Title                   : New Episode 6 - ZDaemon compatible version
Filename(s)             : EPISODE6.WAD

Description             :  In previous episode, you defeated Joker
                          in his stronghold on Mars called Cruel.
                          He was planning an invasion to earth. You
			  got trapped in Cruel. Your main goal now
                          is to find a way to escape. After 3 days of
                          wandering, you receive radio transmission from
                          Earth: "Unknown spaceship fleet is going
                          to attack here! Already they have subverted our
			  defenses with their energy beams! We can't do
			  anything but watch helpless...".
                           Your Anomaly-Detector located a teleport device
			  in nearby town that could possibly
			  transfer you on board one of the attacker ships.
                          Infiltrate their ship and find a way to switch on
			  the self-destruct sequence to put an end to
			  this invasion once and for all!

Important Info          : This is an update to make EPISODE6 compatible with ZDaemon (currently 1.06.07)
			  the Doom multiplayer port. See http://www.zdaemon.org.
			  Requires Doom 2 IWAD.

                          * Play information *

Game                    : ZDaemon/DooM2 IWAD
Episode and Level #     : MAP23-MAP30
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes (Give MAP24 a try, it's great for DM!)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : Yes
New Music               : From Doom 1
New Graphics            : Yes 
Demos Replaced          : 2

Base                    : New levels from scratch
Build Time              : maybe 2-3 months.. 
Editor(s) used          : DCK 3.0  (The best level editor around!!!)
                          NeoPaint 3.0
                          NewWadTool 1.3
                          WGT Sprite Editor
                          WinTEX 4.3
May Not Run...          : Original Doom executable

                   * Copyright / Permissions and other *

Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

You MAY not distribute this WAD file in any format.

All new graphics are copyrighted by L.mR-SOFT and may NOT be used
by other authors.

I'm not responsible if this causes damage. Use at your own risk!