WAD Information
Title			:Disturbia
Filename		:Distrbia.WAD, DDDisturbiaV4HMPMax.lmp
Release Date		:7.17.2008
Author			:Death-Destiny
Email Address		:brandon@foxfire74.com
Other Files By Author	:Irrelavant
Misc. Author Info	:Irrelavant
Description		:This is a very wierd map I made to sate my creative urges...
			 The internal dehacked work changes the chaingun into the
			 Super Chaingun. The amount of bullets the player can hold is
			 also doubled. This map has no shotgun, shotgunners, or SSG,
			 so I made this new weapon, a chaingun with a 50% faster rate
			 of fire.
Additional Credits to	:Tim Williams, whose "Dentil.WAD" inspired this creation.
			 The influence of B.P.R.D. and Huy Pham is also in this map.
* What is included *
New Levels		:Yes
Sounds			:Yes
Music			:Yes (by Lee Jackson of Apogee Software)
Graphics		:Yes, the new weapon.
Dehacked/BEX Patch	:Yes (Internal and replaces the minimap name, the chaingun, and it's ammo cap.)
Demos			:Yes, recorded with PrBoom V2.4.8.2
Other			:No
Other Files Required	:No

* Play Information *
Game			:Doom2 (Boom-compatibility)
Map #			:MAP01
Single Player		:Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player	:Yes. This might actually be fun for co-op.
Deathmatch		:No. The demons are your enemies. Kill them instead.
Difficulty settings	:Yes. The default skill for this map is Hurt Me Plenty, not Ultra-Violence.

* Construction *
Base			:None
Build Time		:80 hours? O_o
Editor(s) Used		:Various
Known Bugs		:There are always bugs to squash! I didn't catch anything serious though.
Bug Fixes		:Fixes the unclosed sectors in the Mega Armor secret, the enemy rooms en
			 route to the yellow key, and the two outdoor locations.
			 Marked the recurring teleport locations so trial-and-error is unnecessary.
			 Prevented two Cybs near the map's end from becoming stuck in the walls.
May not run with	:..out a Boom-compatible source port.
Tested with		:PRBoom V2.4.8.2, PrBoom V2.4.7

Legal Information
* Copyright / Permissions *

With the exception of the "Super Chaingun" and anything related to its functionality,
Authors MAY NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file without modifications.
You MAY distribute this file in any electronic format as long as you include this
file intact. This file may not be used for commercial purposes.