Smigel (Trade) , Stig (Music) and Stein (Music) all joined in Norway - Electron joined as graphician from Citron. as double-member Scoopex ------- - Akiro & Dr.Poop are now the WorldHQ for the Scoopex Crack Section - NTSC joined from HOODLUM as trainer, coder and supplier - Mad Butcher joined as Hardware Supplier in Germany ! - Colorbird joined from RAZOR 1911 in Sweden ! - Made left for BOMB in France ! So, we are looking for new talented graphicians anywhere in Europe ! - Voyage joined as SysOp of `Another World` - Vegard and Benjamin left for Melon Dezign - Eloy joined in France from Complex as Graphician - Spycatcher, NHP and BKH left Trsi and rejoined Scoopex. - Laxical's music disk project is under production again! - Braindead joined from Hirmu. - Satan, Maniac, Chaos and Blue joined from Shining 8. Those were also last Shining 8 members. Because of this fact, Shining 8 is dead now! - Clone I.D. joined from Insane as double member. - Scoopex is reorganised. All inactive members got kicked out!!! - Trifox, Merlin, Darkman, Cocoon, Triton, Plasma and Mel'o'dee got all kicked out!!! - Bagdad cafe is closed forever and Crazy left the scene because problems with german police. - Both NHP & BKH and Laxical are going to release Their music on Cd. - Defcat/Trsi have NEVER been member of Scoopex!!! This is a fact!! - Darren is back in business! Darren will get a new menu for Nam Nam packs! - Karpow will soon get new menu for Infestation packs! New menu is going to be released at the Assembly'95! - Gangsta will soon get His own pack! - Scoopex WHQ and USHQ, The Addiction and Concept! Elite are offline atm. Scope ----- - Qwerty (Swap) and Snoopy (Music) left for Abyss Sector 7 -------- - Marc (Music) joined Neoplasia as double-member Spaceballs ---------- - Danny (gfx) joined Mirage as a double-member Spasm ----- - Sear (Gfx) and Bacalao (Music) left to form a new group called Dylem - Amigos (Music) joined - Suicyco (Swp) joined from Unlimited - Alhazred stopped swapping with most of his contacts Stellar ------- - Pride left the scene after 9 years! Steroid ------- - Gato left to be independent. - They won't make commercial stuffs anymore. They are not told to be dead yet, but they seems to. Sunshine Producitons -------------------- - Atheist, Grid, Vicious, Pantera and Excel left for Balance Surprise Productions -------------------- - 2 hot 4 u joined as sysop with his board The laughting acadamy - The Trickster renamed to Tal - General Lee (Swap) left for Mad Elks Syndrome -------- - Blue Silence joined as a musician from Nova - They have made 2nd place at the GASP Party Talent ------ - Blue Deville (Gfx), Alpha (Music) and Saracen (Swap) joined from Banana Dezign - Brainbug (Music) joined from Alcatraz - Sascha (Swap) joined from Mirage - Sascha (Swap) joined Mellow as double-member Technology ---------- - Wobber (Music, Swap) left for Neo Tribe ----- - Vader, Extasy, Cherokee Heptagon left the scene ! - Tricktrax (Music) left for Ambrosia - Tribe is dead ! Triflex+Addonic --------------- - Zarch and Xman left for Passion TRSI ---- - Christopher and NHP are NOT TRSI-members ! They have joined Scoopex a quite long time ago - other statements are simply false. - The first CD from the TRSI Record-label `Cyberlogik` is relased now! - TRSI Poland has been totally re-organized - Seq left for Ozone Free - Iron had to go away and joined Mad Elks as WHQ - Leviathan left the scene - Greg/ex-Anathema joined as a new coder - They have got a new sub group formed by Norby, Dreamer, Lazur and some others called `Nah-Kolor` Unlimited --------- - Suicyco (Swap) left for Spasm US -- - Schmoovy is working on a game for console. - Lord left to be a full-time Absolute! member only. Vacuum ------ - Qix (Swap), Mat (Raytrace), Ania (Bartman`s girlfriend - nice fun- ction -.ed) and Sixtus (Music) joined Virtual Dreams/FLT ------------------ - SuperNao and Face-T rebuilt Lemon. Waveriders ---------- - Saviour (graphician) changed his handle to Mezon. Yodel ----- - Fender left for Giants All news edited by Noodle/Desire&Mellow. News support by; Lord/Abs!, Gangsta/Scx and Action/Damage! ___ _ _ _ _ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | \_/ | |-| |- |- |-| |- | | | | | |_ | | | | \ | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | -| -| - | _| _| _| -THE OFFICIAL INVITIATION- I N T R O D U C T I O N Awarded as 'MOST IMPORTANT SCENE EVENT IN 1994' we are proud to invite you to the 5th anniversary of the original scene party; The Party. W H E R E & W H E N The Party 1995 will be held in Scandinavia's largest Hall & Conference complex; 'DRONNING MARGRETHE HALLEN', which is located in Fredericia in the middle of Denmark. The Party will be held from Wednesday 27th of December at 10:00 CET to Friday 29th of December at 12:00 CET. F A C I L I T I E S - Room for 4000 people! - A quiet, seperate hall for sleeping. - All info about what's going on will