----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- SCOOPEX 1990 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATRON & CORWIN PRESENT GREEN SURPRISE (IT'S THE CONTINUATION OF ATRON_I) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 : ATRON'S NEW BOOTBLOCK (Shooting A(tron)) (I think it's the first BOOT-BLOCK-GAME (BBG) ever made. I think it's a good idea to compare how optimized a programmer is able to code. Try it ! It's great fun ! [PLUG JOYSTICK IN PORT 1 ...] The first time I thought about it was [To install this bootblock ] on 13-07-90 at 02:28) [on other disks you can use] (the final version of the final version ... [the INSTALL21 command on ] was finished on 18-07-90 at 03:00) [this disk. ] ... an amazing fight against the 1K-Limit ... F2 : ATRON_I F3 : GREEN SURPRISE F4 : THE MESSAGE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------