Tower5.bsp (Crystal Tower) Author: Tumah H. Contact: Release Date: 12-11-1998 2:00 AM This is my first map (that i sucessfully completed without it going wierd on me ;-) for Quake II. After hearing numerous accusations that Quake II is "too dark" I thought I'd show that it's up to the map maker if (s)he wants it dark or not, and so "Crystal Tower" was born. I was learning as i went with this map, as that will explain why some things aren't in this map (water for instance). It's intended as a DM level. Though i do plan on making some 3TCTF/CTF maps in the future and maybe a SP adventure down the road. Feel free to distrubute this provided that this readme file is kept intact with it. Have fun! ---southpaw (*sfbgsouthpaw on the zone, sfsouthpaw415 on Geeky Tidbits :-) Editor used: Quark QBSP3 Build Time: 13 seconds QVIS3 Build Time: 49 seconds ArghRad 1.5 Build Time: 4 min. 5 seconds Time to create: Don't ask ;-) *coffee is my friend* Known Bugs/Querks/interesting things: #1 You can get stuck if you jump off the tower (in an attempt to retrieve the chaingun/red armor) and land in the space b/t the spear and floor, if you're lucky, you'll have a RL to blast yourself free, if not, ask somebody to rail you ;-) #2 Going down the tower requires you to duck on the second highest level, (connecting platform is low) this is intentional, put it in because i can ;-). #3 Areas that are very dark are dark for a reason (read:explore ;-P ). Special Thanks: The STATIC clan for testing and helping me beef up the powerups (they were a bit sparse originally) to add to the chaos. And to everyone who has encouraged me with words of support and the occasional (oh whoah cool!). My Computer PII 233mhz 96MB SDRAM 16MB AGP 2X STB Velocity 4400 TNT Additional Notes: Since i build and tested this on a TNT system, I'm not sure how all the lighting will look with other setups, so be forewarned. ---------------------------------------END README-------------------------------------