be published on a large bulletin board near The Information and on the big screen. - A cafeteria and a kiosk will be open all day. Fair prices. - Extremely **powerful** PA equipment (20.000 watt) and a 1000 x 800 cm high quality screen. - The Party 1995 T-Shirts will be sold at The Information. E V E N T S - 50 hours non-stop activities. - 9 main competitions with great prizes. - Laser Matic - The laser game! - Lots of computergame competitions with fine prizes. - Traditional party-events like: Body-crashing and DiskOs. - Live concerts at the stage. - Enormous RAVE-Party! - Giant Magic Card tournament. - Conferences with Escom and Amiga Technologies. - Plus much more... C O M P E T I T I O N S - Main competitions and prizes: Amiga Demo Pc Demo 1. $3500 1. $3500 2. $1500 2. $1500 3. $750 3. $750 4. $500 4. $500 5. $250 5. $250 Music Compo Gfx Compo 1. $700 1. $700 2. $400 2. $400 3. $300 3. $300 4. $200 4. $200 5. $100 5. $100 Also great prizes for WiLD-, Intro- and C-64-Demo compos - more info soon. Note! The prizes may be both cash and hardware. E N T R A N C E P R I C E - Due to the extra facilities, events, competitions and prizes the entrance fee will be dkk 250. P L E A S E N O T E - We will not accept anybody selling food, disks etc. without our permission. - Alcohol and drugs are not allowed at the party place. If we find any it will be confiscated and NOT given back. - Intoxicated people will be thrown out or handed over to the police. - We will not accept any racist signs or acting, weapons etc. - People who cause any damages will ofcourse have to pay for it. - We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, software etc. A D R E S S E S Party place: Dronning Margrethe Hallen Vester Ringvej 101 7000 Fredericia Denmark Organizers: The Party 1995 Postbox 755 9100 Aalborg Denmark The Party-Phone -for information and registration: -> (+45) 98 625859 <- Modem Registration: Mainline BBS -> (+45) 98 153062 <- -> (+45) 98 153562 <- Net Registration: Internet: -> theparty@cybernet.dk <- Fidonet: -> 2:238/67.1 <- Furthermore a diskmag will be released with detailed information, and soon you can surf onto our World Wide Web site on the internet, where there will be info updates and any crazy suprises we can come up with. Signed... The Organizers 20th of September 1995 23:29:43 CET The (too) big groups are killing the scene. Economists who believe in the theory of Institutionalism, think the only way economy can become good, and stay good, is when multinationals do not become too big and when the little compagnies survive in the hard economy. Economists who believe in this theory were for example Galbraith and Veblen. But the one who had the most extreme view was Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950). He thought multinationals like Sony, Philips, Nike and Adidas had to stop growing, because when compagnies like those become to big they will 'kill' all the smaller compagnies. If that happens, there is not so much competitive struggle anymore because there are less competitors as before. (all the smaller compagnies left, remember?!) Because there is less competitive struggle, compagnies, which still excist, have to try less harder to sell their products, because consuments have less choice where to buy. Because of this, compagnies need less innovative products, the products become less good etc. Some people I know (and I think there is a link between real world and the scene, because in fact the scene is a real world in miniature!) think you can compare the multinationals with the big groups which were with many in the past like Anarchy, TRSI, RAF and Silents. Those groups got a lot of members from little, still unknown, groups. The little groups can be compared with the small compagnies. When those small groups die, there is less competitive struggle in the Scene. The products (trackmo's etc.) can be less inovative because there is less competitive struggle for the number one place ..... This means the large groups can stop thinking about new and innovative effects etc. I really think this was happening in the past. Luckily, nowadays there are a lot of little groups again (look at Mellow, Monk etc.). Those little groups can push the competitive struggle to a maximum. But.... we have to be carefull, maybe it will happen again in the near future ... Or won't it become reality ever? Decide for yourself! A fact is that groups which have over 20 members are too large... Sane/MoNk! (fade into the shade, is that what you made? Common it's late!?!?!) THE TECHNODOME MUSICDISK SERIES Are you a musician? Are you able to compose real Technomusic? Do you think there are too less real Techno-musicdisx in the Amiga-scene? Then you should go on reading ... this is your chance to get famous!!! We are planning to create a musicdisk which has never seen before. It will contain the best Technomodules ever and some totally new ideas