Advanced engine needed  : Any Limit Removing Port
Primary purpose         : Single & Coop play
Title                   : Fight On!: Fury Rising
Filename                : FO_FuryRisingv1.wad
Release date            : October 1, 2011
Author                  : Paul "Fiend-o-Hell" Stasiuk
Email Address           : paul_stasiuk2001@yahoo.com
Other Files By Author   : (first release)
Misc. Author Info       : 

Description             :
	Backstory-Don't let nothing get in the way of achiving
	victory...not even that archvile that has chased you
	down into an infested remote base. Gather your wits marine,
	you have a long fight ahead of you!
	Info-Fury Rising is actually part of my Fight On! 7 level project and
        it also happens to be my first publicly relased wad ever! I am releasing
	it as a playable demo to generate a little more buzz on my project.It may be 
	while for that final release, so in the meantime, please enjoy Fury Rising.
	Any questions or concerns can be addressed either on my doomworld thread
	or email.
	Style-Style wise, i'm not sure what Fury Rising resembles. At first I was going
	for that classic, simplistic look and feel. Now, its something else entirly.
	If I had to pin it down, I would have to say its part slaughter map,
	part horror survival. As you play through the level, you'll notice some parts
	of it are off limits. That is because fury rising is also part of another level. 
	Also, I neglected to put in any secrets. I already stuffed in enough
	goodies to make up for that though.
	Thanks for reading, and doom on fellow doomers!

Additional Credits to   : 
Thanks goes out to Stuart Ryan (aka 42) for the awesome music "Rusted Bridge"
featured in fury rising.
Also to James Paddock (aka Jimmy) for for his Jukebox.wad. Without it, I would
have never have found some great midi tracks.
* What is included *

New levels              : 1
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : NONE

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : MAP01
Single Player           : YES
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : YES, 4 player
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : NO
Difficulty Settings     : YES

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : 75 hours
Editor(s) used          : DB 1, DB 2
Known Bugs              : Bleeding textures, misaligned texture, some instances of stuck monsters.
May Not Run With        : chocolate doom
Tested With             : prdoom (recommended), zdoom

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original 
authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
intact.  I have received permission from the original authors of any
modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution.