DSV Episode 5 Wad info
Title:			DSV Episode 5: The Final War
Wad Title:		dsv5.wad
Port Version:		Zdoom 2.0.57
Author:			Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
Other files by author	: The DSV megawads, Icerial 2, Demon Sanctuary 2, CChest Internal Reaches,
			CChest Breakout, CChest Termination Center, Toxichole(Plutonia II),
			ConsoleDoom, Doom64 TC, Kaiser's Stupid DM pack, Untitled, 
			Not Another E1 WAD, Return to Genesis(Plutonia II), Internal Reaches 2,
			Their Selfish Relams
Email Address		: kaiser@newdoom.com / svhome@gameslink.net
Web Site			: http://dsv.newdoom.com
Misc. Author info		: Likes mapping. Wishes to become a game designer.
Tools used		: Deepsea/Photoshop/Wally
Base			: From Scratch
Bugs			: You tell me. I have no time to look for bugs.
Map replace		: Map01, Map50 - Map64 on Doom2
Credits			: ID Software, SB Software, Gherkin, Agent Spork, Overlord, but most of all,
			Newdoom.com and Doomworld.com, without you guys, this wouldn't even
			be possible. And to the folks who created Powerslave and Strife.
			Credit also goes to all the people who made the custom midi's (the names escapes me atm)
*play information*
Level#			: 1, 50-64 (15 maps total)
Single Player		: yes (specifically designed for this mode)
Coop-op			: yes (specifically designed for this mode)
deathmatch		: no
new gfx			: yes
new sfx			: yes
new music		: yes - Some from other games here and there...I can't make my own music.
Build time		: 5 Months


After destroying a Cyberdemon containing the enhanced dsv virus, you left Pluto to return at Headquaters.
It seems you've destoryed the virus when you destroyed the host. The scientists, not learning their lesson,
returned to Pluto to continue their research and development of biological weapons. Weeks later you got an 
emergency call, the machines have gone out of control! The Demons were at it again, and seems the virus still 
exists, quickly, you ordered a couple of men to escort you back to Pluto, however, the machines already knew 
you were comming. Now short on reinforcements, the Demons have used the biolocial weapons to continue 
their one goal: take over the universe. The remaining demons must be destoryed for good and whoever
responsible for programming the dsv virus.

--Wad Description--

Dsv5 was meant to have 32 levels designed for the BOOM engine, but due to lack of intrest, I wanted to
end this megawad as fast as I could. So I chose the final version to be compatible with the newest Zdoom
source port to limit it to just 15 maps. I don't have time to add all that fancy Zdoom features, if you are
one of those stuck up kids who refuse to play this because it doesn't make full use of Zdoom's features 
should simply fuck off and search for something elsewhere. This wad isn't designed to compete with
popular wads like Momento Mori or Daedalus, instead, its designed to be fun and challanging for both
Single Player and Cooperative mode. Dsv5 uses many graphics from Strife and Powerslave, no Dsv5
does not take place during Strife/Powerslave's storyline, since I am no artist, I can't create good textures,
so I rather use the textures from these games to satisfy my imagination, although there are some of my
own textures put to good use.

--in-game troubleshooting--

I've found some rather annoying bugs/problems with Zdoom, for one, the railgun weapon does not seem
to work properly in multiplayer mode, whenever the gun is fired, the view automatically points at a 
different direction (usually aiming at a thinker (door, lift, etc)). Hopfully, this issue can get fixed in newer
zdoom versions. Also, some print screen scripts won't show on all player's views, so I don't know how
to get that working (haven't messed with ACS since zdoom 1.22).
Is the game too hard? then try an easier difficulty setting, or go online and beat it with a friend.


Levels(c) 2003, Dec 24, Samuel Villarreal all rights reserved. This wad isn't for distribution/profit
and must require the full version of Doom 2 to play. You may not use these maps as a base for your
own maps. You can do whatever you want with the Strife/Powerslave/ROTT resources. Please ask me
if you want to borrow my own custom textures.