Upload Information Template for Hobbes.nmsu.edu

        Archive Filename: NRS_1-00.zip
       Short Description: NRS (Submit.nrx/NRServer.nrx) 1.00 (1999-06-29)
        Long Description: Load the JVM and keep it there! Shorter javac times. This is a client/server pair that loads and keeps the JVM in memory (server) and compiles netrexx jobs via the client portion from the command line. Freeware. (nrs100.zip)

      Proposed directory
           for placement: /pub/java/dev/proglang/netrexx

               Your name: Martin Iturbide 
           Email address: martin@os2world.com
    Program contact name: Jerry McBride
   Program contact email: mcbrides@erols.com
             Program URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20010107163900/http://users.erols.com/mcbrides/

      Would you like the
   contact email address
    included in listings? yes

Operating System/Version: OS/2 Warp 4 or later
 Additional requirements: Java 1.1, NetREXX 1.149

                Replaces: /pub/java/dev/nrs100.zip