Review                  : Comic Furries. Weird and funny! :)
Advanced engine needed  : ZDoom (The older version works also with vanilla)
Primary purpose         : Single player
Title                   : A Furry Tale *and* A Furry Tale: Retold
Filename                : furry1.wad, furry1.deh (older version)
                          --> A Furry Tale
                          furry1b.wad (newer version)
                          --> A Furry Tale: Retold
Release date            : 10/25/2001 MM/DD/YYYY (Timestamp
                                     of the older version)
                          10/19/2004 MM/DD/YYYY (Timestamp
                                     of the newer version)
Author                  : Mouse, a.k.a. LilWhiteMouse, a.k.a. LWM
Email Address           : lilwhitemo@midmaine.com
Homepage                : http://imechanation.deepdreams.net (discontinued)
Other Files By Author   : Chosen, Wolfen, Hellspawn, Bittersweet, Adessa
                          Gunsmith Cats: Russian Roulette
Misc. Author Info       : Former member of the zdoom forums communitiy.
                          Also contributor to FreeDooM.

Description             : You are a furry in a world of furries.
                          A string of bad luck leaves you abandoned on an
                          island. All is not right here, explore and
                          discover the darkness hovering over the island.
                          Features: Functional Shops and random battles.

                          The newer version, furry1b.wad, connects the
                          level areas in a hub based world.

                          Explore and have fun.
                          [Please make sure, to read 
                          \10_25_2001_furry1\furry1.txt and 
                          \10_19_2004_furry1b\equipment.txt to get
                          more playing information.]

Note by the uploader    : The older version, stored in this package in the
                          sub-folder \10_25_2001_furry1, was originally
                          released in the files furry1.rar and furry1.r00,
                          alternatively in furry1a.zip furry1b.zip.
                          It works with ZDoom 1.22 (use FURRY1.BAT). It has
                          been reported, that it doesn't work with ZDoom
                          1.23. I noticed no problems, when i tested it
                          with Zdoom 2.0.98 and GZDooM 1.0.04. This older
                          version can be played with plain vanilla DooMII.
                          You just have to use Deusf to append missing
                          flats and sprites, and Dehacked, to apply the
                          deh-patch to the doom2.exe.

                          I tested the newer version (in
                          \10_19_2004_furry1b) also with Zdoom 2.0.98
                          and GZDooM 1.0.04 (The most recent versions at
                          the time of this upload) and noticed no problems.
                          So i think, this will work also with future
                          versions. This version was originally published
                          without textfile in the cab file furry1b.cab.

Additional Credits to   : Geeze, too many to list.  iD of course, Ascii for
                          the various SimRPG graphics, other artists, and
                          the authors of the numerous utils I used.
* What is included *

New levels              : 2 in furry1.wad, 10 in furry1b.wad
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : No
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No

* Play Information *

Game                    : DOOM2
Map #                   : MAP01 - MAP02 in furry1.wad,
                          MAP01 - MAP10 in furry1b.wad
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : No
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : furry1.wad:  ~3 weeks.
                          furry1b.wad: much longer
Editor(s) used          : Quite a few
Known Bugs              : furry1.wad: An occasional Doom lock up.
                          furry1b.wad: unknown

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
Rip, tweak, and modify to your hearts content.
[Note by the uploader: the above Copyright note is from the textfile of
furry1.wad. Although furry1b.wad didn't come with it's own textfile, i
think, that these words count also for the newer version.]

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The mirrors of the /idgames -ftp-archives:

           The upload-server of the /idgames-archives is:
           But please use the above listed mirrors for your downloads.

Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com
The review at the beginning of this template has been written by FunDuke.
Thanks to S. Oliver for pointing me to this great stuff.