Archive Maintainer      : N/A
Update to               : N/A
Advanced engine needed  : ZDooM
Primary purpose         : Singleplayer
Title                   : Entryway Redux
Filename                : D2-01-ER
Release date            : 08/10/2022
Author                  : King Haight
Email Address           : [redacted]
Other Files By Author   : N/A
Misc. Author Info       : First *published* map

Description             : A very quick, simple remake of Doom 2s Entryway level

Additional Credits to   : N/A
* What is included *

New levels              : 1
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : N/A

* Play Information *

Game                    : DooM 2
Map #                   : Map01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : Partial

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : ~5 hours mapping, ~2 hours testing
Editor(s) used          : UGZDB, Slade, GiMP, Tracktion
Known Bugs              : None
May Not Run With        : Vanilla
Tested With             : GZDoom 4.7.1

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authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text
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This may or may not require GZDooM, I'm honestly not sure what is
Boom/G/ZDooM specific, it could run on PRBoom+ or whatever it's called
just fine, I have no clue. I only use GZDooM, and I'm bad about keeping
it up to date. There are some 3D Floors and swimmable water, lights,
some sector lighting effects utilizing both sector lighting and D64
style sector lighting, sky replaced with a truecolor PNG, and MP3 music,
otherwise it's base DooM 2. Feel free to talk mad shit in the comments,
especially about how I only used a handful of textures. Difficulties are
half-assed implemented; I don't believe I changed health or ammo amounts
by difficulty since those are automatically afffected as difficulty hits
UV, but monster type and number do vary (slightly) between difficulties.

I'm not 100% on if the secret(s) is marked clearly enough (the second
secret is accessed via the first secret, so if you don't find the first
then you can't find the second without noclip), as the level designer
it's a little difficult to determine how obvious (or not) it is.

It's intended to feel like a hybrid between a Duke 3D level and a Doom
techbase, but I didn't include any bathrooms. I'd stay away from Cheelio's
voxel project, because there are a LOT of corpses so that may... bog you
down a bit.

I dunno, have fun, if you like it, cool, tell me what you don't like in
the comments. If you don't like it, cool, tell me what you don't like in
the comments. Be constructive, or don't. It's the internet, so really you
kinda have to expect some people are just going to post "bad map" and
not elaborate as to why, so whatever.

It's not ACTUALLY my first map, just my first published map, so I expect
it to be recieved poorly, and to have a lot of criticism levied towards
it, so again, absolutely destroy it in the comments, you won't hurt my
precious fee-fees. Well, maybe. I dunno. Get creative, maybe you will.

Specifically I'm curious how the lighting looks, are the fights boring,
does supply station style ammo/health distribution work alright, or should
I go with a more DooM/Arcade-y style A/H distribution? Do monster closets
really make sense in human constrution? Is it OK to have a first level
give a rocket launcher, super shotgun, and plasma rifle? Are Cacos, Hell
Knights, Chaingunners, and Barons appropriate monsters for a first level?
Post your thoughts because I honestly don't mind reading long diatribes
about mepping theory and the philosophy of level design, or the aesthetics
of particular mapping styles, or whatever you want to base your criticisms
on. Was the map confusing because of the uniformity of the theme? Was
what little verticality that was employed good or nah? Did the
environmental storytelling read like a techbase overrun by demons, or
does it read like a bunch of corpses on the ground cluttering up the
screen? Can I shut the hell up and finish the Wadinfo?