This is a DooM 2 .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... LV19-247.ZIP contains: - LV19-247.TXT - LV19-247.LMP & LV19-247.BAT [ S.;-) ] Which is a -Recording of John Upper completing DOOM 2 MAP 19 "The Citadel" on UV from scratch in a time of 2:47. Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 19 - The Citadel Kills 16% (Items 6) Secrets 22% and Time 02:47 ----- S.;-) Widlake was right: the old time (8:25??) *was* WAY too slow. This is better, but somebody with better hands and a smoother machine (and a bit of luck) could knock 5-10 sec. off this one. It only took me a day to cut my time from about 10 min. to this - 2:47; so I'm sure it can and will be bettered soon. Honestly, the hardest part of this was going around the first two corners: my machine, allegedly a 486/66 (4megs) is SO jerky that I had to make this playing at Low Detail and the screen at half size. Suggestion: I think you need to run across the bridge at the start to deflect the arachnotron from the front door of the gatehouse. If so, you could try saving time by opening the door to The Citadel when you first cross the bridge: this might draw the cacodemon and two lost souls out, and avoid spending time killing them. John Upper - Feb. 2nd. 1996. P.S. check out my .WAD -- -- at