Tom Evans
Author of Fate01.wad Fate02.wad & Getem!.wad

This wad is has a strange bug.  I believe it is caused by a floating sector --
which happens when you delete the lineDefs and vertices, but don't delete the
sector that goes with them.  I really don't know why it happens at a certain
point or anything else about it.  It's a new Doom mystery.

Anyway, what you should look for comes after the lift (there's only one).  
Do 'IDFA' so you have all the weapons and then fire a rocket against the wall,
it won't hurt... nothing will.  IDDQD is not set, but you are still unhurtable.
Not only that, but the rocket blast does'nt even move you back... it has no
effect on you.  If you step back on to the lift, it will go back to normal.

To top that off, check out the monster activity.  I added a couple of them so
you can see what's going on.  They refuse to mess with you.  It's very weird.
They seem to be blind.  You can walk right up to their face, and they don't
even flinch.  But shoot and they come to life -- yet they still won't hurt

This file comes from a level I created, Fate02.wad.  So the same things apply
as with all other levels people make:

You MAY distribute this BUG wherever and do whatever with it.

You MAY use this for additional levels, just let me know about it... and 
give me credit.

This level is for Map02 
None of the other stuff applies.

If someone uses this bug for a neat affect in a level, let me know . . . I'd 
love to see it!