Note: This file uses graphic, sound, music and DeHacked resources from The Darkest Hour. To run
this file you will need darkhour.wad, which can be downloaded from the following URL:

To run this file along with The Darkest Hour, use the following command line (or create a batch file) as follows:

zdoom -file darkhour.wad darkpack.wad -warp 08 -skill 4

(This is for Ultra-Violent skill level. You may use one of the other skill levels too, but change the command line accordingly, e.g. -skill 3.)

Make sure that darkhour.wad is called first, as shown in the command line above.

Video resolution of 1024 * 768 is recommended.

Advanced engine needed  : ZDooM v2.0.45 or higher
Primary purpose         : Single play
Suggested location      : ./levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/
Title                   : Dawn: A Prelude
Filename                : darkpack.wad
Release date            : April 18, 2003
Author                  : ReX Claussen
Email Address           :
Other Files By Author   :

		Wads requiring a source port to prevent VPO errors:

		  Pugilist.wad -- 3 levels for DooM2
		  Fear_Isl.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Decimate.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Complex.wad  -- 1 level for DooM2


		  Hex_on_u.wad -- 3 levels using Hexen2 textures (source port required)
		  Phoenix.wad  -- 5 levels using Quake2 textures (source port required)
		  Paranoia.wad -- 5 levels using Half-Life textures/enemies/sounds, for ZDooM
		  Temple2.wad  -- 5-level hub using Q3A textures & Q2 weapons, for ZDooM
		  Darkhour.wad -- 7-level hub set in the Star Wars universe, for ZDooM

		Wads requiring no source port:

		  Arena_01.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Invictus.wad -- 1 level for DooM
		  Wicked_1.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Wicked_2.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Wicked_3.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Wicked_4.wad -- 1 level for DooM2
		  Wicked_5.wad -- 1 level for DooM2

Misc. Author Info       : I didn't make it all the way through 6th grade for nothing!
Description             : 5-level prequel to The Darkest Hour, which is set in the Star Wars
			  universe. Wrok Onmo is in an Imperial Penal Colony on the Lodai
			  Asteroid. His gang breaks him out so that he can travel to the
			  fortified palace of Quatto the Hutt, who wants to commission him to
			  steal the plans to an Imperial Cybernetics Facility.

Special Thanks to	: Nigel Rowand (, for
			  play-testing these levels and for some of the additional graphics
Additional Credits to   : (See text file for The Darkest Hour)

* What is included *

New levels              : 5 levels + 2 dummy levels
Sounds                  : Yes (from darkhour.wad)
Music                   : Yes (from darkhour.wad)
Graphics                : Yes (new and also from darkhour.wad)
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes (new and also from darkhour.wad)
Demos                   : 
Other                   : 
Other files required    : darkhour.wad

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom II v1.9 using ZDooM v2.0.45 or higher
Map #                   : Map08-Map14
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : All levels from scratch.

Build Time              : 4 months for Maps 9-10 and 12-13; one year for Map 11, with it being untouched for months
Editor(s) used          : WadAuthor to create the maps & scripts
			  XWE for lump management

Known Issues            : At the start of Map11, the enemies occasionally fail to ignore you as they should. Gameplay is
			  not affected in the least.

May Not Run With...     : ...MS Notepad.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.

You may distribute Dawn: A Prelude in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this text file intact, and do not release it as part of a commercial product. (Who the heck would want to pay for this stuff, anyway?)

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

ftp://......./idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/ or mirror