Archive Maintainer      : levels/doom2/Ports/d-f
Advanced engine needed  : Boom
Primary purpose         : Single play
Title                   : The Dime Birthday Level Collection
Filename                : dimebday.wad
Release date            : June 28, 2015
Author                  : AD_79,
                          dobu gabu maru,
                          and Matt Tropiano
Email Address           : nrgdime@gmail.com (Dime's address)

Description             : Twelve levels designed for the 25th birthday of
                          Doom speedrunner Dime! The restrictions given to
                          the designers were:
                          - Boom compatibility (a.k.a. PrBoom+ -complevel 9)
                          - No green or blue armor
                          - Maximum 75 monsters
                          - In the style of scythe map 22-24 gameplay
                          (texture use is up to [one]self)
                          - Must [have] a BFG, but only a maximum of 200
                          cells in the map INCLUDING BFG pickup.
                          All levels were played by Dime on his Twitch
                          channel. He wrote on Doomworld afterward that
                          "From Melbourne streets, to green scythe, to near
                          impossible maps it was all a blast." Said "near
                          impossible map" is included as MAP32 and cannot be
                          reached in normal gameplay; you must warp to that
                          level to play it.

Additional Credits to   : Pinchy for making the title image and menu cursor;
                          Erik Alm for the Scythe 2 monsters on MAP03;
                          The Green Herring for compiling this WAD
* Level info *

All levels arranged in submission order except for MAP32, which was the first
submission (but incredibly easy to miss; see the quotes for that level).

MAP01: Disgust
Author: AD_79
Build Time: 4 hours or so
Music: D_ROMER2 from Nova, I think
       [Epica - Sensorium]

"I named it that because this map disgusts me :^) Also happy birthday!"

MAP02: Lygon Street
Author: Alfonzo
Build Time: 3 Hours
Music: "Spirit Wiener" by JMickle66666666
Textures: "junkcity" set by JMickle66666666

"This was made during a call with Tarns and MTrop before any of us were aware
there was a thread! As such, I've had to go back and edit the things a little
bit to make sure it fits the rules better. Happy birthday, Dime!" -Alfonzo

MAP03: Dime Another Day
Author: ArmouredBlood
Build time: 8 hours + 5ish hours of playtesting
Music: "Something from TNT, I got it from map24 of scythe."
       [The TNT: Evilution MAP02 music, which is _not_ called "Smells Like
        Burning Corpse" despite fan insistence that it is.]

"Oh, I included some fun things, I'll let it be a surprise." -ArmouredBlood
[NOTE: Said "surprise" was the inclusion of the Evil Marine and Afrit from
 Scythe 2. It was indeed a surprise for Dime!]

MAP04: Rocket In Yo Face (Happy Birthday, Dime)
Author: Matt Tropiano
Description: "This map was made with Dime in mind, as he rockets himself in
             the face every speedrun. Gives it a nice personal touch, I
Build Time: 3.5 Hours
Music: "Stars" by Forty-Two
Textures: From CC4. Whatever.

"Made this without seeing the requirements because I made something special
_out of the goodness of my heart._" -MTrop

MAP05: Canyon Crush
Author: cannonball
Description: "It's like Scythe E3, but totally devoid of red"
Music: "Donna to the Rescue" by Bobby Prince
Build Time: 4 hours on and off for the past few days.
Textures: Stock "but with a red sky that doesn't need to be used to be
          honest." [It was.]

MAP06: Bare Your Fangs
Author: dobu gabu maru
Music: MAP11 of Zone300 [by Paul Corfiatis]
Textures: Stock

"Dunno if you like my style of mapping or not, but I made one anyway.
Thanks for being an awesome runner Dime." -dobu gabu maru

MAP07: Agony
Author: purist
Description: "Small Doom II vanilla attempt at Scythe E3 map with no secrets"
Music: "Bye Bye American Pie" by Bobby Prince
Build Time: Around 7-8 hours build and testing over 3 evenings.
Textures: "Stock. I wanted to change the sky but it's been a long time since
          I added textures and I've forgotten how to."
          "EDIT: Now with Plutonia E2 sky. It was bothering me."

"Happy Birthday Dime, hope you have a blast!" -purist

MAP08: Doom
       [Yes, that really is the name of the map. No joke.]
Author: joe-ilya
Description: "An attempt at making a scythe map, unfourtunatly [sic] it's too
              long to be one(not [sic] that long, mind you)"
Music: Minor Threat - Minor Threat
Build: 3 days on and off(usually off)
Textures: New sky to fit the red theme.

MAP09: Go View It
Author: Pinchy

[No other info provided for this level, but it uses "Sinister Waltz of id" by
Jimmy as the soundtrack.]

MAP10: Short Circuit
Author: Marcaek

[No other info provided for this level, but it uses custom textures by
JMickle66666666 and "Time x Time = Time" by Mark Klem from GothicDM as the

MAP11: Dime's Red Canyon Birthday Blowout "(A.K.A. Scythe MAP22 Ripoff)"
Author: Breezeep
Build Time: 6 days on and off
            "(hooray for Schoolwork and other IRL related stuff!)"
Music: "Postmodern Muck" By Jimmy
Textures: Red Sky by IMX, CC4 Tex, "and a few other textures blatantly stolen
          from Valiant by Skillsaw."

"Well, Here it is. Happy Birthday, Dime." -Breezeep

MAP32: Untitled
Author: MD922
Music: "Running from Evil" by Bobby Prince
       [used due to no music provided]

Unreachable without cheat codes or some other form of level warping because
it is almost impossible for even a seasoned speedrunner like Dime to complete
it without saved games.

Original posts for this level:
"I tried to follow all the themes, and I kinda followed the Scythe Maps22-24
 style but... you'll know what I mean soon." -MD922
"Since Dime wrote 'gameplay', I don't suppose that the maps need to be red or
 hell themed at all." -scifista42
"Ya, I could have been more specific on that point scifista, you don't need
 to limit yourself to pure redrock or even use it at all." -Dime
"Heh, I thought you mean't style so my whole map is the same textures as map
 24. Whatever, here it is. [map link]" -MD922
"Not an issue MD!" -Dime

* What is included *

New levels              : 12
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP01-11, MAP32
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Player starts only
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
May Not Run With        : doom2.exe
Tested With             : PrBoom+ -complevel 9

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their
resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.  I have received
permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in
this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors