=[]=========================================================== @ PREFERENCES @ CLASSIFICATION OF THE DIRECTORY : @/BY NAME ( WITH DIR. )@/'BY NAME ( WITHOUT DIR. )@/0BY SIZE@/9NO CLASSIFICATION STATUS :-------- TRACK : . ERRORS : . Carefull : This option will erase your disk in DF0: for ever ... Just insert your disk , and it will be disktroy. This wonderfull part has been coded by VCC ..... Remove your disk even if the drive is turned on ! @PRESS LEFT MOUSE BUTTON WHEN READY OR RIGHT TO EXIT @ @INSERT A DISK IN DF0: @PRESS LEFT MOUSE BUTTON TO EXIT @ @ DISKTROYING DISK @ REMOVE THIS DISK AND @INSERT ANOTHER DISK IN DF0: VIRUS FREE HALLON BOOT OVCS (VCC.) MEM. CONTROL BLUE COLOR NORMAL BOOT NO BOOT COPY BOOT ASCII DUMP INSTALL DISK BOOT PROGRAMM TO INSTALL CHANGE DISK NAME COME BACK @- PRESS A KEY - FILE INFO Number of file selected : Number of subdirectories : Total size of all the file selected : DISK INFORMATIONS DISK NAME : BLOCKS USED : Kbytes FREE : BYTE PER BLOCK : FULL : % NUMBER OF SOFTWARE ERROR : DISK TYPE : . DRIVE DF : DOSCOPY DOSCOPY+ Enter the new subdirectory name : Enter the new name : 000 . No error ! 103 . Insuffisient free store 104 . Task table full 120 . Argument line invalid or too long 121 . File is not an object module 122 . Invalid resident library during load 202 . Object in use 203 . Object already exist 204 . Directory not found 205 . Object not found 206 . Invalid window 209 . Packer requested type unknown 210 . Invalid stream component name 211 . Invalid object lock 212 . Object not of required type 213 . Disk not validated 214 . Disk write protected 215 . Rename across devices attempted 216 . Directory not empty 218 . Device not mounted 219 . Seek error 220 . Comment too big 221 . Disk full 222 . File is protected from deletion 223 . File is protected from writing 224 . File is protected from reading 225 . Not a dos disk 226 . No disk in drive 232 . No more entries in directory @DISK TASK ERROR @ERROR OCCURED . @Error number : MEMORY AVAILABLE : ------ ENTER YOUR CODE : DELETE / EXECUTE / WRITE / READ FOR THE FILE@ Enter if you can do it , otherwise enter 1 if you can't. Enter the comment of the file DISK MASTER V3.2 : INFO FILE FILE NAME : COMMENT : LENGHT : BLOCK USED : PROTECTION : DELETE / EXECUTE / WRITE / READ / PAR: enter your printer output ( PRT: / PAR: / SER: ) ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO PRINT THE DIRECTORY ?@ OK@NO CON:0/0/640/200/DISK MASTER V3.0 ( type ENDCLI to stop ) Thanks to A. Pizzali DISK MASTER V3.2 WIDTH : HEIGHT : COLOURS . SHOW PICTURE NOT AN IFF FILE FORMAT ! @ DISKMASTER TASK @ ARE YOU SURE IT IS A MODULE ? @ YES@NO @ DISKMASTER TASK @ DELETE FILES ? @ OK@NO DISK MASTER V3.2 : COPY FILE DELETING FILE : @ DISKMASTER TASK @ CHANGE DESTINATION NAME ? @ NO@YES NEW DESTINATION NAME ?@ DISKMASTER TASK DISK MASTER V3.2 : COPY FILE COPYING FILE : ================================================================ CANT OPEN THE FILE @ ERROR WHILE COPYING THE FILE @NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO OPEN FILE BUFFER Size to alloc : @ COPY FILE @ OK@NO@ FILE IS EVER PRESENT ON DISK . OVERWRITE IT (OK) OR CHANGE THE NAME OF DESTINATION FILE (NO) FILENAME : FILE SIZE : DISK MASTER V3.2 CURRENT FILE Enter the new directory name <- SOURCE DEST. -> SOURCE -> <- DEST. @ ERROR @ NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO OPEN THE DIRECTORY BUFFER ( 10*TZX ) NUMBER OF FILE : GOTRO A UNE TOUTE PETITE BITE POMA N'EST QU'UN GOINFRE>>VCC EST SUPER<> 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 COPY CLEAR TRI PREFERENCES OTHER TOOLS NTSC PAL FORMAT DISK DISKTROY VERIFY DISK VIRUS KILLER BLOCK EDITOR COPY DISK HELP 3INFO GREETINGS COME BACK MODE SOURCE TARGET VERIFY STATUS :-------- TRACK : . ERRORS : DISK MASTER V3.2 I am proud to present you the final version of DISK MASTER 3.0 . It has now new options , allmost all the buggs are fixed , and it is easier to use it ... If you want some more details ( how to use it , ... ) , so look in the file DSKM.INFOTXT on the disk . All the options are explained ... ( So , if