Title                   Female Doom
Filename                Female.Wad
Game                    Doom 2
Source Port             ZDoom v1.22, Doom Legacy v1.30 (tested)
			Obs.: if you want to play in Doom Legacy,
			set the gravity to 0.5
Author                  Daniel
Email Address           dal.eletro@bol.com.br
Misc. Author Info       edits Doom since 1996. Made New World,
                        Neo Doom, DalXX.Wad.

	You are in a new world dominated by females. The
feminist won the war against the men, killing all of them.
This world is a dream for lesbians (in fact, lesbians and
feminist women are the same thing!).
	The unique man that can find a legitime woman and
rebuild the world like it was before is you. Fight against
those women and find a way to get out to a world with real
women that can love a man. Go, marine. GO!

	The first level looks very hard, even for a great
Doom player. The zombies changed to females keep the hard
gameplay. The new ambient created on the first levels
remembers a mix of Darken 2 and New World Doom.
	After level 7, things start to change. You'll face
bigger levels, with hard gameplay. You'll get into a rain
forest, a tower, a village and a castle.
	When you reach the level 12, you'll probably be
impressed with the very hard gameplay. I will not say
nothing more, because it will smash the surprise. See
for yourself.

	All the enemies were changed, and the weapons
too. Here is the weapons list:

1) Knife / RipSaw
2) Red Light Pistol
3) Small Hand Shotgun / Super Shell Gun
4) Minigun
5) Missile Launcher
6) Fusion Gun
7) BFG 12000RX

Additional Credits to 

        Well, a lot of people here. First, thanks to John
Romero and John Carmack, from ID Software. Second, to my
beta tester Lucinho. Now, thanks to the following authors:
        Jeff Rabenhorst - EdMap
        Greg Lewis - DeHackEd
        Olivier Montanuy - WinTex
        Williston Consulting - WadAuthor
        Csabo - XWE
        Randy Heit - ZDoom
        Denis Fabrice and Pereira Boris (Doom Legacy)
And the author from those wads: The Darkening, Doom Raider,
Egyptian Doom, Gothic Textures for Doom, EDGE Castle, and
the games Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage, Quake and Unreal.

Special thanks to WraithChilde (author of Sirens ZDoom),
from where I extracted the biggest part of the graphics
on this file.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM ][
Episode and Level #     : MAP01-MAP18
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : Yes - made by me!!
Demos Replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used          : EdMap (main level editor), WadAuthor,
                          WinTex, XWE, DeHackEd
Known Bugs              : Up to ZDoom v1.23: gameplay changes,
                          some monsters see you when they must
                          be quiet;
			  Doom Legacy: some bugging
                          flats. In version 1.40, when you
                          kill the boss on level 12, the door
                          tagged 666 doesn't open. I'm sorry,
			  but you must advance to level 13. For
			  the same reason, you shouldn't pass
			  the last level.
			  If you want to play in Doom Legacy,
			  you must set the gravity to 0.5.


* Instructions *

        Just unzip it to your favorite WAD directory, then
use the source port launcher program to load this wad, or
type, via DOS:

        ZDoom.exe -file [directory]\Female.wad.

You can do the same with Doom Legacy:

        Legacy.exe -file [directory]\Female.wad

I did not tested this file with Doom2.exe. It's complicated
to use this file with Doom2.exe, so i'll not explain how to
do it. You can grab ZDoom and Doom Legacy at:


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels unless you ask me. BUT feel free to use the textures in
this wad as long as you credit all the folks up above and myself.

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file

If you like this work, please send me an e-mail with your comment.
It is important to me! My e-mail is dal.eletro@bol.com.br
