Advanced engine needed  : ZDooM v1.23 beta 24
Primary purpose         : Single play
Suggested location      : ./levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/darkhour.zip or
Title                   : The Darkest Hour
Filename                : darkhour.wad
Release date            : August 6, 2001
Author                  : ReX claussen
Email Address           : gurkha_boy@yahoo.com
Other Files By Author   : Pugilist.wad, a 3-level fist-only series set in WWII
			  Fear_Isl.wad, a single level
			  Decimate.wad, a single level
			  Complex.wad, a massive and detailed single level
			  Arena_01.wad, a fast-paced, short single level
			  Hex_on_u.wad, a 3-level medieval set using Hexen2 textures
			  Phoenix.wad, a 5-level military installation using Quake2 textures
			  Paranoia.wad, a 5-level military research installation using Half-Life
			  textures, enemies, and sounds
			  Temple2.wad, a 5-level hub set in techno, medieval, & techno-medieval
			  areas, using Q3A textures & Q2 weapons
			  They can be found in the Ports directory of ftp.cdrom.com
			  (except for Arena_01.wad, which does not need a port and is in
			  the regular DooM2 levels directory of cdrom.com).
Misc. Author Info       : So many aliens; so little time!
Description             : 7-level hub set in the Star Wars universe, using enemies, weapons,
			  graphics, sounds, and music from Dark Forces. Play the role of Wrok
			  Onmo, leader of a vicious gang of interstellar mercenaries. Steal the
			  plans for the Imperial Cybernetics Facility from the Thal Vaishet Moon
			  Base. Wreak havoc on the Imperial Space Station Alpha Centauri. Have a
			  "disagreement" with Quatto the Hutt in his fortified palace. Hook up
			  with a rebel spy in Mos Denra who is willing to pay hansomely for your
			  services. Take down the IRF on the remote planet of Nagin Prime.

Special Thanks to	: Nigel Rowand (Enjay001@hotmail.com,www.btinternet.com/~Enjay001) for
			  all his help with DeHacked, for graphics from his excellent ZDooM level
			  NJThief and his unreleased Star Wars level set, and for being an all-
			  around nice guy
			  Csabo (wadedit@marchmail.com, www.doomworld.com/XWE) for creating the
			  cool TITLEPIC, PLAYPAL, color gradient, status bar numbers, and the
			  intro music. Check out his versatile editor, XWE, at his web-site

Additional Credits to   : Lucas Arts for their excellent "DooM clone" Dark Forces
			  id Software for DooM, DooM2
			  3DRealms for Duke Nukem3D, from which I extracted the moonscape sky
			  patches, which I then modified to create 2 tall sky textures. Also the
			  space suit, satellite dish, and numerous other graphics.
			  Randy Heit (zdoom.notgod.com) for his incredible source port
			  Neil Bowman (www.geocities.com/area51/lair/1800/stardoom.html) for the
			  Rogue Jedi, miscellaneous sprites, graphics, sounds, and music.
			  John Wriston (as344@detroit.freenet.org) for what I believe was the
			  first conversion of Dark Forces enemies (7/23/1996) for use in DooM in
			  his Stwargfx.wad
			  Garrett Granger (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/5333/) for 
			  some graphics from his SWDOOM2 project
			  Jared-Michael Stein for graphics from swgfx8.wad (found on cdrom.com)
			  Rich "Weeds" Nagel (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/RichNagel,
 			  RichNagel@Compuserve.com,) for his Nitesky2.wad, which I modified to
			  create a tall sky texture (starry sky with nebula), and a starry sky
			  Stian Skjondal (http://members.xoom.com/zerosignum, zsignal@organizer
			  .net) for his skypack2.wad, which contains fantastic skyscapes.
			  Chris Pisarczyk AKA ChrisDragon (chrisdrgn@hotmail.com) for his Half-
			  Life textures in Valve.wad
			  Greg Zapf for the cool sounds in Swsnd0.wad
			  Jonathan Daughtrey for additional sound in Cinsound.wad
			  Chris Hopkins, who, back in 1994, was probably the first person to
			  convert Star Wars music for use in DooM (Swmusfx4.wad)

* What is included *

New levels              : 6 levels plus 1 secret level
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes - internal
Demos                   : 
Other                   : 
Other files required    : ZDooM v1.23 Beta 24

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom II v1.9 using ZDooM
Map #                   : Map01-Map07
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : All levels from scratch.
                          Most sounds, music, and graphics from Dark Forces by Lucas Arts.
                          Other resources as credited.
Build Time              : 7 months
Editor(s) used          : CAGE to extract graphics from Dark Forces
			  BMPDF to convert DF graphics into bitmap format
			  Wally to extract textures from Duke Nukem3D
			  MS Paint & PhotoShop to convert into DooM palette & to modify graphics
			  WinTex to insert graphics, other lumps into the pwad, merge maps
			  DeepSea for additional graphics work, including creating oversize
			  textures, creating texture names, lump management, etc.
			  XWE for additional graphics work and lump management
			  WadAuthor to create the maps & scripts

Known Bugs              : None

May Not Run With...     : ...the Bulls at Pamplona.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. The graphics, sprites, music, and sound were extracted from the game Dark Forces, so they are copyright Lucas Arts. Reuse the original Dark Forces resources rather than these modified versions.

You may distribute The Darkest Hour in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette, CD, etc) as long as
you include this text file intact, and do not release it as part of a commercial product as it
contains material copyrighted by Lucas Arts and others.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
