Advanced engine needed  : Yes
Primary purpose         : Single play


Title                   : Flay the Obscene - Reversed
Filename                : flay4rev.wad
Date of release		: March 2014
Author                  : Chris Hansen
Other Files By Author   : Flay The Obscene series
			  High/Low series
			  CH Retro Episode
			  In A World
			  Rip it, Tear it, Smash it!
			  Bloody Realms of Hell
			  C'mon bro, I got tigerblood!
			  Rising Blood
			  Frontier Settlements: Distress
			  Hellcore map15 (revamp)
			  maps for 2002 A Doom odyssey
			  + many more


Misc. Author Info       : http://www.windward.dk/TDR


Story       		: It feels like days in this obscene world, but in
			  in reality, 15 years has passed in your
			  homeworld. You have battled thousands of demonic
			  hell spawn... and there seems to be no end in sight.
			  You are not the quitting type, but it's time to
			  go home. After having backtracked your steps, you
			  are nearing the end of your journey and the hidden
			  portal, that leads back to your world, is close.


Description		: This map is a revamp of the original Flay the
			  Obscene, which was released in 1999. As a
			  15 year anniversary celebration of the map -which
			  was the first big noticeable release from me- I
			  have decided to dust it off and dress it up.
			  I could have called it "Flay the Obscene 4",
			  since I considder it to be a fourth entry in the
			  series, as it plays, and looks, quite different from
			  the original one. This is mostly because it is
			  played backwards, but also because there are new
			  areas added to it, and a ton of updates in both terms
			  of gameplay and architecture! But I have left out
			  the "4" from the title but kept it in the filename
			  as I want to emphasize the fact, that it is "simply"
			  the first entry, which has been reversed.
			  But why even considder the "4" then? Because, I
			  think I want to create a fifth entry that sees the
			  player tackle his homeworld, which has been... erhm,
			  on second thought, we'd better leave that part out ;)
			  Since the map has been reversed, you will probably
			  find the old start area of the map, which is now
			  the end, somewhat cramped. There was a challenge
			  to make that interesting, so instead of having the
			  level end with an empty intro level - which has btw
			  been merged into the main level - you will get to
			  fight in that one too in order to give the entire
			  level an interesting end. Confusing I know, so
			  don't spend too long thinking about it. Just go
			  and kick some ass and have some fun! :)

			  PS: !Minor spoiler!
			  I guess you can avoid the final fight and just
			  head for the exit. But can you really live with
			  the shame of being a coward?


Testers			: Brad Spencer, David Hart, Dennis K., Kristian Aro
			  Lightning Hunter, Paul Corfiatis, SteveD and
			  Stormwalker. Thanks a lot guys!


Additional Credits to   : Kristian Aro for the midi!

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : DOOM 2, MAP01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Starts are there. Untested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Music               : Yes.
New Graphics            : Titlepic, Interpic, Bossback, waterfall and sky.
Demos Replaced          : No

* Construction *

Base                    : Based on the original Flay The Obscene by me.
Build Time              : A couple of months
Editor(s) used          : Doom Builder, Slade
Known Bugs              : Hopefully none
May Not Run With...     : 
How To Run The File	: [port of your choice exe] -file flay4rev.wad
			  ..... or whichever way you like :)


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 


* Where to get this WAD *


(end of document.)