you 're a swapper or a spreader , don't forget to copy this file with diskmaster ... ) If you have ideas ( to improve disk master ) , or if you find any bug , so write me , and you'll receive the lastest version of disk master ... Please note that this utility has wholly been coded by GULLY , except some parts like DISKTROYER ( vcc ) . But , I wanna thanks GIGICAR and VCC because they helped me to debugged and to improve this new version .... Here are some technicals informations : Disk Master has been coded for six months and should be now finished on Sunday 28 Nov. 1990 . The source code si- zes 160884 Kbytes (with 8684 lines) . It 's badly coded but My next utilities ( OPTO ED , OPTO CODER , OPTO GEN ) are wondefull and very well coded ( I do think so ... ) -= PRESS A KEY =- @ If you want to contact me write to : ( And don't forget to precise GULLY in the letter ) BP 110 7700 Mouscron 1 BELGIUM Because I am fond of utilities, and because I am coder , if you have ideas of utility that you want to have ( and you can't code ) , or if you want some help to code your utilities , contact me , and be sure that I will reply your letter . I also want to send a message to all the utility disks spreaders : I am so fond of utilities that I'd like to receive all the utility disks . So if you are a utility disk spreader I 'd like to swap with you the utilities ... If you're a coder , and you want to swap with me ( for coding with me uti- lities, for help, for sources , or for fun ... ) , please write to me because you can be sure that I will reply to all your letters ... And it doesn't mat- ter if you're a beginner or a good coder ... - PRESS A KEY - @ HERE ARE MY GREETINGS > VCC and GIGICAR > JOE BOND ( a very good friend ) > BUDDHA and PROMAX ( I wanna contact you ( for seka ( and OPTO CODER )), so could you write to me ... ) > MAHONEY & KAKTUS ( good utilities and demos coders ... ) > ALL MEMBERS OF PARADOX ( Clash , skywalker , kamikaz , Sample mixer , ... ) > TRS , UGA ( for the wonderfull NEW FLASH ) > CRUSADER ( because I like your Eurocharts ( it's well coded )) > IBB , DIGITECH , ACU , PRISM , and all the other UTILITY DISK PACKER (That is those groups that I 'd like them to send me their utility disks ... ) > Francois lionnet ( because your AMOS is wonderfull ... ) - PRESS A KEY - ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ | \ | / | / |\ /| / \ / | | | \ | | | \__ |_/ | \/ | |___| \__ | |__ |__/ | | | \ | \ | | | | \ | | | \ |__/ | ___/ | \ | | | | ___/ | |___ | \ VERSION 3.2 (C)1990 PARADOX This is the real final version of DISK MASTER DISK MASTER is fully DOMAIN PUBLIC PROGRAMM Release date : Tuesday 27 Nov 1990 DISK MASTER V3.2 : DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE UPDATING DISK CONTINUE ? OK NO DISK MASTER V3.2 : DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE READING DISK CONTINUE ? OK NO DISK MASTER V3.2 : DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE WRITING DISK CONTINUE ? OK NO DISK MASTER V3.2 : DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE VERIFING DISK CONTINUE ? OK NO DISK MASTER V3.2 : DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE FORMATING DISK CONTINUE ? OK NO COPY DISK OK NO INSERT TARGET AND SOURCE DISK CONTINUE ? COPY DISK NO ERROR OCCURED WHILE COPYING COPY DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE COPYING ... COPY DISK INSERT SOURCE DISK COPY DISK INSERT DESTINATION DISK VERIFY DISK NO ERROR ON DISK VERIFY DISK ERRORS FOUNDED ON THE DISK VERIFY DISK INSERT DISK TO BE CHECKED IN DF : CONTINUE ? OK NO DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED ! CONTINUE ? OK NO FORMAT VERIF READ WRITE FORMAT DISK INSERT DISK TO BE FORMATTED IN DF : . WARNING : EVERYTHING WILL BE DISTROYED . CONTINUE ? OK NO FORMAT DISK OPERATION FINISHED . NO ERROR OCCURED FORMAT DISK ERRORS OCCURED WHILE FORMATTING ! Enter the new disk name : DISK MASTER V3.2 NO DISK IN DRIVE .... SHALL I CONTINUE YES NO DISK MASTER V3.2 CANT OPEN THIS DISK .... COPY DISK BOOT INSERT DESTINATION DISK IN THE SAME DRIVE ENTER THE NAME DISK NAME :