never seen before in any musicdisk. But we need you, your modules!!! This musicdisk is based on the idea to give you the chance to be famous. Turn on your mashine, create some real Technomodules (this means: NO 'HAPPY TECHNO', please) and send `em to ... Dr.Avalanche/Bonzai Bros The Hooligan/Cadaver Hysteric/Hoono - -- -------------- -- - - -- ---------- -- - - -- --------------- -- - Rene Küppers Mikko Virtanen Jean Francis Lopez Am Kammerbusch 38 Urpupolku 6 a 13 58, cite du chateau d`eau 41812 Erkelenz 15250 Lahti 62970 Courcelles les lens Germany Finland! France or upload them in the DISKMAGAZINE conference at: WILD PALMS +31-(0)3402-37959 (account name: guest, password: guest) Rulez ... The modules should be in the usual Protracker-Format. It doesn`t matter how long the module is or how many samples you`ve used (but please don`t send modules with 600kb or something like this ... remember: it`s a music- disk. But I think you know what I mean). You can do all kind of Techno- music, from Jungle, Gabba and House up to Trance ... just as you like. It just has to be REAL Techno, most musicians should know what I mean. You can also include a textfile with greetings, messages or any other crap ... it`ll be included to the musicdisk in a form of a scroller. It doesn`t matter if you`re a known or an unknown musician ... your music is your chance to enter the Technodome. If possible don`t make any cover versions, because we would like to get your music and no music of any other artists. Cover versions must be extremly good, otherwise there`s no chance that we`ll release this module in this musicdisk-series. So try to do your best ... .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. ¦ IT`S IN YOUR HANDS IF THIS MINDBLASTING MUSICDISK WILL EVER BE RELEASED ¦ `-------------------------------------------------------------------------´ The musicdisk will be spread through many famous swappers all over the world and you will also be able to download it from many known boards in Europe. So be sure that most sceners will get it .. (-; Graphicians are also invited to paint some great GFX for this project. But the GFX have to be convenient to the Techno-style. For further informations concerning the GFX write to Dr.Avalanche. That`s all now ... if you should have any questions left, then just write to one of the addys above ... Thanx for your patience ... Dr.Avalanche Review of: Title:Fun (1994) Country:USA Running time:105m. Director:Rafal Zielinski Before i started watching this film, i had already heard alot of good things about it.. It was supposed to be a grunge version of Heavenly Creatures (1994, director:Peter Jackson).. The story is about two fifteen year old girls, who kill an old lady just for fun (hence the title).. The movie is divided in two parts; the black/white part (set in jail) and the colored part (showing how the girls get to kill the old lady).. This film is one of a new bunch of films like; Pulp fiction, Leon, Reservoir Dogs, etc. Call it 'new violence' or 'Cult', the movie is fast with violent undertones (there's only one murder in it).. The actress playing the part of Bonnie (a hyperactive girl) really plays her part like she's born for it, i mean she really bounces from ceiling to ceiling.. I won't give this movie any points, because it's a movie you've got to love to enjoy.. But trust me if you like offbeat films then this is the one for you.. The new future plannz for the AMIGA! Escom's new plannz for the Amiga are great. They have plans to put a new processor in the Amiga.Because the 680x0 series had reached the end of it's powers, it's not possible to to make processors of this type.. This techniek is called SISC. Escom has plans to port in a RISC type processor, Escom was thinking about Dec Alpha (The fastest), Mips (used in Silicon Graphics), HP/PA (Hewlet- Packard series) or the PowerPC (of Motorola/IBM/Apple). Escom has choz- en for the PowerPC RISC type,because this one is the best one for compat- ablity of older software, with it's 68k emulation it can emulate the all 68040 instrucions. So software that works on 68040 will still work on our new Power-Amiga!!....... :) This Power Amiga project will be done by Amiga - Technologies ( Escom ) and Phase-5 Digital Productions inc. (Phase 5 known as the maker of the Cyberstrom 060 ,Cyberbervision and the Blizzard turbo board series!).:) Phase 5 aready made a prototype pro- cessor board with a PowerPC RISC on it, but the most hard thing to do is to convert the SISC Amiga OS (wich only works with 680x0 processors) into the RISC Amiga OS. The same problem Apple had some years ago with the PowerMAC. But Escom can use the technologies of Apple to gain very much time for this project!. :) They've planned for about one year to make an RISC Amiga OS. And we can suspect that the PowerAmiga's will be introduced begin or middle '97. It's a bit late you think, but it's not so easy to change SISC Amiga in- to a RISC Amiga!.. The PowerAmiga won't be very cheap it will be a High-End production for professional uasage.A PowerMac costs for around 3500-5000 U.S Dollar! So if you look at that the PowerAmiga won't be cheap! But A standard Power Mac beats the Pentium! :) Soo the Amiga will survive again! When the PowerAmiga's come the games will be even as good or better than the PC games!.. .:RayoN:. _ ____________________ ___ _____ _ / \ / / ->PXS<- \ | |___ \ \/ / \ Onder / - \/ ______/ _______ \ | | | \ / - \ Voorbehoud! / _ \ \___ \ ___)__| \| | | \\/ _ \ / | \ | \ o | \ \ | l \\ | \ \___| \ / ; | \ | //__| \ ...l____/_____/________/|____|\____|_______/...l____/ Wij kunnen helaas niet alle feesten vermelden. Dit komt doordat een aantal organisaties de flyers of de informatie niet verstuurt hebben, of de flyers waren op of al die andere smoezen...Maar, degene die als eerste een feest aan ons doorgeeft zal zijn naam speciaal vernoemd worden in de volgende magazine..... Editor: Casseopya. - 22-Dec-1995 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) Dj's: Some Famous one Place: European Black Label, Vloth Hanover (Germany) - 22-Dec-1995 Introduction of Weazle DJ Team DJ's: Waxweazle, Noiser, Berry, tailes Place: The gate, Uitgeest - 22-Dec-1995 Hardcore top 50 Place: Topa, Geldrop - 22-Dec-1995 Temple of rebirth (hardcore) DJ's: Panic, Bass D, King Matthew, Rosti, XD, Wicked Place: Medusa, Almere Buiten Price: FL 20,--, before 23.00 FL 15,-- Time: 10.00 till 6.00 - 23-Dec-1995 IT on Tour (mellow) Place: Bonte Wever, Slagharen - 23-Dec-1995 Hellbound Special Place: FunFactory, Zaandam info: Last party in FunFactory this Year - 23-Dec-1995 Hellbound (hardcore) DJ's: Dano, Buzz Fuzz, Darkraver, Gizmo, Pavo, Boombastic Epitaph, Danka, Psycho, The Smous, DJ Hell, Beastle boy Acts: Boombastic Place: Hemkade 48 (Fun Factory), Zaandam Price: Fl 25,-- presale, FL 35,-- at the door Time: 22.00 till 10.00 - 24-Dec-1995 Thunderdome at X-Mas Night (Hardcore) DJ's Floor 1: Rob DJ's Floor 2-4: Paul Elstak, Waxweazle, Darkraver, Noizer, Lady Dana, Fonzie, The Prophet, Weirdo Acts: Public Domain, Critical mass, Tales and Noizer, Lords of the Underworld DJ's: Floor 5: Ambient: Dutch Ambient Federation Place: La Xala, Rotterdam (3500 people) Price: FL 20,--, before 23.00 FL 15,-- Time: 22.00 till 10.00 - 24-Dec-1995 Curse of the Pharaohs (hardcore) DJ's: Darkraver, Bass D, King Matthew, Skorp, Freankenstein, Wicked Acts: Bass D & King Matthew Place: Medusa, Almere Buiten Price: Fl 20,-- Time: 22.00 till 7.00 - 26-Dec-1995 X-mas rave, Temple of rebirth (Hardcore) DJ's: Buzz Fuzz, Lady Dana, Bass D, King Matthew, Wicked, XD. Acts: Highlander Place: Medusa, Almere Buiten Price: FL 20,--, before 23.00 FL 10,-- Time: 21.00 till 7.00 - 27-Dec-1995 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) Dj's: Some Famous one Place: Zak, Uelsen (germany) - 29-Dec-1995 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) Dj's: Some Famous one Place: Peppermil, Heerlen - 29-Dec-1995 Old Year Special (hardcore) DJ's: Darrien kelly, B-erd, Wax Place: The Gate, Uitgeest - 29-Dec-1995 Temple of rebirth (hardcore) DJ's: Reanimator, Maurice, King matthew, Bass-D, Freankenstein, Wicked Acts: Inferno records, Showcase Place: Medusa, Almere Buiten Price: FL 20,--, before 23.00 FL 15,-- Time: 22.00 till 6.00 - 31-Dec-1995 Psykorave (hardcore) DJ's: Lenny Dee, Distortion, Rob, Panic, Bass D, King Matthew Reanimator Acts: PCP, Rotterdam Terror Corps Place: Energiehal, Rotterdam Price: FL 45,-- presale, FL 55,-- at the door, VIP FL 100,-- Time: 22.00 till 7.00 Info: Minimum age 16 - 31-Dec-1995 Hellfire (hardcore) DJ's: Darkraver, Lady Dana, Petrov, Rob, Weirdo, Pila Acts: Tellurian, Tales & Noiser Place: Mistery location Alkmaar, take the pendlebusses at the station Price: FL 45,-- only doorsale, FL 50,-- after 0.00 Time: 22.00 till 10.00 - 31-Dec-1995 New Years Rave 1996 (hardcore) DJ's: Carl Cox, Spider, Jeff mills, Yaco, JP & Martijn, Jorg Miss Mutiara, Gino, Stephanie, BMC, Noel, Ryan, Mike, Edgar Acts: Xentric Place: Hemkade 48 (Fun Factory), Zaandam Price: FL 40,-- presale Time: 22.00 till 12.00 - 31-Dec-1995 12 Hours Non-stop rave Temple of rebirth (hardcore) DJ's: Bass D, King Matthew, Pila, Skorp, Wicked, Freankenstein Didoff, XD, Unity, Undertaker Acts: Chrono, trigger Place: Medusa, Almere Buiten Price: Fl 20,-- - 01-Jan-1996 New Years Dance Event DJ's: Pavo, Jordens, DarkRaver, Rob Place: VespoHal, Nieuw Vennep Price: FL 40,-- presale, Fl 50,-- at the door Time: 00:45 till ??? - 03-Jan-1996 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) DJ's: Some famous one Place: The Opera, Arnhem - 05-Jan-1996 IT on Tour Place: Dance Palace Starnight, Nijkerveen - 05-Jan-1996 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) DJ's: Some famous one Place: Palace, Groningen - 06-Jan-1996 Thunderdome on Tour (Hardcore) DJ's: Some famous