DOOM2 CONSISTENCY CHECKER (DCC) v3.01 ------------------------------------- Author: Rand Phares ( Co-author of Cleimos & Cleimos2 Member of TeamTNT, contributor to Icarus, Bloodlands, Grievance, and the BOOM source project. Introduction ------------ Many wad editors provide consistency checking, but they provide it to different degrees. My purpose in writing DCC is to provide a single program that can tell you as much as possible about the basic and "fit-and-finish" problems that can (and will) plague map design. It was originally designed for use by TeamTNT on the Bloodlands and Grievance projects, and was used on Final Doom just before publication. DCC cares Absolutely Nothing about playability or design choices. It simply looks for problems that may cause DOOM2 to abort, or for problems that just Look Bad. DCC _will not_ alter your *.wad file. It writes its output to the screen, unless you redirect it. You can provide options to have DCC correct certain problems for you, and DCC will create a NEW *.wad file with the corrections. DCC only handles DOOM2 and BOOM wads. It doesn't deal with DOOM, Heretic, or Hexen wads. There are no plans to make it do so. Preprocessing ------------- DCC requires that you run DCC_PRE first to retrieve information about the graphics you're using. This information could be coming from - standard DOOM2.wad (IWAD) - a replacement IWAD if you're doing a full TC - a PWAD that has custom graphics Read the dcc_pre.txt file for instructions on how to run DCC_PRE. DCC_PRE will create a data file (*.tdt) that DCC reads. How to use DCC -------------- Command Line dcc [options] where is the PWAD file containing the maps to be examined, and where the options include: -boom Check for the enhanced features of BOOM. -b Check for bullet-absorbing lower textures. This is a prevalent condition, and nothing short of redesign will make it go away, so checking for it is optional. BOOM corrects the absorption, so no absorption errors will be reported if -boom is included as an option, even if -b is included. -h Create a new copy of with the hidden (not shown on automap) bits set on the lines DCC thinks it should be set on. -r Create a new copy of with "rocket absorbing" problems corrected. Not all conditions can be corrected automatically. -t Check for problems caused by undefined textures, y-alignment, invalid flat names, texture height math, or missing textures. If you don't specify -t, DCC will only check for missing textures. -o If creating a new version of , this tells DCC what it's called. If not supplied, and output is needed (i.e. setting hidden bits on lines), the file "tmp.wad" will be created. Your original *.wad file will not be changed. -y DCC will automatically apply the y-offsets it reports. It will not make any changes corresponding to "pegging change" messages. Those are left to the author. DCC always applies changes in the form of y-offsets, even though upper- or lower- unpegging might also have fixed the problem. See the section "Y-Alignment" below. -s DCC will ignore errors from conditions that may be there on purpose to provide special effects. These include: I0111: Sector floor is above its ceiling E0119: Vertices are identical E0121: Lines intersect I0126: Sectors are identical I0132: Line is detached E0302: Missing lower texture E0303: Missing lower texture E0304: Missing upper texture E0305: Missing upper texture -f One of DCC's checks is to see if lines intersect, rather than meet at vertices. This check consumes 50% of the overall time it takes DCC to check a map. Using the -f switch will skip this check, allowing DCC to run twice as fast. -i Use an alternate DCC.INI file. Examples: dcc myfile.wad will report any errors found in 'myfile.wad'. No texture-related problems will be reported, but missing textures will be reported. dcc -boom myfile.wad Same as the previous example, with extra checking for BOOM- specific features, and with some checking eliminated in the cases where BOOM fixed the condition. dcc -t myfile.wad will report any errors found in 'myfile.wad', and will use texture and flats data from the *.tdt file defined in DCC.INI. dcc -h -i myfile.ini -o newfile.wad myfile.wad will correct any hidden line problems and write the new wad info to newfile.wad. It will use data from the alternate initialization file MYFILE.INI. Redirecting and Paging Output ----------------------------- DCC's output can be redirected to a file. dcc myfile.wad > results.dcc DCC's output can be stepped through one screen at a time. dcc myfile.wad | more Error Classes ------------- Each problem has been assigned to one of 10 classes: 01 Basic problems with all elements 02 Things 03 Textures 04 Flats 05 Triggers, Tags 06 Hidden Lines 07 Pegging 08 Keys and Locked Doors 09 Secrets 10 Exits The Error Class is printed with the problem description, allowing you to parse the output if you are trying to focus on a specific class of problems (i.e. correct pegging on lines). For example, you might see: E0701: Line 1305 should NOT use lower unpegging If you were only interested in pegging problems, you could post- process the report looking only for E07 problems. Informational Messages ---------------------- These aren't errors, but may give you some clues about things you'd like to change. For example: I0902: Sector 17 is SECRET I0902: Sector 234 is SECRET tells you that you have two secret sectors. If you thought you had three or four, you'll want to go back and figure out where they went. A Note on TC's -------------- Texture and Flats information is taken from whatever IWAD and PWAD files you provide DCC through DCC_PRE. This is as far as I've taken 'customization' in this version. For example, the standard monster data is still being used. Future work will include extracting custom monster data, and any other custom data that will be necessary for DCC to give a proper diagnosis. What does DCC look for? ----------------------- Basic Field Integrity 1. Do all fields of all elements (vertices, lines, sides, sectors, things) contain valid entries? Vertices 1. Do any vertices share the same coordinates? 2. Are there vertices not being used by lines? Lines/sides 1. Are there sides not being used by lines? 2. Are there lines whose vertices are the same (NULL-length)? 3. Are there lines who have the same vertices (coincident)? 4. Do all lines have at least a "right" side? 5. Do lines marked "2-sided" have 2 sides? 6. Are there 1-sided lines that aren't marked impassable? (*OBSOLETE* As of v3.00, this is a valid situation.) 7. Are there candidates for hidden lines? These are lines you don't want shown on the automap. (Report any lines whose sectors have the same floor and ceiling heights, and whose sectors do not move. These are typically lighting changes and walking trigger lines that you might want to hide.) Use the -h command-line switch if you want DCC to automatically set the hidden bit on these lines. The hidden (or invisible) flag on a linedef is so the line won't show on the automap. When you slice up a room into sectors with a lot of lighting changes, the automap shows a spiderweb of lines in the room. The player uses the automap to figure out where they've been and where they should go next, and lighting-change lines are useless in that context. So ID gave us the "hidden" or "invisible" flag to blow all those things out of the automap, leaving the player with lines that are meaningful. When DCC encounters such a line, and finds that you haven't already marked it hidden, it'll suggest that you do. (DCC is smart enough to recognize rising stairs and lifts and things, which are _useful_ lines on the automap.) BOOM allows you to hide these lines in the automap, so if the -boom switch is used, potential hidden lines are not reported. 8. Are manual door triggers used on 1-sided lines? 9. Are there more than 64 animated walls? This limit is removed in BOOM, and not reported with -boom. 10. Are there impassable 2-sided lines with no texture on either normal? (NOTE: Not necessarily a problem, since this is used on many "windows" to fence out the player.) 11. Are there lines that intersect other lines w/o benefit of a shared vertex? If the -f switchis used, this check is skipped. This improves DCC's processing time by a factor of 2. 12. Report sectors that have regular or secret exits. There's a problem if none are present. (Unless the level is headed for the MAP30 slot, indicated by the presence of the BOSS...) In BOOM, if the map has no secret exits, you're given 100% secrets automatically. 13. W1 teleport lines are noted, since WR is what's usually used, and having a W1 might indicate an error. 14. Report any switch trigger lines that have the same sector on both sides. Ignore gun switches. 15. Report any walking trigger lines that only have one side. 16. The lower texture of a 2-sided line that has F_SKY1 ceilings on both sides will absorb bullets (no bullet puffs). Report these. If a sector moves, then this check is also performed at the new sector position. This is not something the level author can correct without redesigning the part of the level that suffers the condition. Because of this, these messages are Informational, and only obtained through the use of the -b switch. BOOM corrects this error, so this check is skipped if the -boom switch is used. 17. Rockets and plasma will be absorbed by a lower texture on either side of a 2-sided line that has an F_SKY1 ceiling on its second side, and where the ceilings on both sides have different heights. Report these. If a sector moves, then this check is also performed at the new sector position. There are 2 distinct cases: 1) only one F_SKY1 is involved, and 2) two F_SKY1's are involved. Case 2 is only correctable by changing the ceiling height of one of the sectors involved. DCC will not offer to automatically correct for this. Case 1 can be automatically corrected by DCC (using the -r switch), but this involves flipping the line. DCC will NOT correct the condition if the line is a "side-oriented" trigger, i.e. a teleport trigger line. DCC assigns error E0128 to case 1, and error E0129 to case 2, so you can tell which ones DCC will automatically correct if told to do so. BOOM corrects this error, so this check is skipped if the -boom switch is used. 18. Are there any detached lines? These are lines whose vertices are not shared by any other vertices. Detached lines are used to create special effects, or simply to define triggers. This check is skipped if the -s switch is used. 19. Are BOOM's new line-controlled features properly used? Are the new line-to-line tags correct? Texture Use 1. Do the sides refer to nonexistent wall textures? 2. Are there any missing textures? 