Advanced engine needed  : ZDOOM or Prboom-Plus, but please, no jumping!
Primary purpose         : Single Player
Title                   : Jägermörder 02 : Terra Nova
Filename                : dmdjm02.zip - dmdjm02.wad, dmdjm02.txt
Date Finished           : July 18th, 2005
Author                  : Derek MacDonald aka Afterglow
Web Page                : http://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/
Email Address           : derekmd@hotmail.com
Other Files By Author   : - Jägermörder01     - dmdjm01.wad
                          - The Seventh 07    - prwrsv07.wad
                          - SacrificeDM       - dmdsacdm.wad
                          - Lamentations      - dmdlamdm.wad
                          - Deadly Simplified - dmd07dm.wad
                          Contributions to:
                          - SlaughterDM       - sldm.wad
                          - Gothic99          - gothic99.wad
                          - SurgeDM2          - surge2.wad
                          - The Darkening E2  - darken2.wad
                          - Hell Revealed II  - hr2.wad
                          - Skull Tag         - http://www.skulltag.com/
Misc. Author Info       : I'm Canadian, eh?
Description             : You have been transported to a Mars laboratory to
                          eradicate the hellspawn threat. The fourth rock
                          from the Sun had been terraformed decades earlier
                          to provide an isolated environment for classified
                          experiments. It is your task to destroy every
                          lifeform on the premises and get off the planet.
Additional Credits to   : - Lee Szymanski, Bill "Bloodshedder" Koch,
                            Jonathan Rimmer, Jonathan Dowland, and
                            "Scuba Steve" Browning for playtesting.
                          - Matt Dixon for creating the cramped hallway
                            just beyond the red/blue key access barriers.
                          - mewse
Revision History        : v1.0 released on July 18th, 2005
                              - initial public release
                          v1.1 released on December 31st, 2005
                              - Fixed a Boom linedef pass-thru flag problem
                                with the exit platform that prevented the
                                map from being finishable with PrBoom-Plus
                                (Thanks Grazza for pointing that out).
                              - Fixed texture misalignments.
                              - Slightly cleaned up automap.
                              - Removed some cell ammo near the maps' end.
                              - Rebuilt nodes using Zednode 1.2.1.

* Play Information *

Map #                   : MAP02
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes, but this mode hasn't been tested.
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : Yes, Requiem MAP15 by [Jeremy Doyle|Mark Klem]
New Graphics            : Yes
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : Started in 1999. Yeah.
Editor(s) used          : DCK 3.62, Doom Builder 1.66, Wintex 5.0
Known Bugs              : Won't run in most Boom ports due to the Doom's
                          SEGS and SIDEDEF limit of 32,768 limit. The
                          SEGS count for this map is 42,574. Oops.
May Not Run With...     : doom2.exe, boom.exe, eternity.exe, legacy.exe

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get this WAD *

ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors