
Title                  : Weaponry TC v1.1
Filename               : wtc.exe
Author                 : James Ferry
Date                   : 10th February, 1999
E-mail                 : Check the web pages below for current address
Web Page               : http://members.xoom.com/HCAD
D3D software/levels    : NW, NW2, NW3, OpenGL Build Touch, Control,
                         Build Touch and some others
Description            :
    Duke now runs at different speeds depending upon how much he is
    Weapons weigh different amounts
    Heavy weapons include:
       Missile launcher
       Plasma launcher
       Sniper rifle - not physically heavy, just bulky
    Man traps
    Four sample maps - a new map, two maps from NW3, and E1L1
    This TC is unsupported.
Additional Credits To  : Nigel for telling me how to create the sfx
                         archives from CAB files.

* Play Information *

Important information  : You can run the program WTCPATCH.EXE
                         to create an alternate executable, which is
                         designed for this TC to be run off.
                         There is a batch file to run a fake
                         multiplayer game called FAKE.BAT, it
                         is recommended that you run this batch
                         file to play the game single player. To
                         run it multi, the easiest way is to rename
                         WEAPONRY.EXE to DUKE3D.EXE.
                         The original code is stored in wtccode.zip.
Plutonium Pak Required : No
New Art                : Yes
New Music              : No
New Sound Effects      : No
New .CON Files         : Yes
Demos Replaced         : No


* Construction *

Base                   : Most art from original files
                         Models were created in Corel, some were
                           adapted from the libraries
                         Models and art joined in Paint Brush and
                         One map from original files, two maps are
                           old, and one new one
Map Editor(s) Used     : BUILD
                         OpenGL Build Touch v1.4
Art Editor(s) Used     : Editart
                         Paint Brush
                         CorelDREAM 3D
Con Editor(s) Used     : MS-DOS Editor
Construction Time      : a few hours here and there over one week
