Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom 2.5.0 at least r(2911)
Primary purpose         : Single
Title                   : Dungeon 13
Filename                : Dungeo13.wad
Release date            : May 5, 2012
Author                  : Anthony Vattimo 
Email Address           : avattimo4@gmail.com
Other Files By Author   :
Misc. Author Info       : A man who loves old video games

Description             : You are a military personnel sent to investigate a mysterious death
				of a worker inside a Siberian outpost and then monsters invade. 

Additional Credits to   : id Software   
* What is included *

New levels              : 32
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : For best music, play with the TNT iWad. 
Other files required    : N/A

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom in UDMF format
Map #                   : Map01-32
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : N/A
Difficulty Settings     : Yes--ranging from the generic doom's easy, medium and hard settings.

* Construction *

Base                    : New from Scratch
Build Time              : Two years 
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder 2.0 and XWE
Known Bugs              : Certain screen resolution can cause problems.  The one that seems to produce the best results is 800x600.
May Not Run With        : NA
Tested With             : zDoom r(3402)

The following are a full list of individual's contributions to this effort.

J. Vattimo, for the countless hours that he has put in to collaborate with me with project Dungeon 13.  Three of his original levels will appear in my game in the following maps:  15, 20, 21 and 31--Please note that one of the original designs has been split it into two different segments.  
	Next, it is important that I mention the wonderful work by those who managed to create a whole slew of custom:  Nanami, Cyb, Espi, Quasa, Skulltag, Lexus Alyus, Bouncy, Graf Zahl, Tormeneter667, Bjorn Ostmann, Xaser, Assmaster, Nimrod, Strain, The Ultimate Doomer, TheDarkArchon, Vader and Obtic.  These people designed and coded for each of their monsters respectively.  The full list of added monsters that I used came from the Monsters Resource Wad they have up on the internet.  They are as follows:  two versions of the dark imp--one that throws blue homing fire balls and the other that throws fast blue fire balls--StoneImp, Blood Demon, CacolanternClone, BelphegorClone, NightmareCacodemon, and the Enhanced Cacodemon.  As requested by these creators I have included a copy of the readme that they originally released with the Monster Resource Wad.  Let it also be known that the monsters I have included from this set may have been altered from their original settings.  If anyone wishes to get the original custom monsters, they should obtain it from the Monster Resource Wad.  The location for this can be found in the readme that I have provided.  Several other monsters provided came from a website called Realm667.  Various people drew and created the monsters found there—a complete listing can be found at the very end of the document.*   
	Master_Of_None his countless work in a variety of areas.  His complete list of contributions can be at the end of the document.***  
	Textures were borrowed from a variety of wads found on the internet—a complete listing of those I borrowed and the credits for creation can be found at the end of the file.**  Readme files have been included where the individuals have specified.   
	I would also like to thank NASA's website for providing a variety of free images for public use on their main website.  The image is of Charon from Pluto's perspective.        
	Lastly, I fully acknowledge that ID software and those people working on this project at the time of Doom’s original inception are the creators of the engine and the novel game design.  I am very grateful that they released the source code which provided me with an opportunity to do something as enjoyable as this.  

Master_Of_None's General Release Statement

The resources in this WAD which were provided by Master_Of_None are freely available for use.  Authors may use these resources in the construction of their own WADs, provided the following conditions are met:  

1). Authors must provide in the README file a list of all such resources used, attributed to Master_Of_None.

2). Authors must include in the README file the full unaltered text of this release statement.

3). Authors may not limit the distribution of these resources.

*The following credits are given for monster designers in order that they appear in the DECORATE file designated by their actor numbers.  Note, not all of the entries will have exactly the same amount of info, because some information was either missing or omitted by the website Realm667.

