advanced engine needed		=zdoom
primary purpose			=single+coop play, deathmatch


title				=f.infer2
filename			=finfer2
release date			=30/09/2010
author				=roberto lopez (aka gothic)
email address
other files by author		=f. infernal


Remake of my map "infernal fortress", and tribute to Megawad scythe 2 by Erik 
An extreme difficulty level with new monsters from realm667 done with basic 
design of doom.
Some parts are similar to parts of scythe 2 maps (obvious)

additional credits to:

-"diseƱo doom" forum
-realm 667 (graphics and decorate)


new levels			=1
sounds				=yes, heretic, hexen, blood and quake
music				=yes
graphics			=yes, gothic DM, quake 1, heretic and hexen
dehacked/BEX patch		=no
demos				=no
other				=yes, decorate


game				=doom 2
map #				=map01
single player			=player starts only
cooperative			=designed for player
deathmatch			=designed for player
other gme styles		=no
difficulty settings		=yes, easy, medium, hard


base				=new from scratch
build time			=almost two months
editors used			=doom builder 1, SlumpeD, wad mangle
enown bugs			=some textures misaligned
may not run with		=unsupported hexen format ports, skulltag open-GL
tested with			=zdoom 2.5.0


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You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
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