Title                   : Doom Raider:Crypt of the Vile (lite version)
Filename                : dr1-lite.wad
Distributed As...	: dr1-lite.zip
Release Date		: 23rd June 2003

Author                  : Russell Pearson
Email Address           : rddp@duellist.net
Website			: www.duellist.net
Description             : A single player level for ZDoom.

Additional Credits to   : Sock - designer of the original textures on which
			   this level was based. Sock's website can be found at
			  Stuart Godbolt - playtester and the person responsible
			   for the spike gun graphics and the excellent boulder
			   sprites. Stu's website can be found at www.fatalgames.co.uk

			  Nigel 'Enjay' Rowand - playtester and giver of much
			   Zdoom technical advice. Enjay's 'little place of doom'
			   is at http://www.btinternet.com/~Enjay001

			  Rick 'Grimm' Dow - who stepped up as a playtester and
			   provided much valuable feedback.

			  Ian G. Myers - the midi file used in this 'lite' version
			   was taken from Ian's wad Asylum of the Wretched (aotw.wad).
			   I haven't been able to get in contact with Ian to find
			   out whether he wrote the midi himself or got it elsewhere,
			   so I'll mention him here anyway.
			  Everyone in the Doomworld community who took the time to
			   answer my (sometimes stupid) questions on the DW forums.
			   Thanks guys :)

			  Raven Software - a few replacement sprites, sounds and
			   textures were taken from Hexen (and possibly Heretic).

Other Files By Author   : Null Space     	 	(nulspace.zip)
			  Lego Base	 	 	(legobase.zip)
			  Lego Base Enhanced 	 	(legob-sp.zip)
			  Tunnel Run     	 	(tun-run.zip)
			  Blastem 2      	 	(blastem2.zip)
			  DoomTown		 	(doomtown.zip)
			  Deleted Scene  	 	(deleted.zip)
			  Deleted Scene2 	 	(deleted2.zip)
			  Lego MAP01	 	 	(legomap1.zip)
			  Close Kill     	 	(c-kill.zip)
			  Voidtest       	 	(voidtest.zip)
			  Lego Textures  	 	(legotex.zip)
			  Wood gfx       	 	(woodgfx.zip)
			  Doom2 Flats    	 	(d2flats.zip)
			  Lego Base Original Cut 	(legob-oc.zip)
			  Fear Spirits			(fearsprt.zip)
			  Twin Pistols			(twingun.zip)
			  ZDoom Tooth Door		(toothy.zip)
* Play Information *

Advanced engine needed  : Yes. ZDoom (beta 47.cab or higher)
New Levels		: Yes
Episode and Level #     : MAP 01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Not really
Recommended Difficulty	: Ultra Violence
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos Replaced          : No
Other files required    : None

* Construction *

Base                    : Built from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Wintex, PSP, Wad Author, XWE, Deep.
Known Bugs              : None

* Copyright *

Authors nay NOT use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.

This level is copyright Russell DD Pearson (2003). You may
distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.

* Blah de blah de blah *

Doom Raider:Crypt of the Vile (lite version)......

Let me state first that I was never a fan of Tombraider. Taking 
the Indiana Jones concept and rewriting it into a game was a great
idea, but the game was very dull IMHO. Someone once said that
TR was nothing more than the navigation of breasts around a maze,
and I'd have to agree. So I'm not sure why I made this, guess I 
was inspired by Sock's egyptian textures.

This level is not your standard blastfest, more of a mouselooky
and jumping level. There are parts of the map where you will
have to pay attention to both the ceiling AND floor before making
a jump. In fact, I was worried that parts of the terrain were too
tricky, but the playtesters had no problem with it (phew). Just
bear in mind that some distances need to spanned by a jump and
others you can traverse simply by running off one ledge and landing
on the opposite one. 

I haven't really set up difficulty levels on this wad. It was designed
with UV in mind. There is a 'bit' more healing and ammo on HMP and lower,
but not much (ie hardly any difference).

There are numerous traps throughout this level. They start off fairly
simple and obvious, but you should be aware of your surroundings and
I would recommend that you SAVE often.

There aren't really any new monsters as such in this level, only
modifications of existing doom enimies. I should mention that the
Imps go up in flames when killed (don't get confused and think there's
an archvile nearby).

Includes 3 new weapons (twin pistols, twin uzi's and spike gun). Stu did
the graphics for the spike gun. His originals were amazing, but were
also about five times too large so I had to resize them, which is a shame
because all or most of the detail was lost in the process. I think the
Uzi's came from Shadow Warrior. There is no weapon in slot 5 and no chainsaw
in this level.

There are a couple of new/modified pickup items and I've reduced the Soul
Spheres health bonus from 100 to 50.

Stu also did the excellent boulder pics and was very enthusiastic that I use
the whole range of sprites he created for the animation (32 in total, yes
thats right 32!). It's a shame that you wont get to see them in their full
glory in this level. With this in mind I did start to make a bonus 'bowling'
level for inclusion in this wad using the boulders, but this has grown out
of all proportion, so I shall be releasing this as a seperate stand alone wad
in the near future.

As you can see from the title of this wad (dr1-lite) this is the lite version.
At the time of writing this I'm working on a 'full' version that uses a
number of mp3s to create a greater sense of atmosphere. This should be
available by the end of June (fingers crossed). This lite version does infact
contain 2 mp3s (for the title and intermission music) but both files are very
short and have been reduced to around 16kbps. I think that combined these two
files ammount to around 70k of the final wad file size.

Bugs: Apparently some of the colours on the STARMS part of the status bar
replacement go slightly weird on some systems. It doesn't do it on my PC,
but it was commented on during playtesting. Doesn't really effect gameplay
and it's been suggested that this may infact be a ZDoom bug (but I dont know).

Final Note: Don't use IDKFA because if you do you wont be able to finish the

Well. I think thats all. Have fun.

-Russell Pearson (23rd June 2003)
email: rddp@duellist.net