3. Are there any normal textures on 2-sided lines that extend into the floor or ceiling? These can be fixed by making sure there's some difference (lighting, floor/ceiling heights) across the line. 4. Are there any lines with a texture that is too short for where it's being used (Tutti-Frutti). This only applies to textures shorter than 128. It can also be caused by y-offsets, even if the wall height is OK. BOOM corrects Tutti-Frutti conditions, so these won't be reported if -boom is used. 5. Are there any transparent textures being used on upper or lower walls? (Tutti-Frutti) BOOM corrects Tutti-Frutti conditions, so these won't be reported if -boom is used. 6. Are there any 2-sided lines using multi-patch textures on the normals? (Medusa Effect.) Not all multi-patch textures will cause Medusa, and this is accounted for, and whether Medusa appears depends also on which part of the texture is visible. BOOM corrects Medusa conditions, so these won't be reported if -boom is used. 7. Are there any 1-sided lines that use transparent textures? (Tutti-Frutti) BOOM corrects Tutti-Frutti conditions, so these won't be reported if -boom is used. 8. Textures on passable normals that are exposed by moving sectors (i.e. a door) will be reported. Look for messages like: "Line 318's first side normal should have no texture" Any textures on normals that are visible w/o moving anything (i.e. sniper textures) are _not_ reported. Some special effects situations will have their normal textures reported by this check. Just ignore them. 9. Check for Y-alignment of neighboring textures. 10. Check for X-alignment of neighboring textures. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) 11. When there is a lower on a low-unpegged line, and the texture on the lower has a height less than 128, Tutti-Frutti can occur, even if the height of the lower is less than the height of the texture. DCC checks for this. Look for messages line: "TUTTI-FRUTTI: lower texture on low-unpegged line 14's 1st side" The simplest correction for this is to remove the low-unpegging. BOOM corrects Tutti-Frutti conditions, so these won't be reported if -boom is used. 12. In BOOM, you can place user-defined COLORMAPS and TRANSLUCENCY Filters in the upper/normal/lower texture fields on sidedefs of controlling linedefs. DCC checks for proper use of these. Moving Sectors One-by-one, move each sector that's movable. Then, answer these: 1. Are there any missing textures that are exposed by the move? 2. Are there lines next to moving sectors that use unpegging incorrectly? 3. For sectors that use door-triggers to open (both manual and tagged), does the door open enough to let you pass? In many cases, there may be closets or cabinets that aren't designed for walk-through, but they'll be reported anyway. 4. Are there more than 30 moving floors (including lifts)? This won't tell you if the problem will occur, since more than 30 have to be moving at the same time, but it will tell you if there's the _potential_ for it to happen. BOOM removes this limit, so this won't be reported if the -boom switch is used. Tags 1. Are there tagged lines that have no associated sectors? 2. Are there tagged sectors that have no associated triggers? 3. Are there trigger lines (other than manual door triggers) with no tag numbers? 4. Are there tagged lines that aren't triggers? BOOM allows line-to-line tags, so 'target' lines can have tags w/o being trigger lines. These are not reported if the -boom switch is used. 5. For each teleporter line, are there two or more teleporter exits sharing the tag? (The higher-numbered exit will win.) For BOOM line-to-line teleporters, are there more than one exit linedefs? 6. Are there teleport exits in the sectors that are tagged to teleport lines? 7. Are there any tagged sectors referenced by teleport lines that don't contain teleport exit Things? 8. Any 667 tag will be noted, since this is only useful on MAP 07 and MAP 32. Sectors 1. Are there any sectors not being used by sides? 2. Are there mis-matched "pain" sector types and floor textures? 3. Report the number of secret sectors. There should be at least one, even if you have to stick it out in plain sight. BOOM allows you to have zero. It will report 100% secrets in this case. 4. Are all sectors closed? (Does not account for special effects.) 5. Some flats are expected to be properly aligned on the 64x64 grid. (For example, the GATE* textures in standard DOOM2.) Are there any of these types of flats that might not look right? 6. Are there any sectors whose ceilings are lower than their floors? Not reported if the -s switch is used. 7. Do the sectors refer to nonexistent flats? 8. Does the line bordering an F_SKY ceiling and a regular ceiling have an upper (sectors have the same height)? Ditto floors. You expect to see a lip on those lines. 9. Does a non-moving sector have zero height (floor = ceiling)? Things Since things can appear at different skill levels, this has to be taken into account when asking these questions. In BOOM, there are two new flags: "doesn't appear in Co-op", and "doesn't appear in Deathmatch". These instances are also considered if the -boom switch is used. 1. Is there a starting point for each player? Is there more than one? Skill level is irrelevant in this case. 2. Are there between 4 and 10 DM starts? Again, skill level is irrelevant. 3. Are all things inside sectors? 4. Are there any things on top of each other? In some cases, this is OK; it depends on what things are involved. 5. Are any things sitting in sectors that are not tall enough for them? Does the sector subsequently become taller through floor and/or ceiling movement, allowing the thing to fit? If the sector has an F_SKY ceiling, everything fits. 6. Are there any things stuck in walls? 7. Are there any teleporter exits that don't appear on all skill levels? 8. Are there any teleporter exits in untagged sectors? 