Advanced engine needed: Limit removing port required.
Primary purpose: Single-player.

Title                   : Dark Fate 2

Date Finished           : 24 Feb 2008
Author                  : Karthik Abhiram
Email Address           :

Misc. Author Info       : 25 year old Doomer from India, for more
                          info, have a look at my site 
                  There's lots of stuff
                          over there, both Doom and non-Doom related.

Description             : A very short, linear hellish map.  It was made
                          about a year ago as a very short speedmap, and
                          I hadn't bothered to finish it.  Over a couple
                          of weekends I completed it and made it look
                          nice.  Couldn't think of a better title, so
                          I simply called it "Dark Fate 2".

Story                   : Do you really need one for a map this small?
                          After fighting off the monsters in "Dark Fate"
                          you entered the exit teleporter and ended up
                          here.  Damn, another hellish area!  Will this
                          never end?

Other WADs by Author    : - The Hazard Variation (hzv.wad)
                          - Reanimated (reanmtd.wad) [with Varun Abhiram]
                          - Metamorphism (meta.wad) [with Brad Spencer]
                          - Congestion Control 2 (cct2.wad)
                          - Dark Fate (dft.wad)
                          - Out of Phase 3: One Cloudy Afternoon
                          - Congestion Control (cct.wad)
                          - The Other Side of Phobos (osp.wad)
                          - Out of Phase II (ophase2.wad)
                          - Out of Phase (ophase.wad)
                          - Chaos Punch (cpunch.wad)
                          - ICK (ick.wad)

                          ...and some other speedmaps.  See my site
                          for the entire set of levels.

Additional Credits to   : - The Ninth Gate Team [Pablo Dictter,
                            Tobias Münch, Varun Abhiram,
                            Damian Lee, Joel Murdoch]
                          - Varun, my brother: for feedback & playtesting
                          - Erik Alm - the later maps in his megawad
			    "Scythe" inspired the look of this level
			  - The creators of the tools I used
                          - All of you who have played my levels over
                            the years!

"DVD" Extras!           : - I recorded a "Commentary Video" for this level
                            which has me playing the map on my laptop and
                            talking about it.  It's more for non-Doomers
                            (this is a very simple map, you don't need a
                            walkthrough), but you might be interested in
                            watching too.  It's a ten-minute video, and
                            you can view it here:
                          - Two small images are provided in the ZIP file:
                            * The "Help" screen (press F1 in game to view)
                              showing the URL of the YouTube video
                            * The drawing which was used to make the
                              titlepic (I call it "Blazing Gunz").

* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file *

New level WAD           : Yes

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : Doom II, MAP01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : 4 player starts included on the map, but not
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes (4 DM starts on the map, with some
			  multiplayer-only items.  Not tested extensively
                          but should be pretty fun to play.)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : Yes
                          - Title Music:
                            "Mortal Kombat: Game Over"
                            sequenced by Zero Beats
                          - Main Level Music:
                            "The City Streets"
                            from Duke Nukem 3-D, by Robert Prince
                          - Intermission Music:
			    "Still Alive"
                            from Portal, by Jonathan Coulton
			    sequencer unknown (I downloaded the
			    MIDI file from
New Graphics            : Yes
                          - Sky graphic made by me, modified from
                            one of the skies from "Heretic"
                          - Title/Inter/Credits/Help Pic by me,
                            based on a drawing I did of the Doom
                            Marine (provided in the ZIP file!)
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : A few weekends (on and off)
Editor(s) used          : - Doom Builder 1.68 by CodeImp
                          - ZenNode 1.2.1 by Marc Rousseau
                          - XWE 1.15 by Csabo

Known Bugs              : None

May Not Run With...     : doom2.exe (Limit Removing port required)

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

* Where to get this WAD *

The usual: The /idgames archives and mirrors, search for ""

FTP sites: 

Other: My website,
