 Title                   : DayLight
 Filename                : q2dm99.bsp
 Author                  : X-man [Bart van Eeden] 
 Email Address           : bve@dse.nl
 Description             : This map was inspired by the well known 
			   id-deathmatch levels. In fact the map is 
			   built up from two different maps which were
			   merged togerther when I got sick of all that
			   'half-finished' crap is was making.
 Additional Credits to   : the map designers at id for inspiring me.
			   RUST at www.gamedesign.net for providing me
			   the necessary information.
			   The NoDeNs crew for a little beta testing and
			   Mr. Massacre for launching this map on 
			   the internet.

* Play Information *

 Deathmatch 2-7          : yes, 2-on-2 or 4 ffa recommended
 Deathmatch 8-100        : I doubt it...

* Construction *

 Build Time      : 2 weeks
 Compile Time    : Couple of houres...
 Editor(s) used  : QERadiant (ofcourse..)
 Known Bugs      : None that I know of. (if you like to contact me 
		   about them, i'd appreciate it.)

* Distribution *

 Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build 
 additional levels.

 This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet 
 and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put 
 this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without 
 my permission. 

 this is to be freely distributed...if you payed money
 for it then you more than likely got dicked over.

* Where to get more like this *

 Take a look at Matty's Quake Page, at http://surf.to/q3arena/
 here you can download all my maps.