one Place: Belize, Vosselaar, Belgie (nabij Turnhout) - 13-Jan-1995 ID & T's Ravers Paradise (hardcore) Place: Hemkade 48 (Funfactory) - 10-Feb-1996 Pleasuredome (hardcore) Place: Cultura, Andijk - 17-Feb-1996 Happy Hardcore live Rave (Happy Hardcore) Acts/DJ's: Paul Elstak, Charly Lownoise, Menthal Theo, Dune, Critical Mass, Thunderdome All Star Team and more Place: Ahoy Rotterdam Time: 19.30 till 24.00 - 20-Apr-1996 Thunderdome '96 Place: Fec, Expo Center, Leeuwarden. Elke vrijdag zaterdag en zondag in Cargo, Spijkernisse Effenaar, Eindhoven Exposure, Den Haag Club Nighttown : Elke Zaterdag in Nighttown, Rotterdam. DanceArena/Timemachine: Elke Zaterdag in Melkweg Amsterdam. DanceNight : Elke Zaterdag in Doornroosje, Nijmegen. MellowNight : Elke Zaterdag in Waakzaamheid, Zaandam. TemplePower : Elke Zaterdag in de Tempel, Den Haag. Chemistry : Elke Zaterdag in de Escape, Amsterdam. Unknown Territory - The Review. Another issue of Hokus Pokus. Another review by Sane/Monk. I have started to review older demo's/trackmo's etc. which top this chart in the last issue (issue 2). I would like to make a tradition of it so that is why I am back with a review in this issue. Let me explain why I think it is needfull to review some prods which top this chart. To begin with, I noticed that a lot of productions which top Hokus Pokus are older productions. Some of them may even be so old that a lot of people haven't got them (anymore) or haven't even seen them once. Okay, now you know why I do all this I can start! This time I am going to review 'Unknown Territory' by the old-Axis. In my opinion this Trackmo is the best production ever released by Axis, but this could depend on some other reasons. At the time Axis released this trackmo, everything in Holland was shitty. No-one released good stuff and Axis did. Also the fact that everybody thought Axis was dead at that time, played a big role that people were extremely glad with this new trackmo. Anyway, soon after this demo Axis died. Like everyone knows one of the founders (Magician Lord, now called Anthony) rebuild Axis and they are making fine productions again. Just look at 'BIG TIME' which was 1 in both issues of Hokus Pokus. Allright, the release of 'Unknown Territory' was at the Prime party in 1991. Everybody was happy .... The trackmo is a bit ancient and it lacks of design. It just has a loader part (like most older productions, especially Megademo's) and that is a bad point now, but at the time of release it was not a big problem. The trackdemo starts with a loaderpicture which is the logo of a Dutch Houseparty organisation called ID&T. Fresh (who changed handle later to Seck4) just copied the logo, which is a man with a beard and added some things. Very smart, cause it sure looks nice. Underneath the piccy is a text which says 'Axis for the tering-label'. This was a label set up by Axis and Jetset, the two leading groups in Holland at that time, and their productions were supposed to be released under this label. I only saw one production for this label; this one! Axis and Jetset were also planning to do a diskmagazine for the Tering-label together, but because of the death of Jetset in 1991, this never happened. (JetSet was also rebuilt later on in the Scene history!) Then the piccy fades away and a logo saying 'Crackerjack and Fresh' comes on the screen. This logo goes away fading backwards while getting smaller. Then an 'O' comes from the left and a 'F' comes from the right onto the screen, thus saying 'OF'. A graffiti logo of 'Axis' completes all of it. Last follows a 'present' logo. Now we are in the loader part with an 'Unknown Territory'-logo, which is pretty nice, and a writer. The text says that Axis is back after 9 months! I do not know if CJ has coded that long on the trackmo, but I don't think so, anyway NoT Fulltime of course. This writer says something about an original start. This original start is a filled vector. Suddenly the word 'STOP' comes on. We return to the loader and CJ says that he wants no vectors in this production. Most people agreed with CJ back then because there were too many demo's with vectors in that period of time (Anarchy did the most!). CJ (Btw: Nowadays simply called JacK!) says that this production is called 'Unknown Territory' because it is the unknown territory of the non-vector world! CJ says he thinks it is ok to use depth in your production but he thinks it should be done in an original way! He does it with a scroller which has a 3-D effect. Very cool! That scroller says: 'Axis .... When torturing does not help!' Next is a blinking eye. A big pattern-picture of an eye! Not so nice. It is too big and not smooth enough! The loader says (this is getting annoying, back to the loader after each single part.) 'No slow fractals either!'