SoundSystem 1.0 has been created by MDB Productions for The Outsider. Contact MDB Productions at: --Hoogkanje 90-- --3708 DL-- --Zeist-- --The Netherlands-- --03404/25177-- Song data is located at: $ Song name is: '' It will be saved as:'' Module will be saved as: '' Length of the module is: $ The names of instruments are: »»» Press F10 to return ««« Welcome to Sound System V1.0 © MDB Productions from The Outsider in 1989 * This program is able to rip almost any soundtracker songs! Therefore this program has four different search options. * This program also save: -the song to ST-00:SONGS/ -the module to ST-00:MODULES/ -the instruments to all disks * There is also an option to rename both the song or the module name. They will be saved under that name! The instruments can also be renamed. E.g. if you renamed an instument into: ST-99:THE OUTSIDER the instrument will be saved to the disk ST-99 called THE OUTSIDER * A replay routine is also available. (We used The New Masters 1.0 replayer) * We hope that this program is of use for you. Probably is this the very best ripper available at the moment! »»» Press F10 to continue ««« »»» Sorry, there is not any song located! ««« »»» Press F10 to continue ««« Sound System V1.0 © MDB Productions for The Outsider F01  Search song (code #1) F02 Search song (code #2) F03 Search song (code #3) F04 Search song (code #4) F05 Change name from song and module F06 Change name from instruments F07 Save song F08 Save module F09 Save instrument F10 Play last located data Help Shows all data from located song Return Quit Sound System Please enter your choice ? Thanxs for using SoundSystem 1.0 A possible sound tracker song found at location: $ Length of the module is: $ Songname: Press F04 to play located song F05 to increase search counter with $2 and redisplay F06 to decrease search counter with $2 and redisplay F07 to increase search counter with $2000 and continue searching F08 to decrease search counter with $2000 and continue searching F09 to continue searching F10 to return for the main menu HELP to show all data of the song Old name was : Please enter new name : »»» Searching ««« »»» Instrument is being saved... ««« Please enter the char of the instrument you wish to change? (Press return only to return for main menu)˙Please enter the char of the instrument you wish to save? (Press return only to return for main menu) »» Now playing: '' Press F10 to stop «« »»» Song st-00:songs/ is being saved ««« »»» Module st-00:modules/mod. is being saved «««