December 19, 1997

Title                   : The Forsaken Base
Filename                : q2dm3.bsp   
Author                  : Mike Daugherty (aka Jerkoff)
Email Address           :
Homepage		: 
Description             : Deathmatch level for Quake 2
Additional Credits to   : id Software, for Quake
                          Ben Morris, for Worldcraft
			  Thanks to all who helped test this out.

---------------Play Information---------------

Level Name              	: The Forsaken Base
Single				: To explore
Deathmatch 2-12 players		: YES.. I haven't tested that many players, but 
				the map has 12 spawns.

Comments                : This map is based on the original "Abandoned Base(DM3)" 
			by id Software. This is not a COMPLETE ripoff of dm3. 
			There are MANY things that are alot different, some for 
			better, some for worse. I basicly just kept the overall 
			layout of the level, and added things as I went. 
			As far as I know, this is the largest Quake2 DM level so far...
			NOTE: This is built ENTIRELY from scratch. :)


Base            : built from scratch 
Build Time      : about 3 days (avg. 4 hours a day)
Entities	: 226
Brushes		: 691
BSP file size	: 1.15mb            

---------------Compile Info--------------
qbsp3 : 21 seconds
qvis3 -level 4 : 1436 seconds
qrad -extra : 4852 seconds

On a Pentium 200 MMX running win95 with 32mb ram.

Editor(s) used  : Worldcraft 1.5b Reged and the 3 q2 texture wads
Known Bugs      : None that I know of.

---------------Legal Stuff---------------

You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation.
But go ahead ask me anyway :)

**** Where to get this MAP and my others **** 

Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of quake2\baseq2 called maps,
(ie c:\quake2\baseq2\maps)
Then run quake2.
Go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in
"map mapname".
The .bsp extension should not be typed in, and neither the inverted commas.