9. Are there Pain Elementals and more than 20 Lost Souls? (Pains won't start shooting until the number of Lost Souls drops to 20.) These are standard DOOM2 monsters, of course, and if you're doing a TC, the names are probably different. BOOM eliminates this limit, so this isn't checked if the -boom switch is used. 10. Are there keys for locked doors? 11. Are there locked doors for keys? 12. Is there more than one key with the same color? For BOOM, is there more than one key of the same type? 13. Report on blocking things that are marked "multi". While not necessarily a problem, the author may be using these to block off areas in DM, which may cause a problem in multiplayer mode. 14. Do all Things exist on SOME skill level? 15. Are any Player or DM starts marked MULTI? This is unnecessary and confusing. 16. In BOOM, is there more than one PUSH Thing in a sector? Does it exist at all skills? Misc 1. Are the level bounds too large for BLOCKMAP (ie. creates more than 21,844 blocks). (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) Y-Alignment ----------- DCC aligns textures by following common textures across the normals, uppers, and lowers of connected lines. It will stop a "run" when it encounters a side that doesn't use the texture, a side that is already part of the "run", or a lower that is less than 25 units high (considered a step, which in most cases doesn't figure into y-alignment). DCC selects the most commonly-used "y origin" from this set and aligns the others accordingly. DCC properly handles the case where several lines may lead away from a vertex, essentially causing the "run" to head off in different directions. DCC doesn't care which line starts the "run", as it will travel backward and forward across the connected lines. DCC will also "leap" across a sector from normal to normal if the textures are the same. Normals take precedence over uppers, and uppers over lowers. If a side is aligned based on its normal, and another "run" tries to come across the upper, the second "run" will stop dead since alignment has already taken place for the normal. Same rule when considering lowers in a "run". CAVEAT: Always inspect the results if you use this option. DCC might unknowingly undo your favorite y-offset in the name of "proper" alignment. Messages -------- Here is a detailed description of the Error Messages and Information Messages that DCC gives you, in numerical order. E0100: Unused vertices: E0101: Unused lines (no sides): E0102: Unused sides: There are unused vertices, lines, or sidedefs in the map. Use your level editor to remove them. E0103: Line 123 has zero length The vertices for line 123 lie on top of one another. Move one vertex away from the other. E0104: Line 123 has no 1st side The line probably has a second side, but its first side is missing. Add one. E0105: Line 123 is one-sided, but isn't marked impassable *OBSOLETE* This is a valid situation. E0106: Line 123 is two-sided, but has no 2nd side The line is marked two-sided, but there's no second side. Add one, or mark the line as one-sided. E0107: Line 123 is one-sided, but has a 2nd side *OBSOLETE* This is a valid situation. I0108: Line 123 is impassable, has 2 sides, but no normal textures Normally, two-sided lines with no normal (middle) textures on both sides, are passable, barring floor and ceiling height restrictions. However, this MIGHT be a design choice you made. Better check. E0109: More than 64 animated lines (67) DCC found 67 animated lines (side-scrolling), and the DOOM2 engine only supports up to 64. BOOM removed this limit. E0110: Unused sectors: There are unused sectors in the map. Use your level editor to remove them. I0111: Sector 64's ceiling is below its floor The ceiling altitude of this sector is lower than the floor altitude, which doesn't make sense. Unless you're doing some special effect, correct either the ceiling or floor. E0112: Can't get through the door in sector 16 This may not be an error, depending on whether you intended the player to walk through the area or not. It might be an alcove that opens up to reveal a switch, or it might really be a door you expect the player to pass through. Better check. E0113: Thing 12 has an invalid angle of 390 Valid angles lie between 0 and 360 degrees. E0114: Thing 12 has an invalid type of 10000 Better check what your editor says this thing is! The DOOM2 engine only understands certain types. E0115: Line 123 uses illegal line type 200 Again, there are only a certain number of legal line types. Better check what your editor did here. E0116: Line 123 uses an invalid sector number 10000 Probably referencing a sector higher than the number of sectors in your map. E0117: Sector 12 has an invalid light level 400 Light levels range from 0 to 255. E0118: Sector 98 has an invalid type 100 E0118: Sector 98 has an invalid regular type 300 E0118: Sector 98 has an invalid general type 10000 Check what your editor says this sector type is. The DOOM2 engine only supports certain sector types. BOOM introduces general sector types, to allow multiple characteristics in the same sector. E0119: Vertices 98 (line 56) and 107 (line 78) are identical These vertices lie on top of one another, which might not be what you intended. Move one or the other if it's a problem. E0120: Lines 876 and 877 are identical These lines lie on top of one another and share end vertices. This is probably NOT what you intended. Change one or the other. E0121: Lines 67 and 76 intersect These lines intersect each other. Unless you're doing this on purpose for some special effect, you should move one or the other so they don't intersect. Lines should normally only touch each other because they share vertices. E0122: Sector 77 isn't closed. Check vertex 876. All sectors should be closed, unless you're doing some special effect. The lines of this sector that touch at the given vertex probably have non-matching sectors on their first or second sides. E0123: Line 56's [first/second] vertex is illegal The given vertex falls outside the set of vertices that are being used in your map. Better check. E0124: Line 87's [first/second] side is illegal The sidedef number on the first or second side of this line references an illegal sidedef, probably outside the set of sidedefs for your map. I0125: Sector 78 has zero height This might be what you intended, but you should check anyway. The ceiling and floor are at the same altitude, and the sector doesn't move. I0126: Sectors 456 and 457 are identical; could be merged at line 655 You could join these two sectors if you really wanted to, and get rid of the common line. I0127: Line 45's [first/second] side lower absorbs bullets On a two-sided line, if the ceilings of both sectors are sky, and a lower is visible on either side, you'll get no bullet puffs when you shoot the lowers. There isn't anything you can do about this unless you redesign the area. I0127: Line 654's [first/second] side lower absorbs bullets. Sector 123 moved. Same as the previous message, but you can't see the lower texture until a sector moved. E0128: Line 123's [first/second] side lower absorbs rockets (fix with -r) Similar to bullet absorption, but rockets and plasma are absorbed by the lower texture on the line. There are two cases. The first case (E0129) is where neighboring sectors are both sky, and are at different heights. DCC can't offer to fix these. The second case (E0128) is where the second side of the line has a sky ceiling, and the first side doesn't, and the two ceilings have different heights. DCC can offer to correct this, since it involves swapping the two side references so that the sky side becomes side one and the non-sky side becomes side two. E0128: Line 2's [first/second] side lower absorbs rockets. Sector 123 moved (fix with -r). Same as the previous message, but a sector had to move to expose the affected lower texture. E0129: (See E0128.) I0130: Line 123's [first/second] side normal is textured. Should it be? This involves moving sectors. The best example is that of a door that has a texture on its normal. In its closed state, the upper texture of the line forms the door face, and everything looks ok. But when the door is opened, the normal (middle) texture of the line becomes visible, and looks like a separate texture that is being dragged up out of the floor as the door opens. To correct, remove the normal texture on the line. E0131: Zero-length or missing blockmap! Not something you'll often see if you've bsp'ed your map properly. I0132: Line 17 is detached One or both vertices of this line aren't used by any other lines. If you're not trying to do some special effect, and this line isn't a trigger, you might want to tie it to another line. E0201: Thing 98 isn't in a sector This thing lies outside all sectors. Either delete it or move it inside a sector. E0202: Thing 87 doesn't exist on ANY skill level You can set the skill levels where things will appear. Unfortunately, this poor thing isn't being allowed in the game! Better delete it or let it show up on some skill level. I0204: Thing 77 is marked MULTI, and will block the player You may have design differences between Single-player and multi-player/deathmatch that require things like torches that only show up in multi-player/deathmatch mode. But be careful that you haven't stuck these kinds of things in places where the player gets unintentionally blocked. (I know, because I've done this!) E0205: Thing 4 is a Player Start marked MULTI It makes no sense to mark Player Starts as MULTI. Remove the MULTI flag. E0206: Thing 43 is a teleport exit in an untagged sector You've got a teleport exit in a sector, but the sector isn't tagged, so it won't work. Either remove the exit or tag the sector to the teleport trigger linedef. E0207: Thing 6 is too tall for sector 76 (84 > 80) This is purely visual. The height of the thing is taller than the height of the sector it's in. Play the map and see if it matters. If things don't look quite right, raise the ceiling or lower the floor, or remove the thing. I0208: Identical things in the same spot. Check thing 87. Sometimes this is ok, especially if you're trying to give the player a whole load of ammo at the same moment. BUT, you might not have wanted to do this, so you better check. Sometimes, level editors do strange things when you copy things. E0209: Things 87 and 90 are stuck together These things are so close that they'll appear stuck together. In the case of monsters, which are expected to move, they won't. Either move them apart, or delete one. E0210: More than 20 Lost Souls (24) on skill 4,5 When there are more than 20 Lost Souls on a map, Pain Elementals won't spit any more out. When you see this message, it means that you're starting the level with PE's and >20 Lost Souls, so you're going to see the effect. Since the number of Lost Souls may vary depending on skill level, that's shown. You should delete enough Lost Souls to get down to 20 or less. E0211: There is NO Player [1/2/3/4] start The indicated Player Start is