. And a really fast fractal comes up (Fake?). Then it is Fresh his turn. A nice Graffiti logo called 'Jetset is dead!' refreshes your senses. Another depth-effect is now on the screen, a cool zooming sinescroller saying that Axis was the first. By the way the awesome music was made by Jayce/Jetset and is called 'Serial killer'. It was supposed to be released in a Jetset trackmo, but due to Jetsets death it was never released. The music was too great to leave it unused. Next we have to dance to da beat and another pattern picture is ready to fill the screen; dancing people. Now the most enjoyable part is about to begin. CJ says that this one is especially for TSM of Vision (remember that TSM did a 'world record' of 16 sinescrollers in his 'Can't be'-demo (read my overreview of 'CAN 't be' in issue 2 of this chart.).), CJ thinks 16 sinescrollers are too less to be a world-record! He shows us a real ugly logo saying 'Can Be' and shows us a stunning number of 18 sinescrollers! Too bad this part was faked, but people say that TSM faked his world record also. Then an ancient screenscroller (from under to above) starts bringing us the greetings of Axis (A LoT!). The blockfields behind the text is rather cool. Now it is time for the contactaddresses. A turning Holland vector with underneath the addresses come up by way of spraying the pixels separately onto the screen thus forming the text. COoL! The last effect in the major part is of course the credits. We were all waiting for them. CJ shows the gfx in an orginal way, he shows an upcoming graffitilogo by Fresh with a scanned photo of the person next to it. The same spraying pixels as in the contactpart from the names and a nice additional text. This happens three times (-Code: CJ, -Gfx: Fresh, -Music: Jayce!). Now we enter the last part of the trackmo. A whole new music starts to play, this is also a nice music. This is called the message part. A lot of sensefull and isane messages hit your screen. The bad thing is that the font is almost inreadable! The Axis logo in the top is very nice but the font lacks of coolnesS! Also the vector in this part is good. Overall this trackmo is one of the better productions ever made in the history of the Dutch scene. In my opinion it is the best production of Axis, it is also better as 'Big Time'. The only bad things are: 1-the loader part. This gets annoying and it lacks of design. But! In 1991 most prods had loaders, so it is understandable that CJ used a loader. 2-the gfx are in graffiti style all the time. It looks like Fresh can't do anything else. But! You can also say that this is a part of a design: the same gfx-style all the time. This Axis trackmo was only in the charts for a small period of time. I do not understand that. Also in this chart (HP) 'Unknown territory' dropped a few places since issue 1. I do not think that is right. Try to watch this trackmo once again and judge it again. I know that you will also rank it higher after you saw it again! After all 'Unknown Territory' is one of the best if not ThE best production ever made in the Dutch scene history. I will exit this article by giving you my personal chart of Dutch productions ever made: 1- Can't be - Vision 2- Unknown Territory - Axis 3- Big Time - Axis 4- Menace - Desire 5- Forgotten - Mirage 6- Another One - Vision 7- Chit Chat - Mirage 8- Evolution - Desire 9- Perfect 5 - Freestyle See you in another ancient review of mine in the next issue of HOkUs POkUs! Sane of -moNK-! -* About MeLLoW Products / Releases *- If you like our style and products, feel free and contact us. We can send you (almost) all our stuff you want! Write to these ADRESSES: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celtic - MLW SMLN Sascha - MLW / TLT Noodle - MeLLoW SandifortStraat 3 GroenVeldsDijk 34a Tijm 20 2035 RH Haarlem 1744 GE GroenVeld 1773 EC Huizen HoLLanD HoLLanD HoLLanD RaYoN - MeLLoW Oudevaart 38 1749 CH WarmenHuizen HoLLanD Expand the charts, include more entries. Hi! Of course I am very happy with this chart as it is, and complaining about the contents is the last thing I want to do. But ... this chart could be improved and more fun to read for more people when the makers would add some more entries to compete. 'What kinda entries?' I hear you ask. Well, it is not hard to think of. For example Ascii-artists. Those guys deserve to be recommended for their work in the Amiga scene. An Ascii- artist entry would be very nice and enjoyable. But the best new entry for this chart would be 'Editors' or call it 'Writers' if you like. We have some really qualified editors in Holland, for example : Retep, Astro, Magic, Rayon, Cybersonik, Sane (that's me, that's me!)), those guys are really doing something for the Dutch scene. Just look at Astro. He is Dutch and took over RAW, the best diskmag ever. Look at Rayon who makes (together with others of course but he completes the lot.) the only Dutch chart. Look at Cybersonik who was THE Dutch article-machine in the late eighties and the beginning of the nineties (it