SoundSystem 2.0 - © 1989 by MDB Productions for The Outsider This file was ripped with SoundSystem 2.0 of The Outsider st-00: Search mode Replay mode Rename mode Save mode EXIT Main menu Search mode Replay mode Rename mode Save mode Start searching from: $00000-$80000 Continue searching at: $00000 Increase pointer by: $0002 $2000 Decrease pointer by: $0002 $2000 Change pointer: $00000 Memory Search code #1 Replay SoundTracker 2.0 Replay NoiseTracker 1.0 Replay MasterTracker 1.0 Songname: The name of the song ST-00:Songs/The name of the song Modulename: ST-00:Modules/mod.The name of the song Save song Save module Requester: on Status: Do you really want to save: Off course No way! 1234567890123456789012 st-00:Sample # 01 st-00:Sample # 02 st-00:Sample # 03 st-00:Sample # 04 st-00:Sample # 05 st-00:Sample # 06 st-00:Sample # 07 st-00:Sample # 08 st-00:Sample # 09 st-00:Sample # 10 st-00:Sample # 11 st-00:Sample # 12 st-00:Sample # 13 st-00:Sample # 14 st-00:Sample # 15 st-00:Sample # 16 st-00:Sample # 17 st-00:Sample # 18 st-00:Sample # 19 st-00:Sample # 20 st-00:Sample # 21 st-00:Sample # 22 st-00:Sample # 23 st-00:Sample # 24 st-00:Sample # 25 st-00:Sample # 26 st-00:Sample # 27 st-00:Sample # 28 st-00:Sample # 29 st-00:Sample # 30 st-00:Sample # 31 Welcome to SoundSystem 2.0 O.K. Searching... Nothing was found! A SoundTracker song with 16 samples was found! A SoundTracker song with 32 samples was found! A possible SoundTracker song was found! The replayer from 'MasterTracker 1.0' is not available! The replayer from 'SoundTracker 2.0' is not available! The replayer from 'NoiseTracker 1.0' is not available! Press left mouse button to stop the music! Why don't you try the search gadget first! If you want to rename a sample, just click a gadget above! If you want to save a sample, just click a gadget above! Saving is proceeding... Save procedure is aborted on user request! Sorry, with a wrong pathname I can't save! SHIT!!! A disk error occured! Sorry, there isn't enough diskspace free! Damned!!! A write error occured! Sorry, the file can't be opened! This could be a SoundTracker song with 32 samples Thanxxxs for using SoundSystem 2.0 If you have found some bugs in this program, or have some special requests; don't hesitate to contact The Outsider! Contact MDB Productions from The Outsider: MDB Productions Hoogkanje 90 3708 DL Zeist The Netherlands 03404-25177