missing. Stick one in. E0212: Fewer than 4 DM starts (0) Whoa! I guess you don't expect anyone to play Deathmatch with this level. If you do, I suggest you add between 4 and 10 DM starts! E0213: More than 10 DM starts (12) 10 is the upper limit on DM starts, so trim back. E0214: There are 2 Player 1 starts When this happens, the lowest-numbered Player Start is the one the engine uses, and the second one becomes a DOLL. If the player can find the DOLL, it doesn't look too good. Any damage to the DOLL hurts the Player. Some special effects (invisible weapons) rely on this, so if that's what you intended, leave it alone. Otherwise, get rid of the bad Player Start. E0215: Thing 65 is a DM Start marked MULTI It's useless to mark DM starts as MULTI. Remove the flag. E0216: Thing 45 is embedded in line 678 If the thing is a monster, it won't move when it sees you. It the thing is an inanimate object, it MAY appear stuck in the wall (part of it disappears depending on your viewing angle). Definitely worth checking. E0217: Thing 38 respawns, but appears on skill other than 3 For TeamTNT Deathmatch projects, items that respawn are only allowed on skill 3. E0218: Plasma! Thing 215 should not appear on skills 1 or 2 For TeamTNT Deathmatch projects, plasma items aren't allowed on skills 1 or 2. I0219: Thing 4 doesn't respawn. Want it on skill 3? For TeamTNT Deathmatch projects, items that don't respawn aren't allowed on skill 3. E0220: No monsters in TeamTNT DM Mode. See thing 67. For TeamTNT Deathmatch projects, monsters are not allowed. E0221: Sector 101: PUSH-enabled, but no PUSHER Thing (skill 3, single-player) This sector has its PUSHER bit set, but there's no PUSHER Thing present. Add one. E0222: >1 PUSHER Things in sector 22 (skill 1&2, Co-op) There can only be one PUSHER thing in a sector. Delete the extras. E0223: Thing 3 is a Player Start not appearing in Co-op Player Starts should appear in all modes. E0224: Thing 7 is a DM Start not appearing in DM DM Starts should certainly appear in DeathMatch mode! E0301: Missing normal texture on line 888's 1st side Probably a one-sided line w/o a normal (middle) texture. Add one. E0302: Missing lower texture on line 88's 1st side E0303: Missing lower texture on line 76's 2nd side E0304: Missing upper texture on line 14's 1st side E0305: Missing upper texture on line 98's 2nd side You're going to get HOM from these unless you add textures where indicated. E0306: Line 76's [first/second]-side normal may extend into the floor or ceiling If the two sectors on either side of this line are identical (either they're the same sector number or their attributes are identical), and the height of the normal texture is taller than the wall space between floor and ceiling, (take breath) then the texture will appear to bleed either into the floor or ceiling. You can correct this by placing different sectors on either side of the line, then changing something subtle, like the light level so it's slightly different between the two sectors. E0307: Line 77 uses unknown [upper/normal/lower] texture JUNKY Your map uses a texture that isn't included in the texture list. Better change to a valid texture, or check your custom textures to make sure they're being included in the PWAD when you build it. E0308: MEDUSA: Line 765's [first/second]-side normal MEDUSA occurs if you have a multi-patch texture on a two-sided normal. DCC will tell you if any of the multi-patch part of the texture is showing. Either remove the texture, or pick another one that's made of only a single patch. You probably don't know how many patches make up textures, so just keep trying different textures until the problem goes away. E0309: Missing [upper/normal/lower] texture on line 123's [1st/2nd] side; a E0310 [staircase/floor/ceiling/door/elevator] moved E0311 E0312 E0313 Moving sectors again. A missing texture was exposed by a moving sector. You should place a texture in the indicated place. E0314: TUTTI-FRUTTI: [upper/normal/lower] texture on E0315 line 123's [1st/2nd] side E0316 E0317 E0318 If the texture height is <128, it will not tile properly, and you will get a patchwork of colors if the wall height is greater than 128 and you've used one of these textures. Either match the sector height to the texture, or use a different texture. E0319: TUTTI-FRUTTI: [upper/normal/lower] texture on E0320 line 12's [1st/2nd] side; a [staircase/floor/ceiling/door] moved E0321 E0322 E0323 Same as the previous message, but a sector had to move before the TUTTI-FRUTTI showed itself. E0324: Line 888's [1st/2nd] side needs a y-offset of 24 DCC does Y-alignment checking. When this message appears, DCC is suggesting a better y-offset than the one you're using. DCC can automatically correct y-offsets if you invoke the -y option and specify an output file. Of course, you always have the final say, and have probably set things up the way you want them. But you might give DCC's suggestions a try and compare them against your own settings. E0325: Line 777 needs a pegging change for y-alignment DCC won't offer to automatically correct these kinds of lines, since it may affect texture display if a neighboring sector moves. Better check it yourself. E0326: TUTTI-FRUTTI: lower texture on low-unpegged line 56's [1st/2nd] side The low-unpegging is probably being used for the normal (middle) texture, but it may affect the display of the lower texture on that line. E0327: Transparent [normal/upper/lower] texture on line 567's [1st/2nd] side E0328 E0329 E0330 E0331 A transparent texture