Deep One

Sprites: ID Software, Looking Glass Studios (fireballs); Monster Code:  Dr. Doctor; Sounds:  Acclaim Entertainment

Female Plasma Zombie
Sprites:  ID Software, The Sulltag Team, Ghostly Dragon, Xim, FuzzballFox, Tormentor667, Captain Toenail; Sprite Edit:  DavidRaven, It's Nature to Die (alt Death)  

Female Sergeant
Sprites:  ID Software, The Sulltag Team, Ghostly Dragon, Xim, FuzzballFox, Tormentor667, Captain Toenail; Sprite Edit:  DavidRaven, It's Nature to Die (alt Death)  

Female Zombie
Sprites:  ID Software, The Sulltag Team, Ghostly Dragon, Xim, FuzzballFox, Tormentor667, Captain Toenail; Sprite Edit:  DavidRaven, It's Nature to Die (alt Death)  

Rocket Zombie
Sprites + Sounds:  ID Software; Monster Code:  Graf Zahl, Dreadopp; Sprite Edit:	  The Innocent Crew 

Super Shotgun Zombie
Sprites:  The Skulltag Team; Monster Code:	Rhaq, Aerial; Sounds:  ID Software;  Submitted:  Tormentor667  

Sprites:  ID Software; Monster Code:  Dreadopp, DBThanatos; Sounds:  Blizzard (Diablo); Sprite Edit:  Jimmy91 

Chainsaw Zombie
Sprites + Sounds:  ID Software; Monster Code:  Bouncy, Graf Zahl; Submitted:  Tormentor667  

Pyro Imp
Sprites:  ID Software, Raven, Eriance; Sprite Edit:  Dreadopp, Eriance (fire sprites); Monster Code:  Dreadopp; Submitted:  Dreadopp  

BFG Commando
Sprites + Sounds:  ID Software; Sprite Edit:  It's Nature to Die, Neoworm; Monster Code:  Salliano; Submitted:  Dreadopp

Blood Fiend
Sprites:  ID Software; Sounds:  ID Software, Raven, Midway; Sprite Edit:  It's Nature to Die, Neoworm; Monster Code:  Eriance; Submitted:  Tormentor667   

Azazel Statue

Sprites:  Vader; Statue Code:  A. Vattimo 

Overlord Statues (Silver and Gold)

Sprites:  Eriance; Sprite Editing:  Master_Of_None


Sprites:  Eriance; Sounds:  Eriance; Monster Code:  Eriance	


DECORATE/Recolors: jimmy91; Projectile Sprites by: Eriance, and Vader   

**The following are credits to the designers of textures used from certain wads found on the internet. 

RETRES.Wad—3SPECTER, 3GOLDXX, 3GOLDSUPP, 3G_SHAWN, 3FACE11, 3BANBLUE, 3BANLACK, 3BANRED, 3BANLUE2, 3BANLUE3, 3SP_HOT1, 3HOPE, 3BRIK4 all of which have been created by Team Eternal and TeamTNT

Mock2.Wad—SLFALL1 through 4

Heretic—WALL00, WALL 34 created by Raven Software

Hexen— W_055, W_056, W_329 created by Raven Software

Cage_tex.wad—CGCA1I0-CGCANI7, CGSWCO2A, CGSWCOS2B,BGSWCO3A, AND SGSWCO3B created by Cage and submitted by Ceeb

Doom Potpouuri—COMPCT04, COMPCT,08, ICONMRB1, MARBF02, MARBF03, MARBF04, SILVDOR1, SILVDORB, SILVDORR, SILVDORY, SW2MET5, SW1MET5 created by FuzzballFox, Enjay, EarthQuake, CaptainToenail, and submitted by Tormetor667.

ss2_tex.wad—SS2_0231, AND SS2_0618 created by Looking Glass and Irrational Games

Final Doom's textures as provided on the Realm 667 website.   

***Master_Of_None's contributions include the following:  


Five custom tracks have been inserted into this game.  The title screens song is called temporal inversion, level 3 has It Doesn't Have to Suck (The Dance Domain), level 22 has Frantic, level 24 has Organic, and the end credit sequence has creeping shadows.  All were coded and written by Master_Of_None.  


Three custom sounds were created using the power down sound created by THEMFISH on a website called Freesounds.org.  Master_Of_None modified this sound to create a power up sound, a power down sound, and a constant generator hum:  GENDN, GENUP, and GENHUM. 


RLAMA0, OLDTA0, BASSA0, BASTA0-O0, REDI (all of the sprites and the fireballs), BASKA0-C0, VIRTA0-DO, TBALA0-C0, GOLDA0-L0, and PISTA0.


MEGAWPN1-3, SFLRYLUP, SFLRYLRT, BRNZFLAT, REDBRIK, enhanced Plutonia sky3 (called SKY5).


All of the individual titles as well as the Dungeon 13 logo on the top.  

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
Web sites:
FTP sites: