Advanced engine needed  : prBoom or similar (-complevel 9 required for certain conveyors to function)
Primary purpose         : Single Player (Co-Op starts provided, untested and most likely doesn't work)
Title                   : Forgotten Reliquary
Filename                : frgtrelq.wad
Release date            : Original release 5/19/2023, idgames release 5/24/2023
Author                  : anfractu0us
Email Address           : [redacted]
Other Files By Author   : N/A
Misc. Author Info       : This is my first release and it barely crossed the finish line! I've been mapping since my pre-teen years but stepped away around 17-18, in 2007. This is my first return
			since then and my first time really mapping without the luxuries of ACS/ZDoom features. I had many similarly ambitious projects in those years but I never managed to get
			anything completed. I do have a sole contribution to the community, albeit a moot one now; I created the first officially used ZDoom DoomBuilder configuration which exposed
			all the ZDoom thing types and whatnot. It's pretty neat seeing so many familar names that never left and have really taken their craft to the next level in the time I've
			been away :^) 

Description             : Having no choice, you flung yourself into the malfunctioning teleporter as hordes were upon you. It was known that occasionally the leylines aligning the various
			long-distance teleporters would, for a fraction of a moment, converge instead to a far-flung point beyond the capability of any known device. You find yourself at this point,
			standing upon a tattered teleport pad. It appears that while this place has been long forgotten to time, it hasn't been forgotten by those left behind - and perhaps, has
			served a primordial spawning place for the hellish scourge that has since wrought forth. As the teleporter seems to have been a one-way ticket, you press forward as you always
			have before, this time hoping that perhaps this remote remnant of early space holds a key to ending the unending influx of hellspawn.

Additional Credits to   : Textures from:
			Nick Baker(HEX2TEX.WAD), NiGHTMARE(minipack.wad), SargeBaldy(d1gfxd2.wad), Afterglow(q2tex.wad), MagicWazard(plutonia/tnt textures)
			HUGE thanks to decino for re-igniting my passion for Doom!! Without his channel this absolutely would have never happened. The joy of seeing such passion for doom
			is really hard to put into words, and given the current state of things has proven invaluable in maintaining some happiness in the face of it all. :^) 
			Special thanks to Tomas for both motivating me to pick up map making again and being an absolutely invaluable friend, Austin for early bug and balance testing, everyone in LGOD,
			Will M. for pushing me to really strive to improve all those years ago, Dan for helping me cross the finish line, and last but not least to my lil' guy Buddy whom I dedicate 
			this map to. Farewell, my friend.
* What is included *

New levels              : 1
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes, additional light effect and vine textures by me 
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01
Single Player           : Designed for 
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Player starts only
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : N/A
Difficulty Settings     : Oriented and balanced for UV! ITYTD and HMP have lighter monsters but I'm not sure if they're truly appropriate for those difficulties - the original ammo count for UV remains as well so it's most likely
			pretty light on the challenge side in anything other than UV. 

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch 
Build Time              : Around 6-8 months of off-and-on work
Editor(s) used          : Ultimate DoomBuilder, SLADE3
Known Bugs              : Plenty :^) Most are visual oddities that I'm aware of, there shouldn't be any that directly impede progress.
				*Cacodemon is stuck/can't move or attack in the first techbase area. Left him in 'cause he looks happy :^)
				*Visual oddities in first secret area
				*Most likely missed some floor flat changes when the water level changes
				*Elevator in tower section can act odd
				*Some monsters may not teleport in because I'm a moron and forgot they will wander in when aggro'd, instead of changing I added crushers in final section so you don't have to worry about losing 100% kills
				*'Airlock' door in final section occasionally gets stuck/requires more than one switch flip on second activation
				*Teleport trap in first techbase area is completely non-functional, and Archviles can be cheesed with splash damage through self-ref sectors
				*'Super secret' is visually broken(got tired of trying to figure it out and figure the desired effect is acheived ;^P)
May Not Run With        : Anything other than GZDoom, prBoom 261um+, DSDA (should be okay with any boom compatible port but did not test)
Tested With             : GZDoom(primary gameplay testing,) various versions 4.0-4.5, DSDA 0.25.6, prBoom 261um
				**DSDA and prBoom require -complevel 9

* Additional Notes * 
Just a few final parting words and thoughts. 
First - even though I play mouselook+no autoaim, this map was designed without mouselook in mind. Some areas might look a little silly or certain
	tricks might slightly break outside of the normal vision line that you'd see without mouselook.
Second - In hindsight I'm upset at myself for not testing things out sooner in a non-G/ZDoom port, as the entire purpose of this map was for me to break
	the old chains of using ACS/ZDoom effects/etc. and really getting back to the 'roots' of it, as it were. Playing a few of the knockout megawads really inspired me to strip down the script-heavy
	and ZDoom line-special oriented map style I had employed heavily as a young'n. Although it functions in other ports, I don't think it plays or looks as well.
	That said, I'm still happy with everything I've done and I think this is my best mapping effort by far. 
Lastly - this map had a FAR more ambitious original design in my mind. I had in mind 3 branching paths from the start which could be tackled in any order, with sprawling and different 'biomes' in mind
	for each. As I very quickly started butting against sidedef limitations, I started pulling back on ideas, and so on and so forth until what I've finished here was decided upon. I could have most likely
	done this, but I felt that I wanted to keep the same level of detail and line-work a consistent thing throughout the entire experience; in doing so, a LOT of originally planned ideas and routes ended
	up getting scratched. The unfortunate effect of this really hits on the ending portion, however. I had a far more interesting and fitting ending in mind, but I ran out of both time and potentially
	sidedefs to pull it off. All of this said, what I REALLY wanted to do was pull off a natural/outdoor area, as in the past my expertise/comfort zone was strictly techbase/hellscape or a combination of both,
	and I think I succeeded on that front :^)

All in all, however, I'm pretty happy with it and I'm proud to have finally finished something!! 

Also: the map was supposed to be called Primordial Reliquary but I freaked out 'cause I cut it very close on the deadline for decinos viewer submissions and used the original name - so I guess it's forgotten reliquary now! :^P

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