================================================================ Filename : REVENGE.MAP Author : Alex Kanellakis Description : Huge level, with lots of secrets. perfect level for single play and dukematch {best if more than 2 players}.By the way : PLEASE do not use cheate codes with this level or you will miss most of the fun. Story :After the huge war between humans and aliens comes to an end and everyone believes that all the aliens are eliminated, the decorated special E.D.F. marine DUKE NUKEM starts his jurney for home.But as soon as he arrives at his house just outside the city he finds his hole family murdered in the most hiddius way.His big smile dissapears,his face take's a furius look.He desides to procede in to the city and find out what the hell is going on.Once he reaches the tunel that leads to it he see's that part of it has collapsed.As he climbs through the recage he has a very weird feeling that the collapse was not an accident.Suddenly as he reaches the end of it he see's before him a swarm of aliens patroling the city.Aparently the head brain alien was not destroyed after all as the E.D.F. thought. It seems to be planning a second attack on earth as soon as it finishes constructing a new alien space base just outside earth and sumons the rest of its alien pals from galaxy b43f*2.But of cource DUKE can't let that happen! So he decides to find that alien piece of shit,and blow the crap out of it.It's time for ... REVENGE!!! Additional Credits to : Lots of thanks to Kostas Kalokairinos and Andreas Karalis for playtesting this level! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1l0 Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Build Time : TOOOOOOOO much ,but worthwile. Misc. Info : This is my third map.{first really complex one} Known Bugs : There is a 1 in 1000 chance that after ducking in a very specific place in the police station you will find your self in the tunel.This hapens because one overlaps the other.Also a small part of the brige may dissapear if you look at it by a weird angle.And finally the classic bug:the sharks can bite through the glass.I have managed to limit this problem as much as possible but not totaly. ** Copyright / Permissions ** Authors MAY NOT use REVENGE.MAP as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute REVENGE.MAP provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute REVENGE.MAP in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact. You MAY include REVENGE.MAP in any GROUP complitations ( if this is even possible ) you may not alter the level in any way except the minor change of the MAP number. * Where to get this MAP file * I guess it's too late for that huh? ____________________________________________________________________