This is a new patch by PRO-MAGNON! ---------------------------------- It makes it so that a score is tallied for each level... Grunt = 50 points, dog = 35 points, etc... You get bonuses for gibbing, picking up items, artifacts, not getting hit, etc. It also fixes the annoying pseudo-bug which makes you only lose 5 health even when you fall miles down. You gib if you fall more than 4 stories, any further, and you gib worse. (Unless you have armour... or the pentagram of protection) MAIL YOUR TOP SCORES TO: LAWSON@GLOBAL.CO.ZA - I want to put up a scoreboard at: Please don't cheat! (You lose your score if you cheat, anyway...) INSTALLATION ============ 1) Make a directory from your quake directory, and go there: cd\quake md scores cd scores 2) copy the zip file there, and unzip it. copy c:\downloads\ . pkunzip 3) go to your quake directory: cd\quake 4) start quake as normal, except add "-game scores" to the end of the parameters. quake -sspeed 8000 +map e1m1 -game scores or quake -game scores or quake -nosound -game scores 5) send me your top score. OTHER CHANGES ============= When a player enters a game, it says to him "Welcome, !" If it's deathmatch, it adds "NOW PREPARE TO DIE!" Player tried to exit during "NOEXIT 1" mesage is altered. BUGZ ==== Please report them to LAWSON@GLOBAL.CO.ZA! EXTRA ===== Can someone try this co-op? I'm not sure how it works... I think the score will become the combined score... not each person's score... but I am not so sure. Now go forth and gib!