doesn't matter that he was great in a period which is already a few years ago, in the entry 'Products' older things are also popular.). Look at Retep and Magic who made Hollands longest living and most popular diskmag: Chit Chat. To say it more shortly: Holland has a lot of good editors who really do something for the scene. The editors are creative just like coders, musicians and graphicians. Where would we be without RAW, what should we do without Hokus Pokus and do you think scene-life was that enjoyable without the good old Chit Chat? I don't think so! Anyway, what I want to say is this: when almost all sceners have an entry of their own (coders, graphicians, musicians, swappers etc.) don't you think that ALL sceners should have an own entry? Editors (and also Ascii-artists) deserve such an entry. Having more entries would also be good for Hokus Pokus, because it gets bigger that way, thus more enjoyable for more persons, thus better in it's genre. What I want to say is that with some more entries Hokus Pokus could be what a national chart should be: -A reflection of that national scene! When you agree with me that Hokus Pokus should add some more entries like editors, ascii-artists please let the Mellow guys know by sending them a note. Or write an article like this and place it in this chart! Thanks for your attention! -Sane- of MOnk! (tha man of tha clan!) LazY BiTcheS!! Lazy bitches! That's what I call most of the Dutch sceners. In last issue of this Chart, I wrote an article about the Promo called 'DUTCH TREAT'. Chiron (ex-Jay One) and I (Sane) had the idea of making a Dutch coop-demo to promote the dutch scene. Rayon'z NOTE: Well that isn't strange, because nobody in holland is interested to do something so nobody will react on your promo!... I whould see that is was different but it is'nt!!.. :( Well, months later we did not get 1 single reaction which was positive. Most people said it was not such a swell idea and said they had no time or just no interest in doing such a thing! Well, you are nothing but a bunch of lazy bitches! With you the scene in Holland will never become great! The only guys in the Dutch scene who are doing something to keep the spirit up are the guys in Axis and the people in Mellow. We in -MoNk- tried to make a coop demo and improve the shit here in Holland. But we know now that it is impossible! We will go on on our own and succeed! So when you out there suddenly become interested in the Dutch promo called 'DUTCH TREAT', then you have bad luck. Cause we quit with it! Dutch Treat will never be released. (Snifff...) In stead of spending our valuable Monk-time on trying to unite the Dutch bunch, we can better spend it on building the mOnK abbey! So expect a lot from us ..... except for a coop demo ..... It is really too bad that this project died like many other good ideas in the dutch scene. It just looks like that everbody (well not everybody but almost everybody!) thinks the dutch scene is lazy and boring and because they think it is, they behave like that too! Too bad! The dutch talk too much and do nothing! I can only say this: -For Gods sake! Do something, or leave the scene! Don't claim you are in the scene when you do nothing. (RAY:Wishbringer) We are -S i C k- of it!!! Sane of MOnk!! The old-Dutch-scene-quiz! Note: It is very important for you to know that there are 2 versions of 'THE OLD-DUTCH-SCENE-QUIZ'! I made a version for Hokus Pokus (this one!) and a larger version for Trinity, the article release 2. Both versions are very nice and made by Sane of Monk! The introduction is the same in both versions! Okay, enjoy and maybe I will make more versions in the future... we'll see. Hi! Here is Sane of tha MonK posse. This time I have a little quiz for you. It is all very simple. You try to answer my multiple choice questions as best as you can. You will be awarded with a certain ammount of points on each question you answer right. On the bottom of this article you will find the right answers and the ammount of points you can get for each right answer. Count your points and see how many you have scored together. Then read the text which belongs to your ammount of points. This indicates what you are: a totall loser or an advanced Dutch scener. I made up this quiz because I think a lot of people act like they are IN the Dutch scene. When I talk with them, most do not even know demo's like 'OUR NATION', they do not know who Cybersonik is etc. etc. I think those people are not really IN the Dutch scene. History is very important, also in the scene. By doing this quiz you can judge yourself and learn some nice history facts. Have fun. (Note- I use the handles of the persons as they were called back then!!) -ThE QuEsTiONs- 1-On which party did Axis release their demo 'OUR NATION'? A Mirage Prime party 1992 B The Party in Aars 1993 C The Party in Aars 1992 D The royal conference of RAF (3 points for this question! It's so simple!) 