convert and convertp are programs to convert the graphics from the doom alpha and press release beta into bmp files that you could e.g. then use in your own pwads. convert is for the 0_x alphas and convertp is for the press release beta. full source code is included. To use type: convert[p] filename. input file is filename.lmp without any extention and output file is filename.bmp To get the lmp files you need to use a program like deutex, available from your favorite mirror site. you need to have the doom.pal file in the current directory to use the program. the format of the alpha nad beta graphics lumps is the same as the normal doom ones except that the 2 extra bytes mentioned in the UDS are not there, the column offsets are 2 bytes large not 4. In adition, the alpha graphics lumps only use 1 byte for the size and offset. if you want to you can e-mail me at