Archive Maintainer      : Mr. Archive Maintainer?
Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom
Primary purpose         : Single+Coop play

Title                   : DethAwsm: Maps of Fail
Filename                : DETHAWSM.wad
Release date            : November 23rd 2011
Author                  : Cheetahmen
Email Address           : kieranf92@hotmail.com
Other Files By Author   : randomsp.wad
Misc. Author Info       : 

You may think I'm happy,
You may think I'm sad,
You may think I'm crazy,
You may think I'm mad,
But hang on to your seats and listen right here,
I'm gonna tell you something that'll burn your ear.

A hip, hop, a hip hop hap,
I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap.

I was born on the 7th of May,
I remember very well that awful day,
I was in my mother, curled up tight,
Though I have to say it was dark as night.
Nothing to do, didn't want to breathe,
I was so happy didn't want to leave!

Then I heard some people give a shout:
One push, Mrs. Rosen, and he'll be out!
I'm tellin' you, that was a puzzle to me!
I shouted out: "How'd you know I'm a he?"
Doctors shouted "Good Lord, he can talk!"
I popped out my head and said, "Now watch me walk."
I juked and jived around that room,
Balam bam boola, balam a titty boom.

A hip, hop, a hip hop hap,
I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap.

When I was one, I swam the English Channel.
When I was two, I ate a soapy flannel.
When I was three, I started getting thinner,
When I was four, I ate the dog's dinner!
When I was five, I was in a band playing drums,
When I was six, I ate a bag of plums!
When I was seven, I robbed a bank with my sister,
When I was eight, I became Prime Minister!
When I was nine, I closed all the schools,
When I was ten, they made me King of the Fools.

So that's what I am, that's what I be,
With an M, with an I, with a K, with an E.
That's what I am, that's what I be
Mr. Mike, Mr. Michael, Mr. Rosen, Mr. Me.

A hip, hop, a hip hop hap,
I'm giving you all the Michael Rosen Rap.

Description             : Oh Hell. Hell has come to send monsters from
                         Hell to murder you and you have to go to Hell and
						 back to murder the monsters from Hell from making
						 your town go straight to Hell. What the Hell is
						 this gibberish I'm writing?
						 Also, who cares about plot in a game anyway?

Additional Credits to   : Boredom, Hummer Team, Anvil Studio, Mock 2: The
                         Speed of Stupid, the lack of sex, drugs and rock 
						 and roll, Terry, cheese toasties, pasta, Pantera,
						 Slayer, NIN (how do you do backwards Ns on
						 Notepad?), Active Enterprises, Paul Thrussel, iD
						 Software, five golden rings, Activision for being
						 lazy gits as always, Brian Coburn, whoever the
						 crazy fool is that LPs this WAD and Mike Dawson.


* What is included *

New levels              : 15
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01-MAP15
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Not unless you want your friends to hate you
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : Nada
Difficulty Settings     : Sort of

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : 4691 irradiated haggis
Editor(s) used          : Doombuilder 2, SLumpEd
Known Bugs              : Too many to count
May Not Run With        : POP Station
Tested With             : ZDoom


Episode 1

Map 01: !UNDEAD1
Map 02: Terryble Lie
Map 03: House of Fun
Map 05: The Artful Dodger

Episode 2

Map 04: Four Square
Map 06: Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare
Map 07: Somari Did It!
Map 08: Elevator Action 52
Map 09: Super Epic Mister Semi-final Boss Time of Murderthon

Episode 3

Map 10: Congestion 32
Map 11: Non-Human
Map 12: Purgatory
Map 14: FCUKface

Secret Map

Map 15: At DEU's Gate


* Copyright / Permissions *

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors