³   MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION                                                 ³

Title                   : Cacodemon Squad: 3 Level Public Demo Update 2
Filename                : FHISSY.WAD
Author                  : Sean Gauthier
Email Address           : Gauthier.home@sympatico.ca
Misc. Author Info       : Person who is crazy about first person shooters.
                          Wants Ling to Free Hissy!!!
Description             : This is a Total Conversion that sponsors the Fre
                          Hissy Campaign.  Play it only if you support the
                          Free Hissy Campaign.....  Just Kidding!!  Anyone
                          can play it, but if Ling plays this wad, then he
                          will get into Trouble!!!  Play on easiest if you
                          want to get Linguica at an easier difficulty!
                          Made the Nightmare Mode (Linguica's Revenge)
                          playable!!!  They don't respawn at all because
                          only Hellspawn do it and not zombie Hellspawn!!!

                          Fixes:  Added the New Skill Graphics.

                                  Renamed WATER to WATERMAP.

                                  Modified Script so that if you die in the
                                  KidCool-Busters level you are taken to level

                                  Added a shortcut to the dark bull squid
                                  cave in level 1 where the red key is on
                                  watch me die!

                                  Removed respawn frames of all the enemies.

                                  Decreased Hit Points for the Bull Squid
                                  and Shadow Warrior.

                          New:    Fog Effect like in Rise of the Triad!

Additional Credits to   : Simon D. Howard aka. Fraggle for the Hissy Pics.
                          The SOS DOOM team for the Blizzard and Shadow
                          Warrior Enemies.
                          Marc. A. Pullen and the rest of the EDGE Team.
                          The Creator of the DOOM Enhancement WADs which I
                          used in Cacodemon Squad.
                          Valve for Half-Life and Cyb for HLGFX.WAD.
                          Velocity and Rogue Entertainment for Strife.

³   PLAY INFORMATION                                                          ³

Map #                   : MAP01 (Gateway) MAP02 (Level 1) MAP03 (Boss 3 Area)
Single Player           : Yes (Only Mode)
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No (EDGE 1.24 does not support it)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No (Will not add support for it at all.)
Difficulty Settings     : All Difficulties cause they are playable.
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : No (EDGE does not support MUS, MIDI, or MP3 yet)
Demos Replaced          : None (Not in the Public Demo)

³   CONSTRUCTION                                                              ³

Base                    : New Levels from Scratch
Editor(s) used          : Wintex, WinDAT, Sound Recorder, MS-DOS Edit, DETH
Known Bugs              : Found some errors, but they are fixed, even
                          the ones that Sparky of KISS Software found.

³   COPYRIGHTS / PERMISSIONS                                                  ³

You may not use these levels as a base to build additional levels.  Since
this has resources from other WADs, you will have to do what I did
yourself.  You may distribute the WAD, but you may not upload it to
FTP.CDROM.COM, or else Linguica will find out about it!!!!  End of Story.

³   WHERE TO GET THIS WAD                                                     ³


³   IMPORTANT NOTES                                                           ³

To start running Cacodemon Squad:  Type in:


Choose what EDGE Version you would like to use, eith DOS or WINDOWS version

NOTE:  Avoid the movement Lissy created by Stephen Browning!!!

Files in Zip:

FHISSY.TXT (File you are reading now)
FHISSY.CFG (Fixed CFG file.  delete old CFG and replace with new CFG if you want)