2-What place did Axis reach with their awesome demo 'OUR NATION', in the democomp of the party of question 1? A 2 B 1 C 3 D 4 (only 2 points! This is really a pice of cake!) 3-Which group made war with Cybersonik when he left them? A Axis B Desire C Vision D Anarchy (6 points.) 4-Vision made the demo: A Another time B Another one C Another girl D Another (5 points) 5-What was Seck his handle when he was still in Axis during the time 'UNKNOWN TERRITORY' was released? A Fresh B Frish C Fred D Fish (2 points) 6-Who were the founders of the old Axis? A Magician Lord and Fresh B Magician Lord and Crackerjack C Crackerjack and Fresh D Magician Lord (Easy! Easy! Or NOt?! Okay 4 points!) 7-What was Fresh his handle -before- he took the handle Fresh and were 3 groups of him. A Seck. Desire, Axis, Vision. B Seck. Axis, Vision, Legend. C Roxis. Axis, Jetset, Vermin. D Roxis. Axis, Legend, Vermin. (Hmmm .... a hard one! 8 points.) 8-Hein, who was the awesome musician and graphician of Vision and brother of TSM, officially had a second part attached to his name what was that part? A (Hein) Gein B (Hein) Konijn C (Hein) Design D He had no second part attached to his name! (Easy, piece, lemon squeezy! Only 2 points!) 9-In which year released Mirage the first issue of their famous Messagebox annex diskmagazine and what was the name of it? A 1992, Chit Chat. B 1991, Chit Chat. C 1991, This That. D 1992, This That. (6 points.) 10-Wolfman, the most discussed person in the old-Dutch-scene, was a member of Jetset later and made ' Pack VAN PEE's ', but... of which group was he a member before he joined Jetset? A RAF B He was in Jetset al along. C Desire D Axis (Nice but harder than average, therefore 5 points.) 11- What were ' Pack VAN PEE 's ' released by Wolfman? A Just Packs B Tool Packs C Music Packs D Game Packs (Very hard!! 7 points) 12- Out of which group was Jetset (old) formed? A Desire Holland B Anarchy Holland C TRSI Holland D Pussy Holland (6 points.) 13- Ramon B5 has (surely) been in: A Desire and Axis B Desire and Legend C Desire and The Lords D Desire (Easy! 1 point.) 14- Which group made 'PERFECT 5'? A Freestyle B Desire C Mellow D Axis (3 points.) 15- In which group was 'Remote Control' and was did he do there? A Jetset, musics. B Axis, gfx. C Axis, coding D RAF, coding. (This was a 'GIVE-AWAY' , but anyway ... 7 points!) -ThE AnSwErS! AnD ThE PoIntS- A P 1D 3 2B 2 3D 6 4B 5 5A 2 6B 4 7C 8 8C 2 9B 6 10A 5 11C 7 12D 6 13C 1 14A 3 15D 7 -ThE ReSuLtS!!- 0-21 points : You are really dumb! You are a loser. You know next to nothing of the old Dutch scene. Legends of the Dutch history are unknown to you and you probably have never seen the great older Dutch productions! You are not really IN the Dutch scene. Foreigners can do a better job and even my dick would get a higher score! Shame on you! 22-45 points : You did allright. You are probably not IN the Dutch scene for too long but you know quite a lot anyway. I guess you know most facts because you learnt them from the cool sceners who are in the scene for a long time or read them in the scene-articles in diskmags. You have some older products in your diskbox and you are interested in the old Dutch scene. You did average. Go on like this! 46-67 points : You are great! You are a real veteran! You are truely IN the Dutch scene and your knowledge of the Dutch-scene-history is fabulous! You are a topper and you are very much interested in the scene of the older days. You are patriotic and have the right to call yourself a true Dutch scener! Because of people like you the Dutch scene has florished and will become good in the future again. People like you, the true Dutch sceners, are who we need to make the Dutch scene really great again! Well done!!!!! I hope you liked this little quiz as I spent quite some time on it to make it! A Sane of MOnK! B Sane of MOnK! C Sane of MOnK! D Sane of MOnK! - The Four-th Comming HP's - I've plannz to change the HokuSPokuS , lots of people do like this maggy but i'm not really enthousiastic about it! I want to change it, i'm gonna make an HP-editor so everybody can write articles for the HP.. And i've plannz to put more stuff in the 'new' HP's... Maybe some europian CHARTS and WORLD newz etc... I'm gonna rewrite the HP and maybe i will do some AGA things in it. It still will be an ECS production! But for aga users there will be someting extras like nice title picture etc.. Hopefully the new HP will start at number 04... so... just wait till it's there!... A new year.... A new HokuSPokuS!...... .:RayoN:. Yepp... this is the last HP of this year.. This time there were not enough votes for the charts. That was our fault , because we didn't spread the votesheets well. :( .... I wish all friendz , contacts, HP fans a very very happy new year!.. CU in our next issue of the HokuSPokuS!.... - The HP author - .:RayoN:. <<< >>> 1995 -* MeLLoW *- 1995