Title                   : The Excavation
Filename                : Excavation.WAD
Advanced engine needed  : Boom compatible/ Mostly tested with DsdaDoom (Both Comp9 and Comp21) and Gzdoom; Minor test with Prboom+ v2666, Eternity v40200, and Woof v1450
Primary purpose         : Single play/ Coop implemented, but not tested
Author                  : ByrntStarOEI
Email Address           : [redacted]   (Can also be contacted on Doomworld or Zdoom forums)
Misc. Author Info       : This is my first release map made with UDB

Description             : A non linear single player level with heavy emphasis on exploration combined with combat

	You have been hired by the UAC to investigate an ancient temple site located deep in the mountains. Your objective is to determine why communications have recently ceased from the archaeological team that was stationed there to study the site. Your main goal, however, is to collect three unique artifacts that were excavated at the site shortly before communications stopped. These artifacts supposedly contain great power, so the return of these artifacts back to the safety of the UAC will be heavily rewarded. Be warned though, that previous attempts sent to investigate the site have not returned and more than likely resulted in failure, so make sure you leave prepared. After all, the reason UAC hired you was due to your excellent record of completing previous "challenging jobs"... 

With no time to waste, you grab your gear and make your way up the mountain path to the site....
Play time		: Around 1 hour, but can vary greatly depending on how one plays through the map, so don't be afraid to save.
Other			: Exploration/back tracking are a must. HNTR is more suited for a relaxing/exploratory playstyle, while UV being intended more for doom veterans or   			
			: those who played though it before and are looking for a greater challenge. Be warned, however, UV can be rather unfair when going in blind.
Inspirations		: This map came from a collection of ideas/experiments I made as I was learning the ropes of UDB. I eventually combined them into one wad and built a 			
			: level around them. It was originally name "jumble" due to this fact, until I managed to make it into a somewhat coherent map that it is now. I 			
			: probably got carried away with a few things as I was learning new things to add, but it was a fun experience making this wad. For actual 				
			: inspirations there are too many to list, but the main ones are Plutonia Map32: GO 2 IT and Mouldy's wad Going Down. Oh, and the BOOMEDIT wad for 			
			: it's excellent demos.

Additional Credits to   : (For testing, feedback, and inspiration) Apichatpong, Arwel, Aurelius, DaveMP, fuGue_tv, GabbPiano, LoganDyson, Napeyear, Zahid, anyone else I may 			
			: have missed, and YOU (For trying out my wad). 



* Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : Map01
Single Player           : Yes 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes (Untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
Freelook/Jump/Duck	: Not required, but available if preferred
New Sounds              : No 
New Graphics            : No (Limited to DOOM2 textures except for a slightly modified SKY and a couple of WOLF textures.)
New Music               : Yes (Recommend PORTMIDI for music settings)
			: Music Credits: (Inside) Tomb Raider — Inside the Pyramid by Eidos, Composer: Nathan McCree, Midi: @GabbPiano (Check this guy's music out, it's 			
			: awesome) / (Outside) Windy - Midi composed by me / 
			: (Depths) Descent II - Briefing by Interplay and Parallax Software / (Boss) Castlevania 2 - Dracula fight by Konami / (Title) Myst - Myst, Composer: 			
			: Robyn Miller / (Other) Doom2 - D_EVIL by ID software
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes (Keen, Icon of Sin, Burning B, and couple other decorations)
Demos Replaced          : 1, 2, and 3

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Build Time              : 3-4 Months + a few more for bug fixes and whatnot 
Editor(s) used          : Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, and WhackED4
Known Bugs              : Some minor graphical glitches in software renderer and probably a few typical beginner mistakes that I've missed
May Not Run With        : Source ports not compatible with Boom. Mods may break Dehacked replacements, causing final boss to be defeated easily and a couple odd effect 			
			: placements. I've included a "patch" that may help prevent this. The included folder contains more info.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Just ask me for permission first. 

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

* Where to get this WAD *
