Title                   : The Bug Vile
Date                    : 9-11-98
Filename                : iodine1.bsp
Author                  : Nuklearic Death(Bug) - Richard Heath
Email Address           : godzilla@bulloch.com
Home Page               : www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/4171
						  (soon to be moved from here and much more added)
Other maps by author    : So far this is my first map(ok a revision of my
						  first map) but I plan to have more released one

Description             : This is my first map for Quake2. This is actually
						  a map I made before and just redid it to make it
						  look a ton better. The original map was called
						  bugvile.bsp and was in bugvile.zip. I decided
						  some of the areas needed spicing up and noticed
						  that I had left out a few clip brushes here and
						  there so I decided to revise it. It is a dark
						  deathmatch map using black metals. Any complaints,
						  compliments, suggestions, tips, or whatever would
						  be greatly appreciated. The level design and 
						  architecture were all completely thought up by
						  me. I used only light fixtures to give off
						  light and no light entities. I did this to try
						  and create the most realistic lighting I could
						  achieve. Also a note on the lighting is that I
						  cannot see colored lighting so this was a blind
						  attempt to use it.


* Play Information *

Single Player           : Just for looking around
Cooperative             : No.
Deathmatch              : Yes (8 start points; play with 16 if you like)
Difficulty Settings     : No.
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No.
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : No.

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch(ok so my bugvile original)
Editor(s) used          : BSP
Known Bugs              : none
Build Time              : 2 weeks(because of school and ideas)
Compile Time            : 8 hours

To install all you have to do is unzip the iodine.bsp into:


or wherever you installed quake as long as it goes into the baseq2/maps
area other wise it won't work. Then to run it you go into quake and pull
down the console by pressing the tilde(~)key and type:

map iodine1

* Copyright / Permissions *

All the architecture in this level is made by me, so I have
the rights to do anything I want with it. 

Anyone who wants to include this level into a set of levels or sell it
in something like a new Quake2 mission pack or whatever should ask me first,
though I would consider it an honor if offered. 