Title				: The Descent Into Hell's Cauldron
Filename			: descent.wad
Release Date			: January 10, 2009
Author				: Isaac Rodriguez
email				: drod642008@yahoo.com
Previous Files			: hunlshed.zip, wdgstn.zip, deep.zip

Description			: Another hell-themed wad in which I have paid tribute
				  to the Descent levels (HRMAP31 and HR2MAP31) and Hell's
                                  Cauldron (HR2MAP29). New music, new textures, and a new
                                  sky is incorporated.

Additional credits to		: ID Software for Doom
				  The AV team for the music track
				  Sargebaldy for the Ultimate Doom textures
				  HR creator Yonathan Donner for the extra teleporter flat

*What Is Included*

New Levels			:Yes
Sounds				:No
Music				:Yes
Graphics			:Yes
Dehacked/BEX patch		:No
Demos				:No
Other				:No
Other Files Required		:ZDoom 2.20

*Play Information*

Game				:Doom 2
Map				:#22
Single Player			:Yes
Coop 2-4 Player			:No
Deathmatch 2-4 player		:No
Other Game Styles		:No
Difficulty Settings		:All


Base				:From Scratch
Build Time			:1 and 1/2 weeks
Editor(s) used			:Doom Builder, XWE
Bugs				:None (I tested it to make sure)



Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include the text file, with modifications
You MAY distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, diskette, CD, etc) as long
as you include this file intact. I have recieved permission from the origional authors
of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

"Where to get the file that this text file describes"

The usual: fttp//ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames and mirrors
Web sites: http://www.doomworld.com