is being used on a surface that only has one side. Check the texture visually and see if TUTTI-FRUTTI is showing itself. If so, change the texture. E0332: Line 212: translucency on one-sided line BOOM supports translucent textures. Translucency on a one-sided line makes no sense. E0333: Lines 45 and 123: translucency controls with the same tag Separate translucency control lines have the same tag. E0334: Line 567: invalid translucency filter MYSTUFF The translucency filter name provided does not appear in BOOM or your PWAD. Pick one that does. E0335: Line 456: invalid normal colormap SANDY23; COLORMAP used You're trying to use a colormap that doesn't exist in BOOM or your PWAD. Pick one that does. E0336: Line 234: friction control, but sector 35 not enabled For friction/sludge to work, you need to set bit 8 in the sector type. E0337: Line 765: pusher control, but sector 34 not enabled For pushers to work, you need to set bit 9 in the sector type. E0338: Line 17's lower texture displays differently in BOOM than in DOOM2 This is a low-unpegged two-sided line with a texture whose height is less than 128. In DOOM2, this lower might display Tutti-Frutti if the texture alignment on the lower was not correct. (See E0326.) BOOM eliminates Tutti-Frutti by correcting the texture alignment code. This may cause some properly-displayed DOOM2 lower textures to appear misaligned in BOOM. To correct this, clear the line's 'low-unpegged' flag. I0401: Sector 55 is painful, but uses non-painful floor flat NOPAIN The player will expect certain flats to be painful, and certain to be not painful. The [PAIN] list in the dcc.ini file describes the flats that are expected to be painful. If you've made your sector painful, and you're using a flat other than these, DCC tells you about it, in case that wasn't your intent. This may be a design choice on your part, however, so you might not want to change the flat. I0402: Sector 77 uses painful floor flat BLOOD1, but isn't painful This is the compliment to the previous message. You've used what is normally considered a painful floor flat, but you haven't made it painful. Again, you may want to correct this, or you may want to leave it alone. I0403: Sector 3's flat GATE1 isn't aligned on the 64 grid Most of the time you'll want certain flats to look right, in relation to the architecture you're using. For example, teleport gates are most often aligned on the 64x64 grid so that the flat is visually correct. DCC will tell you when you're using one of the textures from the [64x64] section of dcc.ini, and the sector isn't aligned on the 64x64 grid. This might be a design choice, however. E0404: Same ceiling height in sectors 123 (F_SKY1) and 124 (not F_SKY1) When you have a textured ceiling next to a sky, and they're at the same height, it will look like the textured ceiling has no depth. You should lower the textured ceiling slightly to give it a lip (or raise the sky). E0405: Same floor height in sectors 123 (F_SKY1) and 124 (not F_SKY1) Same effect as the previous message, but at the floor level. Either lower the sky or raise the textured floor. E0406: Sector 45 uses unknown [floor/ceiling] flat WALLY07 Couldn't find the given flat in the flat list. I0501: Line 456 is a W1 teleport trigger. Did you mean to use WR? You might want this to be a one-time-only trigger, for example if you're releasing one monster from a holding area. But, you might have wanted this to be a repeatable trigger, and you messed up, right? E0502: Line 888: teleport trigger w/o an exit in any skill You've got the tags right, but you didn't put a teleport exit in the destination sector. Better go do that. E0503: Line 543 has a tag < zero Tags should be greater than zero. E0504: Tag 54 is used by line 67, but not by any sectors Your tag on this line will have no effect. Either go tag the right sector, or delete the tag. E0505: Line 23 is a manual door trigger w/o a door You've marked this line as a door, but there's no door behind it! Either change the line type or make that door! E0506: Line 3: tag is missing You've set the line type to be a trigger, but you haven't indicated a target. Either change the line type to a non-trigger, or add a tag (and the sector it affects). E0507: Line 78: tag, but no trigger What's this line supposed to do? Either remove the tag or make the line some kind of trigger. E0508: Sector 77 has invalid tag -3 Similar to E0503, but a different error message. (Programmers!) Either remove the tag or make it a legal one (>0). E0509: Tag 54 is used by sector 87, but not by any lines You've tagged this sector, but there's no corresponding line with the same tag, so what's supposed to happen? Either remove the tag or go make some line do something. E0510: Line 46: teleport trigger with >1 exit (skill 1&2, single-player) There should only be one teleport exit per tag, and you've got two that share the same tag. Go make one of them different. E0511: Line 45 is a switch line with 2 sides Since manual switches are usually associated with textures, you might have a problem here. The player isn't going to know that a switch exists at this point. You might be doing this on purpose if you have several manual switch lines stacked in front of a switch texture, but you might want to check anyway. E0512: Line 543 is a walking trigger with only 1 side It's a walking trigger line, but you can't walk across it. Give the line a second side, or remove the trigger, or make it a manual trigger. I0513: More than 30 moving floors (32) If the number of simultaneous moving plats goes over 30, the engine is going to have a problem. This message shows you the potential for your map, but it says nothing about whether they'd all be moving at the same time. I0514: Sector 13 has a 667 tag, only useful on MAPS 7 & 32 This tag is used to make sectors move when certain monsters die, but it only takes effect on MAPS 7 and 32. If your map is destined to end up in one of these slots, all is well, but if not, you may want to do something about it. E0515: Lines 23 and 543 are teleport exits with the same tag Since you're only supposed to come in one place, these line-to-line teleport exit lines should have unique tags. E0517: Sector 23 is PUSH-enabled, but not tagged to control line The PUSH enable bit in this sector is set, but there's no controlling line to set the magnitude or direction. E0518: Teleport trigger w/o an exit There is no teleport exit Thing for this trigger line. E0519: Line 234: teleport trigger with >1 exit There is more than one teleport exit Thing for this trigger line. I0601: Should be hidden lines (not shown) on the automap (fix with -h): You'll get a set of line numbers following this message. This means that these are lines that you really don't need to show on the automap, and they're probably just making useless spiderwebs for the player to look at, and getting in the way of useful information. DCC can automatically correct these for you if you invoke the -h switch at run time and specify an output file. E0701: Line 54 should NOT use lower unpegging E0702: Line 34 SHOULD use lower unpegging E0703: Line 23 should NOT use upper unpegging These have to do with moving floors or ceilings. You should inspect these lines and their associated moving sectors, to make sure the visual effect is what you want. Sometimes you've done this on purpose (braces that move with lifts), but more often than not you've got moving textures that you really don't want to be moving. E0801: Found Red keys, but no Red doors E0802: Found Blue doors, but no Blue keys (skill 4&5, Co-op) E0803: Found keys, but no locked doors E0804: Found Any-key doors, but no keys in any skill E0805: Found 3-key doors, but no Yellow key (skill 1&2, Co-op) E0806: Found Red-Card doors, but no Red Cards (skill 3, single-player) E0807: Found 6-key doors, but no Blue Skulls in any skill These all have to do with the matchup of keys and locked doors, and are self-explanatory. You should correct these problems. If you're doing a TC, and you've replaced keys with other objects, just pretend they're keys when using DCC... E0808: Thing 17 is a key that doesn't appear in single-player mode You have a key that should appear in single-player mode, but doesn't. Your keyed door doesn't go away in single-player mode, so why have a key that goes away? E0809: More than one Red Skull (skill 1&2, Co-op)\n", E0901: There are NO secret sectors This isn't a real problem, but the accepted convention is that you should have at least one secret sector, even if it's one that the player HAS to walk through. That way, when he gets to the end, he'll definitely know whether he hit all the secrets or not. In deference to your audience, go tag a sector as a secret. I0902: Sector 56 is SECRET This is for your information only. You'll be able to count how many secret sectors are in your map. E1001: No exit! Hey! Do you want the player to STAY THERE? I1002: Sector 67 includes a regular exit Just so you know you've got an exit... I1003: Sector 56 includes a secret exit This is only useful on MAP15 and MAP31, so if your map isn't going to end up in these slots, you should remove this. I1004: Exit via BOSS death! You've got the ROMERO-HEAD in your level. That's OK, just thought you might like to know. If you're doing a TC, you might have someone else's head... References ---------- "The Unofficial DOOM Spec", v1.666 by Matt Fell. Robert Forsman's list of things to check for. I discovered this after I had already put my own list together, and had started coding. BOOM's boomref.txt file. Ty Halderman's seemingly unlimited knowledge. TeamTNT's massive beta test. Bug Reports ----------- If you find any bugs (in DCC, not in your level...), or have suggestions for other things that need checking, please send email to Change history since v1.01 -------------------------- v1.02 1. Added -s switch to tell DCC to ignore certain special effects. In v1.02, that includes messages E0121: Lines intersect I0126: Sectors are identical v1.03 1. Lines that share co-incident vertices are not flagged as intersecting. These lines are already reported by E0119: Vertices are identical 2. The 'E0119: Vertices are identical' message now reports the lowest line numbers using these vertices. 3. Added the I0132 message for detached lines. 4. Added these messages to the set that DCC ignores if the -s switch is set: E0119: Vertices are identical I0132: Line is detached v1.04 1. Fixed bug in 'are all sectors used?' code. 2. DCC wasn't finding things outside of map. Fixed. 3. DCC now won't complain if 666 and/or 667 line types are found on MAP07 or MAP32. 4. Removed some false negatives from the 'on the 64 grid' check. 5. Added check for monsters in deathmatch mode. v3.00 1. Removed the E0105 and E0107 errors. Working with the BOOM sources showed that these are valid situations. 2. Line type 666 can be used on any map, so it's no longer an error. 3. Added BOOM support. 4. Added I0111 to the list of special effects. Ignored if -s is set. v3.01 1. Fixed bug where an unknown Thing caused a Seg Violation.