
Title                   : Flay the Obscene - Compilation
Filename                : flathobs.wad 
Author                  : Christian N. Hansen aka c-cooper
Email Address           : Chr-Nygaard@hansen.mail.dk
Misc. Author Info       : Doom mega fanatic
			  DOOM2 level designer for approx. 4 years			  	  
 			  Hard Core Sci-Fi enthusiast (Nothing new, though)
			  Hard Core coffee drunkard

Description/story       : Screw the story! There initially was one, but
			  it just wasn't very well thought out! So it's
			  had its head cut off.
			  These levels won't disappoint you! They're
			  great looking, original and action packed
			  with a wide variety of Doom 2's monsters
			  and weapons and so on and so forth...

Play notes:               My 21st wad.
		   	  Made for Doom2/sourceport
			  Hills in map 15 are not just scenery, climbing
			  them is nessecary for the player
			  to reach new areas. They look good and have
			  a purpose.
			  The level was not designed for the use of 
			  jumping, so please refrain from doing so. It
			  will be considered as cheating by any legal
			  authority in this world!


Other wads by author:
			0.Fat Mushkins Lavapit (Modified level 01 of DOOM2)
			1.The Revenge of Avind 
			2.The Blessed Hex
			3.The Unknown Chasm
			5.Star Trek: Voyager "A time to face your fears"
			6.The Aqueous Rise and Fall (Final Doom: Plutonia)
			7.UAC Nukage Processing Area (Final Doom: Plutonia)
			8.Star Trek: Voyager "Antithesis" (Final Doom: TNT)
			9.Fait Accompli (Final Doom: Plutonia)
			10. That Urban sence...
			11. The Unaided Eye (Final: TNT)
			12. Flay the Obscene 
			13. Flay the Obscene - part two
			14. Paranoia (for "DooM Millennium")
			15. Hell Unleashed (for "2002-A.D.O")
			16. Station Beta (for "2002-A.D.O.")
			17. Odious Grounds (for "2002-A.D.O")
			18. Obituary Written (for "2002-A.D.O")
			19. Flay The Obscene - The Third
			20. Flay The Obscene - DeathmatcH
			21. Flay The Obscene -Compilation
		 	22. CH Retro
			23. Disreputable Stronghold (for "2002-A.D.O.")
			24. CH Retro Episode
			25. Indomitable Haunt (for "2002-A.D.O.")
 			26. Hellcore map 15 (for "Hellcore")


Where to get this wad	: At http://home13.inet.tele.dk/CNH

			     ....THE DOOMER'S RECESS...


Date of release		: March 2001


Additional Credits to   : Those weird brains at ID for Doom and its
		  	  many successors.
		  	  Matt Tagliaferri for a userfriendly
		  	  yet strange level editor.
			  Makers of BSP, RMB and Cleanwad!
			  Paul Corfiatis
			  Jason Sloan
			  Kristian Aro


* Play Information *

Level #                 : MAP12-15
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : map13
Difficulty Settings     : Yep
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Sky from org. Doom epis.1
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None.


* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Tools(s) used           : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Taggliaferri
			  NWT by Denis Müller
			  RMB by Jens Hykkelbjerg
			  BSP nodebuilder
			  Cleanwad by Serge Smirnov
Build Time		: Approx. 2 months

* Known Bugs *
		  Vpo's if you don't use a sourceport like zDooM


* Copyright / Permissions *

This wad is the property of Starfreezer Inc. and you are prohibited from
doing anything with it without their express permission. Ok, you can
play it, but thats it!...Just kidding! Distribute it around the globe as
long as you put this txt file along with it without modifications. And 
that apply to ALL of my wads/levels! Distribute them like madmen!
