YES it is true, we are back on earth on an important mission! No fear - we won't do you noharm if you haven'tanything to do with *--* Z *--* =========== So, let's tell the truth. First, there was only the old Z one. But then came his schnitzelfriends!! How to manage them all?! They are a menace for us all! And we as the builders of this galaxy can't let them do their extremly dangerous things!!! Now, here we are!!If you don't like us- well, it's YOUR problem! But one problem foreveryone of us is that most of the people on this pla- net are using the wrong Personal Computer!!!!! In OUR galaxy (Qork Five), everyone hacks on an AMIGA..IMPROVE IT! Listen: Now our Ru-les come. 1. Don't work with any Z! 2. Help us in our fight against the Z! (If you see one, tell it to us (Adresses see the Streifen-Scr- oller above) !!) 3. Don't go out alone!!!! 4. Don't support the Z - Don't eat much MEAT!!! 5. But do drink some MET! 6. If you see a Swiss ski-Star called PIRMIN Z. then hit him HARD!!!! 7. Throw some tomatoes at the *- POPE -* - he is a sucker.8. Listen to the Beastie Boys - they are holy! 10.Send a postcard to E. Dijkstra! 11.Shit, I've for- gotten the nine! 12.Do some VODOO - against Z but for Z - The Revenge!!13.Der Postautofah- rer mit dem Bart ist ein Ar- schloch. 14.Don't use any violence - give it to Z with your brain! (But don't use your brain as a hammer!!!!) 15.If you meet ex- traterrestical live - be friend- ly! They won't do you no harm!!16.If you see REDNEX - Hit them even harder than Pir- min Z.!!!!!! 17.Zeldac's page is comming right now: Prince longis live thedead NPG Sign-Fans write to:Zeldac Specht of Z-The Revenge Hoehenstrasse 43 CH-9230 Flawil Switzerland Knoepfelididu Gutzendalala gibt einen feinen Rezi-Brunner zusam-men! Hello people from earth! Today is a historical day: Something wonderful has happened.....(you remember ???) YES! We have come to earth! Who are we? We are the guys who have been here some thousands years ago. We have built your Adam & Eva! And we are back. We have heard about something bad on your planet. Not only that you are running yourself down to a global atomic zombie-world (You know the WASTE LANDS out of the Roland of Gilead-Stuff?) in which nobody will live anymore (the matter aren't you, the human race, but the innocent animals and all the other life out there) but there is a dark star shining - Z ! Yes, it's right, we heard about that sucker - and we are here to give him hell - we are Z - THE REVENGE! Z-THE REVENGE! It startet some years ago with Z-Die Bedrohung, but nobody believed us - so we formed Z-The Revenge!! You ever seen an U.F.O.? If yes, it has surely been me or my brother on a party-drive! Or perhaps one of our mighty friends from one of the galaxies you have never heard about. (Or have you heard about Zlanf A, Gloam, Sezygyzl, Tranp 6 or Puur As ?) Do not think that we are joking - one day you will see that WE ain't joking - but that THEY are!!! Who are THEY? - Well, THEY are the guys which are making lots of money in killing the world (with nuclear stuff, burning the tropian forests i.e.), THEY are the people which think that people of another race are shit (assholes i.e.), THEY are the systems which generate guys like that...short: THEY are the scum of mankind! (And you should fight against THEM - or would you like to be a victim of Z-The Revenge?!!!) O.K. These things aren't funny at all. With joking we mean the stories that there shouldn't be any U.F.O.s at all! Don't believe the hype! (But listen to P.E. quand meme) WE ARE REAL!!! By the way: I like the Amiga. So, if you have one & like to code her in assembler without the system, then you are great and have a good taste. Why don't you write something nice to me? Send an email to: -> <- or write on a sheet of paper (I like it with many colors!) to: Graf Zarros of Z-The Revenge Hoehenstrasse 43 9230 Flawil Switzerland !!!!!! Perhaps are you one of the following people: Edgar M. Vigdal - superb version of Galaga! (To all the others: Get his GREAT game from aminet (SHAREWARE)) Lone Star of Spaceballs: Great Name, Great Team, Great Coding, everything must be great in your world, I think! Kefrens: I dreamt I was in a desert... Thanx for that masterpiece!! Team Hoi: I like your sAGA very much - go on! Gengis of Complex: WOW! Easy AGA-Demo (Real). I love especially the vectorpart. One Z for You, man!!!!!! K. Manthos: Thanx for the exercises. You're my idol in learning!!! Sexy Carl: Don't go to Mexico! We need you here! Who else could be the fairy of the G26??! Jay Minor: Thanx for designing the Amiga. (If you really didn't know that name: I'm sad to tell that he died last year. Sorry.) This little piece of mind has been made by: Sir Zeldac - The fantastic tune / all Sounds & Graf Zarros - All the rest. Scrolltext restarting. - Graf Zarros - Done 94/95 by"8 *********** WOOOOW! Wellcome to the magic, funny & crazy world of Z - THE REVENGE! Did you know that life's a party? However, life got much easier and more exciting with the computers! You know Fred Clever, Jeff Smart & Mister L.?? They are REAL!! By the way: Did You see the Z-Man?? He's the saviour of the earth!!!! This thing should work on ANY Amiga computer! If it doesen't work on your one, then you don't see this! Sorry, but the vectorpart (is this) may have some speed- problems on ma- chines without any fast-ram... Adi (Bern), Knoepfl, Brunner, Gutzli Guertel, Fleisch-Maege, Mega-Matschi & everyone else : Thanx for reading my important messages 'till now! Great effort! You iron man! -- Graf Zarros --