Title                   : FERN, make yourself a WAD file master designer - Part III.
                          (Part I and Part II are at your disposal in my WEB Page).
FileName                : FERN.WAD
Author                  : Javier Fernando Almenara Otoya.
E-Mail Address          : aojavierfdo@hotmail.com
WEB Sites               : http://doortohell.tripod.com
Misc. Author Info       : Developer also for Special Tools for DOOM
                          (DCF, NeTDooM, MaPRunner) and WAD Stuff (levels and textures).
WADFile to be used with : DOOM Utimate [ ] DOOM ][ [X] Heretic [ ] Hexen [ ]
Description             : A file that contains some new architecture designs,
                          a lot of tricks, and a variety of elements.
                          You should use some of the enhanced engines to play this WAD file.
Features                : They have been taken exclusively from the BooM Engine
                        - 3D Rooms Over Rooms
                        - Elevator (between floors)
                        - Third Floor
                        - Basement
                        - Puzzles
                        - Antenna & Radar
                        - Special Nukage floor behavior
                        - New textures for Elevator switchs
                        - Combined Lines & Sectors Functions
                        - 8 DeatMatch Start Points
                        - Cooperative Mode absolutelly revised
                        - Much More
Additional Credits to   : Jim Flynn for the WAD tutor and converter utilities.
                          Email: jflynn@pacbell.net
                          Ty Halderman for a lot of helpful information.
                          Email: thldrmn@teamtnt.com
                          LionHeart TM. and to all the persons that have
                          developed that useful Tools to Make and Compile                                
                          the DooM Maps (Deth, WinDeu, DCK, RMB, WARM, BSP and 
                          much others...) Oh sure, Id Soft. for their DOOM.
                          Also to some designers from whom I've used their ideas.

* General Information *

The WAD has been tested to work with Legacy (v1.30 and newer ones), ZDooM
and BooM. 
The WAD file that has served as a guide is called 'Boomedit.Wad'. References
of the new enhances and functions can be found at the 'Boomref.Txt' file.
The utility that I have used to create the lumps is 'Swantbls.Exe'; also to 
embed the midi file I have used 'Musput.Exe' both from Jim Flynn.
There is included the original DATA file for any purpose. Also I have included
a HINTBOOK so you won't have any trouble during your tour around FERN (check
out the 'Element.Zip' file).

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : Level #3 (Map03) of DooM ][
                          Type -> (for ex.) C:\DOOM2>Doom2 -File Fern.Wad -Deh Fern.Deh 
                                  -Warp 03 -Skill 4 (or use your favorite frontend)
Single Player           : Yes, of course. Specially for you tough guys ;)
                          If you have problems with the degree just type IDFA inside
                          the game... really this WAD file is just for BRAVE guys! heh :) 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes, sure you can. 100% tested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Ya, this way is much better!!!
Difficulty Settings     : Yes, implemented. (All the difficult levels).
New Sounds              : No.
New Music               : Yes, for Map03 only, directly embedded.
New Graphics            : No.
Demos Replaced          : Yes. Use the Tour.Lmp file
                          NOTE: To view the Demo file use the Legacy engine (v1.30)
Status                  : Complete.

* Construction *

Base                    : Architecture, textures and tricks working toguether - Part III.
Build Time              : A lot of time for this...(days, weeks, months).
Editor(s) used          : Deth 4.14, WinDeu524 and Dck362 (construction), 
                          WinTex (effects).
Known Bugs              : None... You should note that not all the engines have
                          included the BooM features... so you're warn.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. But please send,
me an E-Mail, so I will know you are using it. There's no problem at all guys!!!

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications.  
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as 
long as you include this file intact.

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites: Well, you can get it at:

Other: I hope you like my FERN.WAD; if it is the case please contact me and 
let me know. If not... well I'm really sorry, but you loose your time...