Finish Date		: 10/6/01
Title                   : The Following
Filename                : FOLLOW.WAD
Author                  : Nancy
Email Address           : twiggy_reznor2000@yahoo.co.uk
Misc. Author Info       : I'm 17, I've been playing doom for years, I'm male, I'm English
                          and I love heavy metal music (ROCK!!!! :-D).
Description             : Well, this is my first "RELEASED" level, I've been making levels
                          for a while, and this is my first release. I think it's quite good
                          with a nice bit of difficulty (Unless you are a wuss that plays
                          the game on easy :-D). It's got some okay architecture and it's
                          theme is a sort of wooden hell on earth type thing. Enjoy :-D. 
Additional Credits to   : id software of course, and the creators of Zdoom, and the editors
                          I used.

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM II with Zdoom v1.22 or higher
Episode and Level #     : Map01
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No, and there isn't any starts either.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes, but not tested and only 4 starts (Hay, it's a small level :-D)
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch.
Build Time		: Probobly 12 hours, but that's just an estimate.
Editor(s) used          : WadAuthor v1.30 and Wintex v4.4.
Known Bugs              : No, and there shouldn't be either, but let me know if there are.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file

* Where to get this WAD *

My Web Page: http://moonfruit.death2all.com
NewDoom: www.newdoom.com
FTP: ftp.cdrom.com