Here is some small programs i have made. All programs can be found at infant2 in file GD_UTIL3.ZIP, this file replaces GD_UTIL2.ZIP. **** NEW **** DMPATCH With this program you can change 3 things: * Number of weapons to get when using IDKFA. DOOM ver 1.5beta and 1.6beta has default to 9, if you change this to 8 then you can use weapon 3 (shoutgun), if its 9 and when selecting 3 you get the Super Shougun which is not available in DOOM, (1.5beta crash and with 1.6beta you can't select shoutgun). * Number of keys to get when using IDKFA. If you only want's all weapons and full ammo and no keys enter 0 here. * A switch to enable cheating in nightmare mode. *** OLD **** SHOWMAP Shows MAP's in .WAD files. And print number of Weapons, Enemys and Starting points (both for Players and Deathmatch) Usage: SHOWMAP The file MODERN.FON must be in current directory! PLAYWAD This program look in the specified .WAD file and if there is a MAP to play it starts DOOM.EXE and warp you to the first MAP it finds. Usage: PLAYWAD [-1|2|3|4|5] -1 to -5 is the skill level to play (default -3). So if you wan't to play forest.wad in Nigthmare type something like this: PLAYWAD -5 FOREST.WAD DMPATC15 This program change DOOM.EXE version 1.5Beta so you can use IDKFA without to crash when you select weapon number 3 (shoutgun). DMPATC16 This program change DOOM.EXE version 1.6Beta so you can use IDKFA and then select weapon number 3 (shoutgun). COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: Gunnar Dahlstr”m